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Presented by Nancy Holcombe Barbara Pruett Shari Penquite.

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1 Presented by Nancy Holcombe Barbara Pruett Shari Penquite




5  Summarizes laws related to attendance, school admission, enrollment

6  Compulsory attendance applies to students at least 6 years old as of September 1, 2008  Requires attendance until 18 th birthday unless exempt  Expelled students  17 year-old in GED course  16 year-old in GED course

7  Applies only to counties with a population of 125,000 or less  Counties with population of 125,000 or more are required to have a JJAEP For these counties (Wichita only in R9) expelled students must attend JJAEP or another ed. Program provided by district

8 In all cases, ISD has obligation to provide free and appropriate education to students with disabilities removed from current placement

9  Applies if any of the following  Child has parent’s permission  Student is required by court order to attend GED course  Child has residence separate from parent or guardian  Child is homeless




13  Observance of religious holy day, including travel time  Attending a required court appearance  Health care appointment if student attends school part of same day

14  Grade 6-12 student absent to sound “Taps” at a military honors funeral held in Texas for a veteran

15  Parent and Student in District  Parent Only in District  If parent is joint conservator  Student & Guardian or Person with Lawful Control in District


17  Reminder: These exceptions apply only if student is living in a different district than the parent, guardian, or other person with lawful control of child under court order.  Consult entire letter to determine if another basis for eligibility applies.

18  A “homeless” student is entitled to admission regardless of residence of student, parent, or guardian.  Homeless: A person who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence

19  Homeless: an individual who has a primary nighttime residence that is –  Supervised public or private shelter designed to provide temporary accommodations  Institution that provides temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized  Public or private place not designed for sleeping accommodation for humans

20  Homeless children and youths: individuals who lack a fixed, regular, adequate nighttime residence  Includes children sharing housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reason; living in motels, trailer parks, campgrounds, emergency shelters, abandoned in hospitals or awaiting foster care placement

21  Foreign exchange student if placed with a host family residing in district  Student in Residential Facility  Facility is required to notify district within 3 days of placement of a person 3 yrs of age or more  Adult Student  Foster Care  Provides high school student placed in foster care option to continue school enrolled at time of placement

22  Unable to speak/comprehend English  Educationally disadvantaged  Homeless  Child of active duty Armed Forces  Child of Armed Forces member injured or killed while on active duty  Is or ever has been in conservatorship of Dept. of Family and Protective Services following an adversary hearing

23  Districts have discretionary authority to admit students 21-26 yrs of age to complete high school diploma.  Not eligible for DAEP or JJAEP placement  If student has not attended school in 3 preceding school yrs, student may not be placed with students 18 or younger.  Student with disability is not eligible for federal or state special ed funds if over 22 on Sept. 1

24  Mandated by TX Code of Criminal Procedure May 25, 2008  Available to victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking  Keep victim’s location confidential through use of substitute address/mail-forwarding  Participation card issued by Office of Atty Gen (with PO Box) substitute address

25  Mandated by TX Code of Criminal Procedure May 25, 2008  Available to victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking  Keep victim’s location confidential through use of substitute address/mail-forwarding  Participation card issued by Office of Atty Gen (with PO Box) substitute address

26 2008-2009

27 General Attendance Requirements Section 3

28  0 Enrolled, Not in Membership  1 Eligible, Full Day  2 Eligible, Half-Day  3 Eligible Transfer, Full Day  4 Ineligible, Full Day  5 Ineligible, Half Day  6 Eligible Transfer, Half Day  7 Eligible, Alternative Attendance Program  8 Ineligible, Alternative Attendance Program

29 Section 3.3 A student’s record MUST be requested, sent, and received using the Texas Student Records Electronic Exchange (TREx) system.

30 Students Who Graduate Early : If a student has completed the requirements for a high school diploma before the last instructional day of the school year, the student is NOT eligible to continue to generate ADA for funding purposes for the remaining days of the school year.

31 Students Who Have Not Yet Graduated but Who Have Attended Graduation Ceremonies: A student who attends a graduation ceremony before completing requirements for a high school diploma is eligible to continue to generate ADA funding as long as the student meets the minimum 2 through 4 hour requirement or is continuing to participate in an alternative attendance accounting program, such as the OFSDP ( Optional Flexible School Day Program).

