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To focus on the structure of (a) and (c) type questions and to use peer marking to improve your exam technique.

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Presentation on theme: "To focus on the structure of (a) and (c) type questions and to use peer marking to improve your exam technique."— Presentation transcript:


2 To focus on the structure of (a) and (c) type questions and to use peer marking to improve your exam technique.

3 Grades D Will be able to give ONE DEVELOPED or TWO SIMPLE explanations in a (c) type question. Grade C Will be able to give TWO DEVELOPED or FOUR SIMPLE explanations in a (c) type question. Grade B You will be able to give THREE DEVELOPED well written explanations in a (c) type question including key words. Grade A-A* You will be able to give FOUR DEVELOPED well written explanations in a (c) type question including key words. Grades D Will be able to give ONE DEVELOPED or TWO SIMPLE explanations in a (c) type question. Grade C Will be able to give TWO DEVELOPED or FOUR SIMPLE explanations in a (c) type question. Grade B You will be able to give THREE DEVELOPED well written explanations in a (c) type question including key words. Grade A-A* You will be able to give FOUR DEVELOPED well written explanations in a (c) type question including key words.

4 Using the mini whiteboards define the meaning of the following KEY WORDS...

5 Look at the following (a) question answers... REMEMBER these are when you give DEFINITIONS to KEY WORDS. You need to decide if the answer is: GOOD = Full correct definition = 2 MARKS (full marks) BAD = Incorrect definition = 0 MARKS INBETWEEN = Partially correct definition = 1 MARK Look at the following (a) question answers... REMEMBER these are when you give DEFINITIONS to KEY WORDS. You need to decide if the answer is: GOOD = Full correct definition = 2 MARKS (full marks) BAD = Incorrect definition = 0 MARKS INBETWEEN = Partially correct definition = 1 MARK

6 What is adultery? Having an affair. INBETWEEN = 1 marks – correct = A sexual act between a married person and someone they are not married to. What is cohabitation? Staying with your marriage partner and only having sex with them BAD = 0 mark – correct = Living together and in a relationship without being married. What is promiscuity? Having sex with a number of partners without commitment. GOOD = 2 marks What is pre-marital sex? Sex before marriage. GOOD = 2 marks What is procreation? Making babies. INBETWEEN = 1 Mark – correct = Having sex in order to make a new life.

7 These questions give you 2 marks just for knowing the key words and their meanings – EASY This means you MUST learn ALL the key words for every unit as the (a) questions make up 10% of your exam.

8 Its SIMPLES... These questions are for 2 marks – you get FULL marks for a correct definition. If you give a definition that is PARTLY right you will get ONE mark. How are they marked?

9 You now have 2 minutes to answer the following... Please write out the question and leave space to answer before the timer starts. What is sexism ? (2 marks) What is discrimination? (2 marks) You now have 2 minutes to answer the following... Please write out the question and leave space to answer before the timer starts. What is sexism ? (2 marks) What is discrimination? (2 marks) Now its YOUR turn...

10 Sexism Sexism is discriminating against someone because of their gender – 2 marks Treating someone different because they are a woman – 1 mark Discrimination Treating people differently because of their ethnicity/gender/colour/sexuality/age – 2 marks Picking on someone because they are gay – 1 mark


12 With these questions you can earn up 8 marks by giving 4 developed explanations. The examiner is also looking at your style of English so your answer must read well and include KEY WORDS! You must also include RELIGIOUS BELIEFS and TEACHING but the question usually asks for this anyway These are worth 40% of your total mark so you need to get them spot on!

13 How to answer... Christians/Muslims believe... They believe this because... They also believe... They believe this because... They also believe... Finally they believe... DON’T FORGET to include KEY WORDS!

14 Look carefully at the exam answers on your worksheet. You have been given the marks already Your job is to say WHY... WHY did they get the marks they did? Think about... - How many POINTS and EXAMPLES does each question have? (mark with P and E) -Have any KEY WORDS been used? (mark with KW) -Look out for RELIGIOUS quotes, teachings or references (mark with a Q or a T)

15 You now have 12 minutes to answer the following... P39 Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why some of its followers would not accept women leaders. (8 marks) PE PE You now have 12 minutes to answer the following... P39 Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why some of its followers would not accept women leaders. (8 marks) PE PE Now its YOUR turn...

16 Page 39 Part C PE PE PE PE WATCH OUT_ THE GUIDE ONLY LEADS YOU FOR THREE SECTIONS NOT FOUR! Firstly some followers of Islam do not accept women leaders in religion because…(Finish the PE telling me about the woman's role in the house and children). Secondly they also feel that…(finish the PE telling me about (clothing and possible distractions that would occur). Thirdly the Qur’an shows that men and women are equal ‘All people are equal as the teeth of a comb’. (P) However the equality is different and actually means that men and women should have different roles but of equal value to the family not leadership. (E) Finally Muhammad is the prophet of Islam and he never had female leaders (P) Therefore this clearly shows…(E)

17 RED POINT – Some Muslims think... EXPLANATION/EXAMPLE – They think this because... 2 marks AMBER POINT – They also think.... EXPLANATION/EXAMPLE – They think this because... 4 marks POINT – Some Muslims also think... EXPLANATION/EXAMPLE- They think this because... 6 Marks (must be written in good English) GREEN POINT – They also think... EXPANATION/EXAMPLE – They think this because... 7-8 marks (must include key words/quotes)

18 PEER MARKING Swap books with the person next to you. Mark their (c) answer Giving them a mark out of 8. Use the marking criteria to help you.

19 Points x4 Examples x4 Qur’an quote Muhammad said…

20 Grades D Will be able to give ONE DEVELOPED or TWO SIMPLE explanations in a (c) type question. Grade C Will be able to give TWO DEVELOPED or FOUR SIMPLE explanations in a (c) type question. Grade B You will be able to give THREE DEVELOPED well written explanations in a (c) type question including key words. Grade A-A* You will be able to give FOUR DEVELOPED well written explanations in a (c) type question including key words. Grades D Will be able to give ONE DEVELOPED or TWO SIMPLE explanations in a (c) type question. Grade C Will be able to give TWO DEVELOPED or FOUR SIMPLE explanations in a (c) type question. Grade B You will be able to give THREE DEVELOPED well written explanations in a (c) type question including key words. Grade A-A* You will be able to give FOUR DEVELOPED well written explanations in a (c) type question including key words.

21 One tip for answering a C part question is… Complete the question in your heads….I will then pounce on some of you for the answer!

22 Similarities and differences in the treatment of women in religion. Christian Point Muslim * Rules on Clothing * Rules on women leaders *Women in the Home *Women in the place of worship Complete the following table in your books and look through your notes to fill in the Christian and Muslim sides. Extension: In a changing society should ALL religions and denominations accept women leaders? Explain your point

23 Respect for who they are. XClJI&list=PLE5F78789732DC6A3 Watch the following clip. Think back to last lesson and our conversations about the Hijab. Do you think that people are right to be scared of women in a Hijab? What are the main reasons for wearing a Hijab?

24 On your post-it write down ONE TOP TIP for answering (c) type questions. Now place the post-it on the progression TREE. RED (bottom of tree) I am not feeling confident with (c) type questions) YELLOW (middle of tree) I am feeling OK with (c) type questions GREEN (top of tree) I am feeling confident with the (c) type questions

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