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HSC Diploma and Apprenticeships Principles of communication in adult social care settings 301 1August 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "HSC Diploma and Apprenticeships Principles of communication in adult social care settings 301 1August 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 HSC Diploma and Apprenticeships Principles of communication in adult social care settings 301 1August 2012

2 Objectives By the end of the session you will be able to:  Understand the concepts of verbal and non verbal communication.  Understand barriers to communication and how to overcome these.  Understand the concept of confidentiality and the appropriateness of sharing information. 2August 2012

3 Communication is… The act of transmitting information to others, either intentionally or unintentionally Content 7 % Voice 38% Body Language 55% 3August 2012

4 Why do we communicate? 4August 2012

5 Why do we communicate? To have our needs met To show emotion To fulfil expectations To share information To interact To be social 5August 2012

6 Effective communication in relationships Consider; –Environment –Audience –Topic –Method of communication –Who else could be involved? August 20126

7 Accessing information on communication needs. Professionals Communication passports Care plans Expertise Chronology Clients Observation Care plans History/Background/feedback Preferences August 20127

8 VerbalNon-verbal communication August 20128 What is.......?

9 August 20129 VerbalNon-verbal communication Slow clear speech Different vocabulary Use of pitch Tone and volume Positioning so clearly seen and heard British sign language/ Makaton Writing Braille Pictures and symbols (PECS) Technological aids Interpreters, translators Eye contact Physical gestures Touch

10 Responding to communication Why is this important? August 201210

11 Responding to communication Helps to identify barriers to communication and how best to overcome them Ensuring information has been passed correctly and is understood. This can enable choice, involvement and accuracy. Responses can indicate the emotional state of the individual and allow appropriate support August 201211

12 What is the barrier How would you overcome it? Give two methods 12August 2012 Barriers to communication

13 Communication and background Factor Describe the effect this could have on how individuals communicate Religion Race Gender Interests Hobbies Upbringing 13August 2012

14 Misunderstanding in communication August 201214 MisunderstandingGive a work place example What was it about and whom was it with What did you say? How was your body language? Did you get any help with anyone else in managing the conflict? How did it turn out?

15 What is confidentiality August 201215

16 Confidentiality Based on privacy and respect No act of parliament- but many organisations will have a confidentiality policy. Disclosing confidential information requires consent- depending on mental capacity Risk dependant 16August 2012

17 How do we maintain confidentiality? August 201217

18 How do we maintain confidentiality? Completing records in privacy Storing records appropriately Not talking about work issues outside the work environment Sharing information only on a need to know basis Using initials in documents likely to be shared with others August 201218

19 When might we have to share confidential information? August 201219

20 Sharing information and confidentiality There are exceptional circumstances in which information can be disclosed without consent. In such cases the Data Protection Act should be observed and every effort made to ensure that details remain confidential and are known only to other persons as may be necessary. These circumstances include: Required by any rule of law, or for the purpose of, or in connection with any legal proceedings or Court Order. Where there are risks to the vital interests of the person (for example, harm to the person or to another person). For the prevention, detection or prosecution of crime and the apprehension or prosecution of offenders. Where there are risks to the person’s health or the public’s health. Where possible, you should try to advise the service user before the information is shared unless that would risk harm to another person or impede the investigation of serious crime. 20August 2012

21 Tensions when sharing information August 201221 Negative Loss of trust Power imbalance Risk to health Risk to well being Disciplinary proceedings

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