32  Any student who is served through the general education homebound program must meet the following three criteria:  The student is expected to be confined at home or hospital bedside for a minimum of 4 weeks. The weeks NEED NOT be consecutive.  The student is confined at home or hospital bedside for medical reasons only.  The student’s medical condition is documented by a physician licensed to practice in the U.S.

33  Special Education  Section 4

34  Services for Students with Disabilities – Exceptions to the Norm …... page 69  PK and Special Education Services……page 70-71  Kindergarten and Special Education Services ……page 72

35  To qualify a student must :  Be eligible for special education and related services as determined by an ARD committee  Be expected to be confined at home or in a hospital for a minimum of 4 weeks (the weeks NEED NOT be consecutive)  Be confined for medical reasons only (unless the child is 0 to 5 years of age) AND  Have a medical condition that is documented by a physician licensed to practice in the United States.

36 Career and Technical Education  Section 5

37  Important: THREE V1 course are NOT necessarily equivalent in average minutes per day to one V3 course.  District personnel must evaluate each CTE class separately when determining the average minutes per day for the class.  Remember …… for CTE purposes, the descriptor “1 hour” refers to a class period ranging in time from 45 minutes up to 89 minutes.

38 Bilingual/English as a Second Language (ESL)  Section 6

39  NEW CHART  2008-2009 English Proficiency Exit Criteria Chart, page 136.  This chart shows the criteria for transferring a LEP student out of the bilingual education/ ESL program at different grade levels as determined by the student’s meeting the standard for all three of the assessments:  Oral = Listening and Speaking  Reading/ELA  Writing

40  NEW CHART  2008-2009 Flowchart of Process for Transferring a LEP Student Receiving Special Education Services out of the Bilingual/ESL Program  Flowchart is located on page 137

41 Prekindergarten  Section 7

42 Section 7.2.1 A child who is 5 years of age on September 1 of the current school year is NOT eligible for enrollment in a PK class.

43 These students include not only students who are in or who have ever been in DFPS (Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, i.e., foster care) conservatorship but also STUDENTS WHO HAVE BEEN ADOPTED OR RETURNED TO THEIR PARENTS AFTER HAVING BEEN IN DFPS CONSERVATORSHIP

44 Cont. Section 7.2.6  In July 2008, the DPFS and Child Protective Services mailed verification letters of prekindergarten eligibility to the parents and caregivers of 15,000 eligible children.  These letters serve as proof of eligibility. However, if a parent/caregiver did not receive this letter, he/she may obtain evidence of a child’s eligibility for PK services by contacting a DFPS specialist. A list of DFPS specialists and their contact information is available on the SAAH website at  The specialist will write and sign a letter addressed to the school district attesting to the student’s eligibility for free PrK based on having been in foster care.

45 Pregnancy Related Services  Section 9

46  Chart is located on page 177  Reminder: Student’s eligibility from general education and special education does not change as a result of pregnancy or delivery of a child.

47 Nontraditional Schools  Section 10

48  Students from OUTSIDE your district WHO ARE BEING SERVED in DETENTION OR OTHER FACILITIES making SHORT-TERM RESIDENTIAL PLACEMENTS:  If your district is serving a student from outside the district in a detention facility or other facility making short-term ( 10 days or fewer) residential placements, your district is NOT required to enroll and serve the student if the following apply:

49 a) It is known at the time the student arrives that the student will be staying for 10 days or fewer AND b) Your ( the serving) district and the sending district both agree that the student will continue enrollment in the sending district for the duration AND c) Enrollment will not be shown at your ( the serving) district

50  This policy is NOT a basis for denying educational services if a parent, guardian, or student requests services, regardless of the number of days of enrollment.  If your district has served a student, regardless of the number of days of service, your district must enroll the student and report the student as enrolled to PET and PEIMS.

51 Nontraditional Programs Section 11

52 Funding eligibility for a student taking a dual credit course will include time instructed in the dual credit course. FOR THE 2008-2009 SCHOOL YEAR, your district MAY count the time that students spend in dual credit courses for state funding purposes (ADA) even if students are required to pay tuition, fees, or textbook costs for those courses, UNLESS the dual credit course is an Early College High School ( ECHS) program course.

