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June 2, 2012 Board Meeting Finance Committee FY 2013 Budget.

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Presentation on theme: "June 2, 2012 Board Meeting Finance Committee FY 2013 Budget."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 2, 2012 Board Meeting Finance Committee FY 2013 Budget

2  Focus of the FY 2013 Budget Presentation will be:  Overview the revenue trends  Detail information on product sales (nut and candy and cookie sale)  Overview of major expense categories/assumptions

3  The following chart depicts the budget history from FY 2008-FY 2011 along with projections for FY 2012 and FY 2013


5  Public Support (~15% income) is comprised primarily of general contributions and grants from United Ways  A slight decline is projected for FY 2013.

6  The council conducts two product sales (~75% income):  Nut and candy in the fall  Cookie sale during the winter  The nut and candy sale is projected to yield $240,293 for FY 2013  The cookie sale is expected to yield $2,030,421 for FY 2013

7  Factors that drive this revenue source:  Number of girls registered and selling  Number of units sold  Competition with other fall fundraising activities primarily associated with the public schools  Limited advertising due to fall blackout period related to United Way campaigns





12  Factors that drive this revenue source:  Number of girls registered and selling  Number of cases sold  Reduced opportunities for booth sales  Training of troop leaders and parents  Weather





17  Council Shop sales  Program income  Other revenue  Reimbursements from GSUSA (non recurring)  Dormant troop accounts  Printing/PR income for outside organizations  Shipping income

18 $3,016,707

19  Personnel related costs represent 65% of budget  38 FT and 3 PT employees  Salaries ($1,499,038)  The FY 2013 Budget does not provide any salary adjustment for staff - 5th year salary freeze  Staff is completing information on individual positions to submit to GSUSA to determine appropriate salary levels for each position  After receipt of the GSUSA information more discussion will be undertaken with the Finance Committee

20  Health Insurance  The proposed budget reflects a 20% increase in premiums affected January 1, 2013  Currently Council pays 80% with employees paying 20% of the monthly premium  Retirement  The Council is required to pay $156,036 annually as its share of the retirement plan deficit for 15 years,with 12 remaining

21  Administrative ($1,075,227)  Occupancy  Utilities, Property cost, Principal on debt  Professional fees  Travel (pay out 80% IRS mileage rate)  Program and office supplies  Conferences  Specific assistance to individuals  Miscellaneous  Bad debt, credit card and other bank service fees, obsolete inventory

22 $3,016,469 ------------- Net $238

23  Motion and discussion

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