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Presentation for PaDOT January 12, 2012. BCTA Services & Providers Fixed RouteDART Shared Ride Flex MATP DARTMileage Reimb. Fixed Rte Medic Rescue RJ.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation for PaDOT January 12, 2012. BCTA Services & Providers Fixed RouteDART Shared Ride Flex MATP DARTMileage Reimb. Fixed Rte Medic Rescue RJ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation for PaDOT January 12, 2012

2 BCTA Services & Providers Fixed RouteDART Shared Ride Flex MATP DARTMileage Reimb. Fixed Rte Medic Rescue RJ Rhodes BCTA PAAC In County Out of County % Rev Hrs - 54.8% % Psgrs. - 90.8% % Cost - 68.1% % Cost Rec – 32.2% % Rev. Hrs.- 45.2% % Psgrs. - 9.2% % Cost - 31.9% % Cost Rec – 65.2% MATP FY2010-2011 Psgrs. 140,536 MATP FY2010-2011 Cost $2,190,108 Requested FY2011-2012 Allocation $2,172,856 Approved FY2011-2012 Allocation $1,748,518 NOTE: All fixed route and DART statistics are estimated with 5 months actual data in FY 2011-12. MATP Data is based on actual FY 2010-11 information. % Total MATP psgrs. - 14.0% % total psgrs. 1.8% Heritage Valley System Wide Cost Recovery – 42.7% MATP is 24% of Shared Ride Trips







9 Major construction


11 More riders shifted to Fixed Route and loss of HSDF funding.


13 Express 4 (Service to Pittsburgh via I-376) Redistribute existing ridership to address standee problem Add 7:00 a.m. run and 5:45 p.m. run Need 27 new riders to recover direct operating expenses New run added in 2008 averages 44 passengers Purchase used coach funded with ARRA balance if approved. Implementation March or April 2012.

14 Ambridge, Aliquippa Bridge Closing New Shuttle Service planned for travel between Ambridge and Aliquippa. 100% funded by PADOT – District 11 2 year construction project starting in March – April 2012

15 BCTA Fleet Inventory Bus Number/Type Service Age (Yrs.) Mileage Overall Range Condition 2 57-psgr 45’ MCI Coaches Fixed Route 9 447,890/450,804 Fair 3 57-psgr 45’ MCI Coaches Fixed Route 10431,274/452,282 Fair 2 57-psgr 45’ MCI Coaches Fixed Route 7 315,190/321,146 Good 8 57-psgr 45’ MCI Coaches Fixed Route 5 197,361/229,012 Very Good 6 - 35’ Gillig Transit Buses Fixed Route 5 224,716/243,428 Very Good 1 - 12+2 Ford C&E/Phoenix DART 11 212,448 Poor 3 - 16+2 Ford C&E/Phoenix DART 10 200,350/213,845 Fair 6 - 12+2 Ford C&E/Phoenix DART 10 195,565/223,681 Good 4 - 12+2 Ford Challengers DART 6 86,757/119,115 Very Good 4 - 16+2 Ford Challengers DART 4 97,041/104,014 Good 2 - 12+2 Ford Challengers DART 4 76,109/76,647 Very Good 3 - 16+2 Ford Challengers DART 4 58,092/71,635 Excellent

16 BCTA Park ‘n Ride Locations BCTA Current Location Ownership Capacity Usage Rank Rochester Transp Ctr Rochester Yes1243 (Central) Expressway Travel Ctr Center Twp Yes201*1 (Airport Corridor) **Regional Park ‘n Ride Ambridge No1604 (South) Northern Lights Baden No1002 (Central) Giant Eagle Plaza Chippewa No 755 (North) *Demand exceeds current capacity ** BCTA and PAAC are tenants under a 29 year lease agreement with the Borough of Ambridge that began in 2003.

17 BCTA Facilities (RTC & ETC Facility improvements) Facility Completion Date Rochester Transp. Ctr.1. Façade Completed 13,000 sq. feet2. Terminal Completed ● Administrative3 Customer Service Center 2/12 ● Customer Service4. HVAC 8/31/2012 5. Roof 8/31/2012 6. Carpeting, Paint, Other 12/31/2012 Expressway Travel Ctr. 1. Gasoline Tank – DART Completed 80,000 sq. feet 2. Paving/Resurfacing Lot Completed ● Operations 3. 1 st Floor Renovations ● Maintenance A. Training Room Completed B. Drivers Room 2/12 C. Visitor’s Room 2/12 D. New Entrance Completed E. Maintenance Offices 2/12 F. Maintenance Lunch Room Completed G. Cosmetic, Elec., Lighting, Other 2/12 H. Outside Painting 4/12 I. Relocate Server Room Completed *NOTE: All ARRA funded projects including design, engineering, and construction.

18 Capital Projects (1 Replacement Cycle) Addition/ Estimated Unit Fixed Route F.Y. # Replacement Cost* Cost *Coach (used) 2011-12 1 A $150,000 $150,000 45’ Coaches 2013-14 2 R $1,350,000$675,000 45’ Coaches 2015-16 2 R $1,478,000$739,000 35’ Transit Bus 2015-16 6 R $2,880,000$480,000 45’ Coaches 2017-18 8 R $6,520,000$815,000 DART Ford E 450 2014-15 4 R $ 353,760 $88,440 Ford E 450 2015-16 4 R $ 371,440 $92,860 Ford E 450 2016-17 4 R $ 390,000 $97,500 Ford E 450 2017-18 4 R $ 409,500$102,375 Ford E 450 2018-19 4 R $ 429,960$107,490 *AARA Funding if approved*Costs based on diesel vehicles Current fleet of buses are diesel powered. Future DART buses will be gasoline until a determination is made on the use of CNG.