53  High school students MUST NOT BE ENROLLED IN MORE THAN TWO DUAL CREDIT COURSES per semester.  Exceptions to this requirement for those students with demonstrated outstanding academic performance and capability (as evidence by grade point average, ACT or SAT scores, or other assessment indicators) may be approved by the principal of the high school and chief academic officer of the college.

54 Different types of Dual Credit Programs The chart on page 203-204 provides information on the different types of dual credit programs your district may offer.  Advanced Placement  International Baccalaureate  Dual Credit  Early College High School  Articulated Technical Credit  Locally Articulated Credit

55  The OFSDP is a program that your district may offer to provide flexible hours and days of attendance for students in grades 9-12 who are at risk of not graduating, are participating in an approved early college high school plan, or are attending a campus implementing an innovative redesign under a plan approved by the commissioner of education.  The goal of the program is to target those students who are unable to attend school in a traditional setting, for example, because the students must seek employment to support their families, must provide child care during traditional school hours, or are involved in an Early College High School that is designed to complement a traditional college schedule.

56  Students participating in an OFSDP may attend on a fixed or flexible schedule that does not meet the traditional 180 day, 5 days-per-week requirement. Typical OFSDP instructional arrangements include the following:  Weekend or night classes  Extended day classes  Classes offered throughout the year  Flexible schedules

57  There are strict guidelines as to who is eligible to participate on the OFSDP program. These are listed on page 206-207 ( section 11.5.1).  Application Process : To participate in the OFSDP, your district must submit an annual application notifying TEA that it plans to participate. The application requires the following information (section 11.5.4):  Implementation plan description  Staff plans  Schedules  Student attendance accounting security procedures and documentation.

58  New PEIMS Data Standard Records :  500  500 Flexible Attendance Data – Student  505  505 Special Education Flexible Attendance Data – Student  510  510 Career and Technical Flexible Attendance Data – Student  It is acceptable to create and report both 400 and 500 series records for a student if the student’s enrollment status changes from traditional program to the OFSDP or from the OFSDP to the traditional program.

59 More information about the OFSDP, including the program application and applicable commissioner’s rule, is available by following the link on the TEA website. /index.html

60 An OFYP is a program for students who did not or are likely not to perform successfully on the TAKS (or an alternate testing instrument) or who would not otherwise be promoted to the next grade level. To participate in the OFYP, your school district must submit an application. The application is available on the TEA’s OFYP website at p.html p.html

61  This is also know as the “In-School GED Program.”  The Texas In-School GED program provides an alternative for high school students, age 16 and over, who are at risk of not graduating from high school and earning a high school diploma.  The purpose of the program is to prepare eligible students to take a high school equivalency examination (GED).

62  Student is eligible to participate in an HSEP if:  The student has been ordered by a court under Code of Criminal Procedure to:  Participate in a preparatory class for high school equivalency examination; OR  Take the high school equivalency examination administration (under TEC, 7.111)  The following conditions are satisfied:  The student is at least 16 years of age at the beginning of the school year or semester  The student is at risk of dropping out of school (defined by TEC, 29.081)  The student and the student’s parent, or person standing in parental relation to the student, agree in writing to the student’s participation; AND  At least 2 school years have elapsed since the student first enrolled in Grade 9 and the student has accumulated less than one third of the credits required to graduate under the minimum graduation requirements of the district or school; OR  For students who left school being enrolled in Grade 9, at least 3 years have elapsed since the student last enrolled in grade 8, or 4 years since the student last enrolled in Grade 7, or 5 years since the student last enrolled in Grade 6. For additional rules and instructions related to the HSEP, visit: RULES

63  Districts and open-enrollment charters selected to participate in the program are given the opportunity to provide online learning options to public school students in Grades 3-8 who are not required to be physically present on campus during instruction.  Students may participate in electronic eCP courses from a location other that the school campus ( virtual setting) or may combine regular program courses taught in a traditional face to face classroom and electronic eCP courses taught in a virtual setting.

