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Charleston Defense Contractors Association

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1 Charleston Defense Contractors Association
22 April 2010

2 Recognizing Partners ESN – Past Mentor Protégé
Mercom – Current Mentor Protégé Information Technology Coalition - Current Mentor Protégé ISHPI - NGA Geocent – Nites & SOA Shoreland Solutions - HLS SP Systems - . NASA .Satellites . NSWC

3 General Dynamics Information Systems & Technology
Advanced Information Systems Leading provider of transformational mission solutions through advanced software development and electronics systems design and integration. Leading European supplier of integrated avionics and mission systems. General Dynamics UK Leader in command and control, communications networking, computing and information assurance hardware and products. C4 Systems A leading top-tier integrator of information technology, systems engineering and professional services with the mission understanding, domain expertise and proven performance to manage large-scale, mission-critical IT programs. Information Technology

4 General Dynamics Websites*


6 The Real Key to Teaming….
Be proactive and selective in your marketing efforts! Do your homework!

7 Our Database Provides Teaming Partners
Go to Select “Partners” page Register INCLUDE: Descriptive capability keywords E.g.: Network engineering, not IT Not: See attached brochure Specific customer areas E.g.: DOD / Navy/ NAVSEA /NUWC not Federal Government Can add corporate briefings and other documents – highly recommended This Database is searchable – We use it to find teaming partners!

8 So How Can You Work With Us?
Review understand what we do and fit with your company Always present yourself professionally CEO or senior executives – develop relationship with prime Clear s, voice messages Use good business etiquette Send informative, concise, well-written and purposeful s Focus on past performance, capabilities, customer knowledge, added-value Show understanding of company to which you are sending Limit attachments, watch grammar, spelling, full signature, show trail Register and keep information up to date Focus on having opportunity-driven meetings Network at selected events that fit your marketing focus – meet managers Develop relationships, outstanding past performance and TRUST!

9 General Dynamics IT: Opportunity-Driven Approach
Research, events, customer knowledge Small Business Contact Teaming Guidelines Telephone, , Referral Small Business Center Work with Small Businesses and Managers Teaming Opportunity Database Registration Passive approach Pro-Active approach Manager Introductions Teaming Database Marketing Activities Considered for Teaming Business Opportunity Prime or Sub Searches

10 Agenda Items Who is General Dynamics Information Technology?
Differentiating your business AKA getting a prime’s attention! Marketing in the U.S. Government sector Beyond capabilities Research and capture planning Calling on primes Successful teaming Conclusion


12 A Good Small Business Partner Considerations
Core capabilities and past performance Price Personnel experience Resource availability and HR stability Locations Financial solvency Reputation Organizational conflict of interest (OCI) Dependable, a team player, and responsive Easy to work with on projects Follow-through and follow-up!

13 How Can You Add Value?

14 Understand Your Market Focus
What are your strengths and core capabilities? What types of past performance do you have? Where is your current work today? What areas do you want to grow in? Is the market growth there to support it?

15 Understand Your Market Focus
What are your strengths and core capabilities? What types of past performance do you have? Where is your current work today? What areas do you want to grow in? Is the market growth there to support it?

16 Understanding the Customer
Utilize Market Research Read and Learn about your customer Reports Articles / Websites Performance Plans Understanding of mission, goals, objectives and programs Network through conferences and professional associations Develop a core of trusted teaming partners Obtain knowledge of U.S. government contracting Understanding of rules / agreements Government purchase cards Line of credit CAGE Code, Dun and Bradstreet, NAICS, ITAR Certification Databases: CCR, DSBS (Pronet), ORCA, VetBiz Focus, Focus, Focus! Do Your Homework First!