19 BCTA 2 Year Construction Update Primary Orig. Change Estim. Funding Bid Order Final Source Estim. Amt. Cost 1. RTC Terminal Improvements ARRA 143,697 6,435 150,132 2. RTC Cust. Serv./Façade Impr. ARRA 200,706 4,322 205,028 3. RTC Phase 1 Park ‘n Ride PTAF 38,010 14,375 52,385 4. RTC Phase 2 Park ‘n Ride 5307 365,924 21,995 387,919 5. ETC Phase 1 Park‘n Ride Paving ARRA 148,991 13,885 62,876 6. ETC Phase 2 Park’n Ride Improv. ARRA 255,619 7,835 263,454 7. ETC 1 st Floor Renovations ARRA 583,739 42,676 626,415 8. ETC 2 nd Story Design/Engr. ARRA 135,547 42,700 178,247 NET CHANGE $1,872,233 $154,223 $2,026,456 8.2% of original bid amount in change orders Rochester Roundabout Const. PCTI funding$1.8M $1.835m Note: Anticipated completion date on all projects is 2/12 with the exception of exterior painting at the ETC to be completed in Spring 2012.

20 BCTA ITS Initiative (Mentor Engineering, Inc.) Total Cost: $1,607,067 Targeted Project (Phase 1, 2, 3) Cost Completion Date 1.A. Fixed Route CAD-AVL $812,279 10/2012 1.B. Traveler Information Sys. $181,343 02/2013 1. Electronic Signage 2. Web-Based Information 2.DART – CAD-AVL $353,837 2014 3.IVR Solution $259,608 2014 1. Fixed Route (Inbound) 2. DART (Outbound) *Note: $625,000 of Discretionary ITS funding included in funding sources.

21 ATU Labor Agreement Contract Wage Provisions 2011 2012 2013 Driver Wage Rates F.Rte. DART F.Rte. DART F.Rte DART Starting 13.00 11.73 13.26 11.96 13.66 12.20 Top 14.23 13.01 14.66 13.27 15.10 13.54 Average 13.43 11.96 13.99 12.27 14.50 12.80 Increase % 3% 2% 3% 3% 2% 3% Job ClassificationFTEPTE Drivers 49 1 Fleet Technicians (Levels 1,2,3) 6 0 Facility Technician 1 0 Electronics Technician 1 0 Service Workers 5 0 Janitorial 2 0 BCTA Share Employee Share Health Careof Premium of Premium 2011 Union 78.4% 21.6% 2011 Non Union 82.2% 17.8% 2012 Union 75.5% 24.5% 2012 Non-Union 83.0% 17.0%

22 BCTA Fixed Route and DART Operating Budget vs. Actual Expenses FY2005-2012 NOTE: 2011-12 actual figure is estimated based on 5 months financial data. BCTA came in under budget an average of 5.4% from FY2005-2012. Expenses increased an average of 3.2% from FY2005-FY2012.

23 BCTA Trends Fixed Route and DART Operating Costs FY2005-FY2012

24 BCTA Projected Fixed Route and DART Operating Costs (FY 2012-2019) Does not include any service expansion, or any new facilities. Staffing levels remain at FY11-12 levels. Fare Increase for Fixed Route of $.25 in FY2013, 2016 and 2019. DART fare increase of $1.00 programmed in FY2013,2016 and 2019. Fuel budgeted at current year costs with 5% increase per year. Projected expenses average a 3.2% per year increase

25 BCTA Cost Recovery FY2005-FY2012 NOTE: 2011-12 actual figure is estimated based on 5 months financial data 65.2% 42.7% 32.2%

26 BCTA Cost Per Revenue Hour FY2005-FY2012 NOTE: 2011-12 actual figure is estimated based on 5 months financial data. Cost per hour increased in FY2010-2011 due to fixed route service reduction. $89.0 $78.0 $61.7

27 BCTA Cost Per Passenger FY2005-FY2012 NOTE: 2011-12 actual figure is estimated based on 5 months financial data $26.39 $6.35 $4.68

28 BCTA Cumulative Surplus/Deficit 10-Year Timeline BCTA’s management presents different funding, operating and capital assumptions in this form to the BCTA finance committee every year.

29 BCTA Current Financial Status Indicator (as of December 31, 2011) Indicator Debt$0 Receivables$0 (over 90 Days) Payables$0 (over 90 days) BCTA has not used its line of credit since FY2002-03 when the ETC was constructed.

30 BCTA Fixed Route Fare Policy Fixed Route Policy – Board Adopted Fixed Route fare increases will be reviewed annually by the Finance Committee as part of BCTA’s budget process. Fare increases will occur in smaller increments annually for a 3-year period, (e.g. 10 cents each year), or larger periodic increases, (e.g. 25 cents). Fare increases may occur system-wide or on individual routes or types of service (i.e. commuter or local). DART - A cost recovery goal of 75% BCTA’s Board of Directors has a 40% cost recovery standard for combined Fixed Route and DART.

31 BCTA Fixed Route Fare Increase July 2013 (Tentative) Fare CategoryCurrentProposed Base$ 2.00$ 2.25 Daily Pass$ 3.25$ 3.50 In County Fare $ 2.00$ 2.25 Out of County Fare$ 2.75$ 3.00 Express Fare (to Pittsburgh)$ 3.50$ 3.75 SeniorsFreeFree Disabled $1.00$1.10 Last Increase – Base (2009) Other (2008) Annual Revenue generated: $135,000 TO $175,000 depending on loss of ridership


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