64  To participate in the eCP, a student MUST:  Reside in Texas  Be enrolled in Grades 3-8 in a Texas public school district or open-enrollment charter school participating in eCP; AND  Either:  Reside within the school district boundaries in which they are enrolled, unless there is a written agreement between the eCP school district and the student’s home district; OR  Reside within the existing boundaries of the charter school geographic service area in which they are enrolled. Rules

65  To participate in the eCP, a student must NOT:  Be enrolled in more than one school district or charter school  Already earn full state funding based on attendance in a traditional setting; OR  Be a private school student More Rules…….

66  This is a state virtual school network that will provide students throughout the state with access to online courses that are reviewed to ensure that meet the TEKS and national standards for quality online courses.  A limited number of courses approved through the TxVSN review process will be available for Grades 9 – 12 beginning in spring of the 2008- 2009 school year.  For more information on the TxVSN, visit

67  A student is eligible to enroll in a course provided by the TxVSN only if the student-  Is younger than 21 years of age on September 1 of the school year  Has not graduated from high school, AND  Is otherwise eligible to enroll in a public school in Texas  A student may enroll in courses full-time only if the student –  Was enrolled in a public school in the state of Texas the preceding year OR  Is a dependent of a member of the United States Military AND  Was previously enrolled in a high school in the state of Texas AND  Does not reside in the state as a result of military deployment or transfer.


69  Used to report those situations recognized by TEA as a health or weather related event that impacts students’ ability to attend school in the district where they reside.  For 08-09, if the commissioner declares a crisis, this data must be reported for the affected students based on guidance from TEA. Example: Hurricane Ike

70  00 Student as NOT affected by a health or weather related crisis  Codes 01-05 : Reserved for future health or weather related crisis  This code has been added to the 100 record layout—default is 00—so if there is no crisis code, no input is needed.


72  Campus ID of Accountability indicates the campus number to which a student’s attendance and/or leaver accountability data are attributed.  Used for students who were enrolled only at a DAEP and/or a JJAEP.  Campus ID of Accountability cannot be a DAEP and/or a JJAEP  Chart on p. 2.69 of Data Standards

73  The Data Standards now contains a CTE Fall Decision Chart AND a CTE Summer Decision Chart  See pages 2.71 and 2.72  Charts haven’t changed—just added the Summer chart

74  FACT : The CTE participation code is reported in the Fall Submission  NEW : Beginning this year 08-09, this code will be re-evaluated at the end of the school year and revised if necessary and reported now in the Summer Submission as well as in the Fall.

75  0 Not enrolled in a CTE course  1 Enrolled in a CTE course (elective; not coherent sequence)  2 Participant in a coherent sequence of courses  3 Participant in Tech Prep Program

76  7 Eligible- flexible attendance program participation  8 Ineligible- flexible attendance program participation

77  This was new for 07-08 but has now been added to the 110 record  Definition : indicates that a prekindergarten student is or ever has been in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services following an adversary hearing held as provided by the Family Code

78  Monitored 1 or Monitored 2 LEP status is reported for those student who have recently been exited from the bilingual/ESL programs and are determined to no longer be LEP. This info is reported for the first 2 school years on all students who have exited LEP status  See next slide for details…..

79  0 NOT LEP  1 Identified as LEP  F Student exited LEP status-Monitored 1-M1- student met criteria for exit and is no longer classified as LEP for PEIMS—first year monitored  S Student exited LEP status-Monitored 2-M2- student met criteria for exit and is no longer classified as LEP for PEIMS—second year monitored

80  0 -student does not participate in bilingual education program  2- Transitional bilingual/early exit : serves student identified as LEP in both English and Spanish, or other language and transfers students to English only instruction. Exiting to an all English program will occur not earlier than the end of 1 st grade, or if the student enrolls in school during or after 1 st grade, student will remain in the program a minimum of 2-5 years before being eligible to exit

81  3-Transitional bilingual/late exit : serves student identified as LEP in both English and Spanish or other language and transfers a student to English only instruction. Students in this program are eligible to exit the program not earlier than 6 or later than 7 years after the students enroll in school

82  4-Dual language immersion/two way : biliteracy program that integrates students proficient in English and those identified as LEP in both English and Spanish or other language and transfers to English only instruction. Academic subjects are taught to all students through both English and the other language.

83  5-Dual language immersion/one way :  Serves only students identified as LEP in both English and other language and transfers student to English only.


