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Technology Plan Argosy University
Instructional Technology Planning and Management– E7801 Professor Regina Merriwether, Ed. D. Technology Plan by Lawrence L. Bing
School Mission Statement/Technology Vision Statement
At Murphy our mission is to empower trough education and succeed through dedication. We set the standard!
Vision Statement: The vision of Murphy is to move beyond the past and challenge the present in present in order to face the future.
Technology Vision Statement:
The technology vision of Murphy Middle School is for all students to use developing technologies, for improving the teaching/learning process, and for enhancing the operation and supervision of the school. Through access to and efficient use of current telecommunications, instructional technology, and information technology, students and community members will enhance their basic academic skills, improve communication, and be more active in their roles as informed citizens
Needs Assessment (SWOT Analysis):
Strengths: Local support for Murphy Middle School and all of its programs remain strong. Teachers and students have become more comfortable with technology thereby reducing the amount of training needed. School website, and other accessible online programs, serves as a significant portal to parents and community members. Current curriculum strengths: Met Georgia Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) standards for the school terms. Grades 6, 7, and 8 consistently perform at a 75% or more pass rate on the Criterion Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) in the areas of Reading, English, and Language Arts. (This is a norm-referenced exam meaning student scores are compared or “normed” to all students across the country that takes this test) Flexible, secure, and easy to maintain network structure. Developing a strong reputation for providing up-to-date, cutting-edge technological training.
Weaknesses: The local tax base is insufficient to provide for all educational needs and expansion of technical equipment. There is not a budget devoted solely to technology or the maintenance there of. Current curriculum weaknesses: Grades 6,7, and 8 consistently perform below the state average on the CRCT in the areas of Science and Mathematics To meet future and current needs, a challenge remains to acquire adequate resources to provide necessary training, hardware, and software to facilitate successful technology integration. Location of the institution within the community and substandard workshop facilities.
Opportunities: The school will use technology to manage student records and longitudinal data for grades 6-8, and monitor results to inform and make improvements. With the use of technology, communication will improve which enables parents to respond in a focused way to their childs needs. Technology plan could result in the recruiting of skilled instructors and the best students.
Threats: The proposed technology plan may fail to get approval for implementation. Technology plan may not gain adequate funds to successfully implement and maintain the program. Budget restrictions may limit the updating or maintenance of technological equipment.
Technology Initiative Description
Technology is the most timely and efficient instrument for communication with families and the community. , classroom intercom systems, and electronic resources assist with promoting adult participation in student education. Technology is an infrastructure of cabling, hardware, and personnel that supports teachers and administrators as they strive to provide quality learning environments and activities for all students. We recognize the benefits of a technology-rich-environment that leads to high student performance and more effective time management of staff. It is Murphy Middle Schools goal to have 100% of our classrooms equipped with Internet access and our Media Center/Library be fully automated with networked computers for student use, a circulation station, and adequate work stations for students and personnel.
Goal Statements and Rationale:
All of the technology goals are tightly linked to district essential student learning and assessment strategies. Together by integrating the curriculum, standards, assessment results and resources into an online system, administrators will be able to identify deficiencies at the district, school, class and demographic levels. Other goals are that students will efficiently access, process, and communicate information through the use of technology; and staff will commit to integrating appropriate evolving technology into curricular areas, beginning with math, science, and writing. Policies, procedures, and guidelines for operating and maintaining the technology infrastructure are in place, reviewed, and revised as necessary. Security is maintained on both our local and wide area network with firewalls, virus protection and filtering software.
Objectives: Administrators and teachers will demonstrate effective use of the curriculum/assessment system to improve instruction. Up-to-date curriculum objectives, resources and critical assessment data will be accessible by teachers and administrators in a flexible database format. All educators will have access to tools and resources to integrate technology into their curriculum. Online reference sources will be accessible to all students and teachers. Students will learn and practice technology and academic performance standards. Student performance on the CRCT in the areas of Mathematics and Science will increase for grades 6-8. Student improvement in reading, math, and science will improve with the use of a unified approach to instruction with a focus upon state CRCT standards and assessment. This approach will emphasize instruction through the use of technological strategies including audio, visual, and concrete components needed to meet the diverse learning needs of students.
All teachers will participate in mandatory and on-going technology staff development and training.
Communication will be improved by providing all teachers, staff and student with access to technology systems including cable TV, electronic kiosks, and the school website and video-conferencing equipment. The school will standardize internal communication formats to identify student needs and available programs so personnel can respond appropriately. The school will implement opportunities for using videoconferencing as a means for communication in addition to teaching and learning. Communication will be improved by providing all parents with access student progress reports and upcoming school events
Hardware, Software, and Facility Resource Requirements:
Murphy Middle School must maintain an inventory of hardware, software, and network cabling. An additional 50 desk-top computers and 10 printers are needed. Through two network servers, MMS will provide high speed internet access to each classroom and administrative office in addition to the library. Projector devices and screens will be utilized. Murphy Middle School hosts a website which is maintained and updated by school faculty and staff. The following software will be used: Microsoft Office, Windows 7, Adobe Reader 8, Adobe Photoshop 8, internet explorer, Reading Counts, Geometry Sketchpad, and printer software. The facility must be wired appropriately, and in accordance to Georgia Board of Education safety standards, for internet reception. The school will ensure a facility with adequate power, security, and environmental conditions for the efficient operation of school servers.
Instructional resource requirements:
Instructional resources required include curriculum documents, released test items, instruction manuals, program of studies documents, textbooks, and the latest version of Flash Player installed to view modules.
Staff Development Plan:
Professional development activities and school improvement days serve as a sufficient means to assist in making necessary adjustments in the curriculum and instructional program. All teachers need to participate in significant technology integration training to facilitate new practices that increase student achievement. A well-planned, ongoing professional development program that is tied to the school's curriculum goals, designed with built-in evaluation, and sustained by adequate financial and staff support will be used. Because performance in areas such as Mathematics and Science has proved to be a necessary component of research for MMS, incorporating innovative teaching methods using technology to increase scores will be an integral part of training. Expectations from staff as a result of their professional development will be clearly defined within the technology workshops. Components for professional development that are sought after includes hands-on technology use, curriculum-specific applications, technical assistance and support, and connection to student learning.
Itemized Budget and Rationale:
Most technology funding will come from donations and/or Federal sources. The budget support for Murphy Middle School technology plan is based off of income generated from Title I funds.
Evaluation Plan and Timeline:
Evaluation plan and timeline: Murphy Middle School will conduct annual evaluations in the form of focus walks, surveys, and informal and formal classroom observations. The annual technology evaluation plan will answer the following questions: Have the actions implemented made a positive difference in teaching and learning? Is more professional development needed? Are we meeting or exceeding the Georgia Performance Standards using technology integration? How can the implementation improve? What are the evidences of success? Have teachers benefited from the changes? Is the implementation cost effective? What are the next steps?
The school will provide an analysis of the data by identifying patterns and trends. Annual production, review, and revision of school improvement plan, and technology plan, with participant signatures will be employed. Also, usage logs for media center, technology labs with frequency counts, and meeting agendas with sign-in sheets will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the technology program.
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