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Stem Robotics and Programming In this class you will be part of a team. Your team will be programming a robot to make it do things.

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Presentation on theme: "Stem Robotics and Programming In this class you will be part of a team. Your team will be programming a robot to make it do things."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stem Robotics and Programming In this class you will be part of a team. Your team will be programming a robot to make it do things.

2 Stem Robotics and Programming You will learn how to program robots by reading slides and watching videos. Questions will lead you through the material and check if you are understanding it.

3 Behavior Expectations: 1.Do the Right Thing! (follow directions and procedures) 2. Take care of yourself (build your future and stay safe) 3. Take care of others (respect them and their stuff) 4. Take care of the place (and it’s stuff) 5. Give Your Personal Best! (start by staying on task)

4 Behavior Consequences: Verbal warnings Demerits Parent communication Referral to the Principal

5 Warning: a few demerit earning behaviors Horseplay Teasing Talking out Being out of your seat (especially at the bell)

6 Procedures: Tardiness is being outside the door when the bell rings. Enter the classroom quietly and immediately go to your seat. Materials Managers will get robots and parts as needed by signing them out and back in.

7 Procedures: Immediately after being seated: Find the day’s assignment on the classes wiki page. Log into your wiki. Open the Robotics Engineering lesson you are working on. Open the LEGO programming software.

8 Internet Use: The class’s wiki, your wiki, and the online grades are the only sites you can visit unless directed otherwise. Going to other websites will earn a demerit. The Internet will be used for class purposes only.

9 Goals: 1. Students will work together to solve engineering challenges and gain an understanding of robotics.

10 Goals: 2. Students will work together to write programs allowing a robot to accurately complete certain tasks.

11 Goals: 3. Students will learn the math required to program robots.

12 Cooperative Group Roles Students will work in cooperative groups. Each person in a group will have a different role with responsibilities. The Captain The Programmer The Timekeeper The Materials manager

13 The Captain- Keeps their area in top, "shipshape," condition. Keeps the team together with no one left behind.

14 The Programmer- Makes sure everyone knows what each programing block does.

15 The Timekeeper- Keeps everyone on-task and on schedule. Knows what should be accomplished each day.

16 The Materials Manager- Takes care of the robot and its parts.

17 Classwork: Each topic consist of two lessons and they must be done in order. Students should finish one lessons every Two class periods at the very least.

18 Classwork: Learning will be digitally documented by each student on individual wiki pages making an engineer's notebook. Students must do the applied mathematics in the lessons to pass the math on the quizzes.

19 Classwork: Learning will be digitally documented by each student on individual wiki pages making an engineer's notebook. Students must do the applied mathematics in the lessons to pass the math on the quizzes.

20 Grading: Quizzes, Tests, and Challenges 50% Participation 10% Wiki: Worksheets and Engineer's Notebook 40%

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