17 Differentiating Yourself Know Customers
Understand potential customers: Purchasing history, price Cost sensitivity Budget for your product or service Problems — help them solve! Desire to solve the problem — do they have $? Desire to work with your company — do they need you? Past and future buying requirements Procurement forecasts Main primes Major competitors Develop a clear roadmap of where you want to go and how you will get there

18 Capture Planning Develop Specific Opportunities
Develop a contact plan What issues for discussion Where is the information When should we get the information Why talk with specific people Make contacts Listen to prospective customers Develop a trust relationship with customer Gather information Incumbent strengths and weaknesses Grow trusted relationship with the customer Customer priorities Funding sources Plan When to show how you will solve a customer’s problem Strategic and contingency hires Gather other data Competitor analysis Cost estimates Win theme

19 Don’t Sell Capabilities — Uncover Customer Problems and Opportunities, Then Offer Solutions!

20 Understanding the Prime
Drivers of behavior What the prime looks for in a subcontractor What the prime looks for in small business Previous relationships Understanding Requirements Programs Customer

21 Getting the Prime’s Attention
Calling on the Prime Opportunity-driven approach Research first! Check company web sites Talk to contacts Read the government and technology journals Know “hot buttons” Attend government industry days and focused events Prepare “elevator” speech but cater it to organization and/or company Prove real interest Follow through on actions and requests! Be responsive Show enthusiasm! Do your homework first!

22 Steps to Successful Teaming
Focus on a customer area – narrow it down… Map out who has what contract – exercise that allows you to focus on the customer Do you know the customer? Do you know how to obtain information? Timing – teaming way ahead of the deal (18-24 months out) Working on next year and beyond Know who you are talking to? Understand roles of: Capture mgrs Proposal mgrs Be prepared for discussions Read the RFP first, if available (or know what the real opportunity is about) RFP requirement and your fit — tell us: Related niche or capability areas Related past experience Customer knowledge and experience Why your company? Why are you seeking out this Prime to team? Make sure you are registered with the Prime (if applicable) For example: Go to — Partners page MATRIX Key to Teaming - Be proactive and selective in your marketing efforts!

23 Successful Small Businesses*
Four major themes for successful small businesses: Do their homework On customers, their mission, budgets, etc. Participate in outreach and networking events Selectively, based on market focus Understand the federal procurement system Understand contracting, IDIQs, standalone contracts, etc. Understand concept of teaming Joint ventures, teaming arrangements, prime/sub, mentor-protégé relationships, etc. * Kevin Boshears, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) Director, DHS

24 Closing the Deal – Getting on the Team
Know the contracting details NDA / TA / Attachments (SOW) Ask about the decision making process / selection process Internal Prime discussions Meetings with small businesses Database searches PM /CM decision authority Basis for teaming decisions – Why this company? Why this individual? Behind the scenes discussion Value brought to the table Thought process behind selection Understand what you bring to the Prime Be able to cite reasons Differentiators / Value Relationships /Support If you are late to the table - get your hands on the RFP! Approaching the prime after they win

25 Successful Small Businesses*
Four major themes for successful small businesses: Do their homework On customers, their mission, budgets, etc. Participate in outreach and networking events Selectively, based on market focus Understand the federal procurement system Understand contracting, IDIQs, standalone contracts, etc. Understand concept of teaming Joint ventures, teaming arrangements, prime/sub, mentor-protégé relationships, etc. * Kevin Boshears, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) Director, DHS

26 Seven Golden Rules* Winners constantly do the following:
Winners win because they know and are known by the client.  They are known by the Source Selection Board.  They have met with top managers, mid-level managers, and the government’s technical staff.  They do demonstrations.  They know the client’s real requirements and dreams.  They know the client’s price.  They earn the client’s trust and confidence.  * Advantage Consulting, Newsletter, 2/10/04

27 And don’t forget to have fun along the way!
Conclusion It’s hard work Work smart — focus, focus, focus Understand Government business, contracting and rules of engagement Understand needs then discuss solutions, not capabilities Understand and follow primes processes, tools and interests Develop an opportunity-driven approach The five Ps: Plan your strategy and approach Prepare to implement your action plan Stay persistent in your efforts Remain patient with time Practice proactive marketing Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance And don’t forget to have fun along the way!

28 Small Business Partnerships
Contact Information General Dynamics IT – Fairfax, VA - HQ Small Business Center Small Business Partnerships Ludmilla Parnell Director, Business Development Small Business Partnerships (703)


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