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EARMA in a nutshell Presented on behalf of EARMA Board European Association of Research Managers and Administrators

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1 EARMA in a nutshell Presented on behalf of EARMA Board European Association of Research Managers and Administrators

2 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators EARMA IN A NUTSHELL  A voluntary, non-profit organisation which acts for and behalf of its members to assist them in their day-to-days jobs and allows them opportunities to develop and share their talents for the benefit of their institutions  EARMA IS ITS MEMBERSHIP!  Our mantra: “ Contribute Influence Change ”

3 60 Institutional members..and growing! 180 Individual members...and growing! 300 Annual Conference Participants >500 Website users 31 countries European Association of Research Managers and Administrators Annual Conference 2012 – 9-11 July Dublin European Research Area Working Group Professional Development Working Group Training events: Innovation Private Funds Membership Benefits Hyperion Research Professional NCURA- EARMA Fellowship Exchange Program Networking INORMS 2012 13-16 May Copenhagen Policy: Simplification Framework Programme IT-Tools Bi-monthly newsletter LINK- Magazine Website EARMA OVERVIEW

4 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators EARMA Membership Profile  Membership Base:  Growth in institutional membership and Stable overall (despite recession!)  Members in nearly all EU and Associated States  A wide range of expertise (contracts, legal, financial, proposal writers)  HOWEVER we are aiming to grow membership  Currently embarking on membership campaign:  “EARMA Ambassadors” appointed based on experience and geographical coverage

5 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators EARMA BOARD: Current Policies and Activities (1)  Continuing to Build Positive Relationships with Commission  Networking with key organisations  Explore new funding opportunities  E.g. Meetings with senior officials S I M P L I F I C A T I O N  E.g. Recent Link with institutional HR Resources Group in EC Currently preparing submissions to EC relating to Research management training

6 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators EARMA Board: Current Policies and Activities (2)  Support improvements to EC IT Tools  Look at how research managers should address “innovation”  Currently establishing Working Group ( Possible later meeting with Commission services)  Event from ERA Working Group, February 2012, “ RESEARCH FROM IDEAS TO PRODUCTS: The Role of European universities and enterprises in the innovation process”

7 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators EARMA Board: Current Policies and Activities (3)  Professionalisation of research management  Look at how research managers should address “innovation”  Establishment of new Working Group  Follow up discussions from Paris event

8 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators EARMA Board: Current Policies and Activities (4)  Improve EARMA internal and external communications  Develop ‘Network of Networks’  New Communications Strategy Developed  E.g. with ECI …and perhaps now this network!

9 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators AN INTRODUCTION to EARMA WORKING GROUPS AND COMMITTEES: EARMA WORKING GROUPS AND COMMITTEES: The working groups of EARMA represent a key way in which members can make a vital contribution to EARMA, whilst offering a means for developing their own careers

10 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators ERA Working Group  Members:  Anne KatrinWerenskioldMax-Planck Institute für Biochemie (Chair) GERMANY  Michela Bertero, CRG, Spain  AnnaGroeninx van Zoelen Leiden University, NETHERLANDS  PirjoKontkanenUniversity of Helsinki, FINLAND  ZygmuntKrasinskiPolish Academi of Sciences, POLAND  DavidLauderUniversity of York (Board), UK  YuliaMatskevichBrunel University, UK  VanessaRavagniUniversita degli Studi de Trento, ITALY  JohnStringerBerkleyAssociates, BELGIUM  AIMS:  Identify policy issues of concern to members (Focus: ERA and Innovation Union)  Carry out studies and communicate results to Commission and membership  Hold events related to above

11 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators ERA Working Group: Outputs in last year  Contributed to:  EARMA Position Paper on Simplification  EARMA Position Paper (Innovation Union)  EVENT: The European Research Landscape and the Innovation Union (Brussels, February 2011)  EVENT: FP8 on the Horizon, (Brussels, November 2010)

12 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators New: Professional Development Working Group  Kristel Toom Estonia (CHAIR)  Emmanuel Batabunde Norway  Cristina Borras Spain  Katherine Boylan UK  Zygmunt Krasinsky Poland  JoséLeite Portugal  SusiPoli Italy  Susanne Rahner Germany (Board Rep.)  Denise Wallen US  Paula Wennberg Sweden  Lars Wikmann Sweden

13 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators PD WG Aims and overview  To develop systems to support member’s professional development  To develop and promote training courses for research managers and administrators  Divided into following sub-groups looking at specific issues:  Certification  Funding  Training  Communication  Partnership

14 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators Annual Conference Committee  Members:  Anna Groeninx van Zoelen, Leiden University, Netherlands (Chair)  John Donovan, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland, Board /local organiser (Dublin 2012)  Siegfried Huemer, TU Vienna, Austria, local organiser (Vienna 2013)  Oonagh Kinsman, Trinity College, Ireland, local organiser (Dublin 2012)  Laia Lagunas Vila, Research Support & Technology Transfer Office, Spain  David Lauder, University of York, UK, Board rep  Katrin Reschwamm, EURelations AG, Switzerland

15 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators Benefits of Membership  Contact with a wide network of professional research managers and administrators from more than 30 countries (European and global)  A bi-monthly professional publication, 'Link', focusing on important topics for research managers  A 3-day Annual Conference comprising keynote speeches, parallel presentations and workshops on relevant research management topics  An International Research Management Fellowship Exchange Programme between the US and Europe (under expansion)  Training events and activities  An interactive website with discussion forums and e-mail newsletters

16 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators Benefits of Membership  Information on international research management job vacancies  Opportunities for members to join Working Groups on topics relevant to their profession (e.g. FP7)  A Training & Integration Fund (TIF) to facilitate staff exchanges between Member organisations  A Brussels-based association with regular communications with the European Commission and policy-makers  Opportunities to share your professional experience with others and develop your career

17 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators Benefits of Membership: Professional Development  INTERACT with colleagues across Europe on issues affecting YOUR day-to-day job  MEET colleagues across Europe  LEARN about different research cultures  SHARE best practise  You will have access to courses at preferential rates e.g. HYPERION  You will be able to CONTRIBUTE to European funding debates, issues, working groups etc. (e.g. professional development Working Group)  Will help your institution and also help your career development

18 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators Statement from EARMA Chair, Jan Andersen “EARMA is a success! On the brink of a new framework program we are taking off as an association for the benefit of European Research. EARMA is a recognized and respected partner all over Europe and globally. This has been reached through hard work, honesty and reliability. It is a result of the joint commitment of members, the EARMA Working Groups and the Board. Openness and the strong urge to involve members in the formulation and carrying out of the EARMA Policy is the recipe that will also bring the association even further”. June 2012

19 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators What EARMA members have in common  We all want to share best practise and learn new ways to improve support at our own institutions  We support the further professionalisation of European research management  We want to network!  We want to get a fast track on latest policy developments!  We want to improve and simplify procedures for our researchers!  In SHORT: WE WANT TO CONTRIBUTE, INFLUENCE, CHANGE!!!

20 European Association of Research Managers and Administrators Thank you for listening!  On behalf of EARMA Board  Jan Andersen (Chair), University of Copenhagen, Denmark  Dr John Donnovan, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland  David Lauder, University of York, UK  Dr Milly Perry, Open University, Israel  Dr Susanne Rahner, YGGDRASIL, Germany  Ivo Bezecny, Mendel University, Brno, Czech Republic (until June 2012)  New member to be confirmed June 2012

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