85  G (Does NOT generate funding)  Definition : Parent or guardian has approved the placement of a recently exited non-LEP student in a bilingual or ESL special language program

86  0 Student does not participate in ESL  2 ESL/content based  3 ESL/ pull out  Code table 176 of Data Standards  Wichita Falls and Graham—only 2 schools that might be implementing these plans for 2008-09 school year

87  Cindy Teichman Education Specialist, ESL/Bilingual

88  Indicates whether the student who is deaf and receiving special ed and related services, received, or is scheduled to receive interpreting services.  See Section 3- E1040 for more detailed descriptions  00 No interpreting service provided  01 Oral Transliteration  02 CUED Language Transliteration  03 Sign Language Transliteration  04 Sign Language Interpreting  05 Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART)  06 C-Print  07 TypeWell  08 Deaf-Blind Interpreting

89  CTE student has worked primarily without remuneration to care for a home and family, and for that reason has diminished marketable skills; or  has been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income; or  is a parent whose youngest dependent child will become ineligible to receive assistance under the SS Act;  and is unemployed or underemployed and experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment.

90 Focuses on 16 Career Cluster and linking secondary and postsecondary education 17 CTE courses are not eligible for weighted funding (*****) More CTE info

91 * Ok for 090, 170, 410, 415 records ** 090 and 170 records (middle school courses) *** 090 record (career preparation teacher code) **** 170, 410, 415 records (student training area ***** courses not eligible for weighted funding

92  PEIMS numbers with *** and **** asterisks have been removed for 08-09 except for the innovative course CP (formerly DCP)  Career Preparation I & II *** (teacher code)  Innovative WBL# added **** (student code)

93  Statewide articulated courses  “T” is included in the 8-digit number  Teacher must have required approval and training prior to using ATC number

94  Service ID begins with a “N”.  Individual district applications no longer required if the innovative course is on the state- approved list  Five year time limit for approvals removed

95  For the career preparation teacher code -Use any ONE asterisk (*) 2-3 credit course code -Example: 12203421* (2-3 credits) Child care and guidance, management and services  For the WBL training area student code - Use the same one asterisk (*) 2-3 credit course code -Example: 12203421* (2-3 credits) Child care and guidance, management, and services

96  For districts that have been approved to offer CP (DCP) innovative course  Career preparation teacher code -Career Preparation – N1295001***  Career preparation training area student code -WBL/Career Preparation – N1295000****

97  Career preparation teacher code -Use any ONE asterisk (*) 2-3 credit course code -Example: 12203421* (2-3 credits) Child care and guidance, management, and services  Career preparation training area student code -Use a variety of ONE asterisk (2-3) credit course codes -Example: 12203421* or 12205321* or 12205221*

98  55 —Student is required to register as a sex offender and is under court supervision. The offense must have occurred on or after Sept. 1, 2007  56 —Same as Code 55 BUT student is NOT under court supervision  57 —Continuous sexual abuse of young child or children occurring on school property or while attending a school sponsored or related activity on or off school property

99  Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) -45 min on a particular day within a particular 6 wks -districts must apply 90 days before starting -grades 9-12 -at risk -enrolled in an early-college high school -enrolled on a Monitoring and Intervention Campus Improvement Program

100  High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) -only students who have been court ordered to participate -at least 16 yrs of age -at risk of dropping out -parent has approved participation -at least 2 yrs have elapsed since 9 th grade -less than 1/3 credits required to graduate under the minimum graduation plan

101  A student may not be simultaneously in the OFSDP and the traditional attendance program (2-4 hr rule)

102  Special ed students enrolled in OFSDP or HSEP  For students in grades 9-12

103  Each eligible student who attended at least 45 minutes of instruction and was served in an approved CTE program  Grades 9-12  Maximum of 6 contact hours (360 min per day) for weighted funding purposes

104  LAST DATE OF ENROLLMENT will be added to the 101 record for Summer Submission for grades 7-12  This is the student’s final day of enrollment in the regular school year.  Each student will have only ONE last date of enrollment regardless of the number of times he/she was enrolled during the school year.  More than likely, the software will pull this date for us based on the student’s entry and w/d date(s).

105   The End

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