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AP Human Geography Week #3 Fall 2014. AP Human Geography 9/15/14 OBJECTIVE: Examine the different types of culture & the concept.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Human Geography Week #3 Fall 2014. AP Human Geography 9/15/14 OBJECTIVE: Examine the different types of culture & the concept."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Human Geography Week #3 Fall 2014

2 AP Human Geography 9/15/14 OBJECTIVE: Examine the different types of culture & the concept of culture. APHugIII-A.4 Language objective: Write about culture. I. Complete Film: Inside North KoreaInside North Korea -finish film questions from Friday II. Journal#6 -notes on culture Homework: Read p 29-33 NOTICE: Chapter#1 Test Monday Sept 22 nd

3 Due Monday ! Due Monday September 22 nd at the beginning of class: 1.) Guided reading 1.1 2.) Guided reading 1.2 3.) Chapter#1 Review pt.I 4.) Chapter#1 Review pt.II

4 Culture Culture is the man-made part of the environment. (It is learned & passed on) Cultural trait is a single attribute of a culture such as chopsticks. Cultural region is a portion of the earth occupied by people who share cultural traits such as religions, languages, political organizations, etc. Cultural realm-is a large segment of the earth with uniformity in cultural characteristics such as “Latin America”

5 Acculturation-immigrant populations take on enough of the values, attitudes and customs of the receiving society to function economically and socially. Assimilation-the complete blending with the host culture and the loss of most if not all of a groups previous distinctive ethnic traits. Syncretism-the process of fusing the immigrant culture with the native or adjacent culture. E.g. Haitian mix of Catholic and African voodoo religious practices, Tex- Mex cuisine in the Southwest. Cultural convergence-the sharing of technologies, cultural traits and artifacts among widely separated societies.

6 Cultural Hearth-centers of innovation and invention, the center or cradle of a culture.

7 Cultural perceptions-like perceptual regions, there are many intangible elements that define a region’s personality. Consider the South as a Cultural Region; –Houses with porches –Foods like grits, greens and cornbread. –Drawl or dialects like Cajun. –Southern Baptist-Bible Belt –Slow pace of life and courtesy, hospitality.


9 Homework Tonight Read p.29-33 Begin working on Chapter#1 Review.

10 AP Human Geography 9/16/14 OBJECTIVE: Complete examination of the concepts in Chapter#1. APHugIII-A.2 Language Objective: Write about diffusion. I. Administrative Stuff -attendance & homework help II. Quiz#3 III. Journal#7 -notes on diffusion Homework: Continue working on Ch#1 Review NOTICE: Chapter#1 Test Monday Sept 22 nd

11 Cultural Diffusion Cultural diffusion or spatial diffusion is the spread of an idea or innovation from its source to other cultures. Diffusion occurs through the movement of people, goods or ideas. Carl Sauer focused on cultural diffusion in his book Agricultural Origins and Dispersals (1952)

12 Types of Diffusion There are two main types of Diffusion: Expansion Diffusion –The spread of an item or idea from one place to others. In the process it remains and often strengthens in the origin area. Contagious diffusion-rapid widespread diffusion by direct contact. Affects all areas uniformly as it spreads outward. E.g. the spread of Islam. Hierarchical diffusion-or cascade diffusion-the process of spreading ideas first between large cities and only later to smaller cities. Stimulus diffusion-the spread of an underlying principle even though the main idea is not spread. E.g. industrialization Relocation Diffusion –The innovation or idea is physically carried to new areas by migrating individuals or populations. E.g. Christianity brought to the New World by missionaries and colonists.

13 A Contagious Diffusion B Hierarchical Diffusion


15 Examples Expansion diffusion has a snowball effect-it gains momentum as it moves. It is happening much more rapidly today due to the technology of fax machines, computers, the internet, satellite links for TV, telephone, etc. Another example of contagious diffusion-spread of soccer as a college sport-Eastern ivy-league schools first. Hierarchical diffusion is also known as cascade diffusion-ideas spread from nodes of power or authority to other nodes of power-AIDS, Christianity, Hip-hop music, rap and the use of the fax machine are all examples of Hierarchical diffusion. The early 19th century Cholera outbreak in the US was an example of relocation diffusion and hierarchical diffusion-it spread from city to nearby city via water transportation-it spread slowly until the railroad network spread it much more rapidly via relocation diffusion.


17 –Time-distance decay-the farther away and the longer it takes to reach an area, the less likely it will be adopted. –Cultural barriers may pose obstacles to cultural diffusion- taboos or religious beliefs. –Cultural lag-when a social group is economically or psychologically unresponsive to change. Factors that delay diffusion

18 Examples The friction of distance is being reduced as technology improves transportation and communication. Religious beliefs that do not condone contraception would be reluctant to adopt a new medical breakthrough in contraception. The Amish - due to religious beliefs they do not use cars, electricity, telephones, etc., thus new technology like the Internet, etc. are not adopted by them.

19 Homework Tonight Continue working on Chapter#1 Review.

20 AP Human Geography 9/17/14 OBJECTIVE: Examine the U.S. Constitution & complete examination of culture. APHugIII-A.4 Language objective: Write about the Constitution & Scotland. I. Journal#8 pt.A -Where 'Smoke-Free' Isn't the Norm: Global Tobacco Use Booms in Developing WorldWhere 'Smoke-Free' Isn't the Norm: Global Tobacco Use Booms in Developing World II. Journal#8 pt.B -The UK Explained & The History of the Union JackThe UK ExplainedThe History of the Union Jack -Read “Scotland Devolution” p.256 -Notes on ScotlandNotes on Scotland -What would a new U.K. be called?What would a new U.K. be called? III. Journal#8 pt.C -notes on film about the U.S. Constitutionnotes on film about the U.S. Constitution Homework: Review for Ch#1 Test NOTICE: Chapter#1 Test Monday Sept 22 nd

21 Haven’t we been through this before? Well, yes. Sort of. In 1979, there was a referendum for “Scottish devolution,” which would have meant shifting some major governing powers from London to Scotland. For example, the vote would have given Scotland the power to set tuition costs at public universities along with the income tax rate. But to pass, it required a yes vote from at least 40 percent of Scotland’s entire population, and while it received a majority among voters, it fell short of that threshold. In 1997, the Labour party reclaimed power, and another referendum for devolution was held. The Scottish Parliament was then established, and some powers, including the income tax rate, were transferred to Edinburgh, Scotland and away from the UK Parliament at Westminster.

22 Homework Tonight Continue working on Chapter#1 Review.

23 AP Human Geography 9/18/14 OBJECTIVE: Examine world current events and review for the Chapter#1 test. APHugVI-B.4 Language objective: Write about globalization. I. Administrative Stuff -attendance II. Quiz#4 III. Read “Types of Boundaries” p.261 IV. 2012 FRQ#1 on walls2012 FRQ#1 -questions on film about globalization Homework: Study for the Ch#1 Test NOTICE: Chapter#1 Test is Monday Sept 22 nd !

24 Directions Directions: You have 75 minutes to answer all three of the following questions. It is recommended that you spend approximately one- third of your time (25 minutes) on each question. It is suggested that you take up to 5 minutes of this time to plan and outline each answer. While a formal essay is not required, it is not enough to answer a question by merely listing facts. Illustrate your answers with substantive geographic examples where appropriate. Be sure that you number each of your answers, including individual parts, in this booklet as the questions are numbered below.

25 2012 FRQ question#1 1. Walls and other barriers built by countries to establish their borders are some of the oldest and most controversial elements in the cultural landscape. a. Identify three examples of walls or other barriers built by countries in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. b. Explain the purpose of one of the examples you identified in part a. c. For each of the categories listed below, discuss a consequence faced by countries as a result of walls or other barriers established along their borders. i. social or political ii. economic iii. environmental

26 Homework Tonight Finish Chapter#1 Review & study for the Chapter#1 Test.

27 AP Human Geography 9/19/14 OBJECTIVE: Examine world current events and review for the Chapter#1 test. APHugVI-B.4 Language objective: Write about globalization. I. Administrative Stuff -attendance II. Film: Is Wal-mart Good for America? -questions on film about globalization Homework: Study for the Ch#1 Test NOTICE: Chapter#1 Test is Monday Sept 22 nd !

28 Scotland, votes No! Chief counting officer Mary Pitcaithly declared the result at the Royal Highland Centre in Edinburgh.

29 Due Monday ! Due Monday at the beginning of class. 1.) Guided reading 1.1 2.) Guided reading 1.2 3.) Chapter#1 Review pt.I 4.) Chapter#1 Review pt.II

30 Homework Tonight Study for the Chapter#1 Review.

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