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2012-2013 School Year Twin Falls Middle School Mrs. Alegado 8 th Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "2012-2013 School Year Twin Falls Middle School Mrs. Alegado 8 th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012-2013 School Year Twin Falls Middle School Mrs. Alegado 8 th Grade

2 Warm-Up  Take out your Raven Book.  Look at the left board in the classroom and copy down the schedule (use a pencil!).  This schedule is tentative!

3 Mission Statement/Goals Expect the Best From Our Students Of Our Staff For Our Community Allow all students to learn and be successful!

4 Twin Falls Building Expectations  No hats in school!  Cell phones off/not visible!  No headphones in classroom!  No distracting outfits!  No gum!

5 General Classroom Policies Welcome to Cheer Nerdhaven !  We encourage:  Respect for learning, for learners, for teachers, and for the learning environment.  Interest in academic topics – especially science!  Excellence in academics.  Reading  School Spirit, Environmental Stewardship, Positive Attitudes, Pirates, Ninjas, etc.  We discourage:  Mean people

6 Cheer Nerdhaven!  A safe place to learn.  A safe place to speak.  A safe place to try your best.  A safe place to be yourself as long as you are not mean, judgmental, or superficial.

7 General Classroom Rules  Warm-Ups must be done silently. It is a time for you to focus and reflect at the beginning of class.  Don't sit on desk tops, rock back in your seat, or put your feet up on the desk. Do not mark, draw, or vandalize the desks.  No food or drink in class unless you are given special permission.  Stay out of cabinets, drawers, teacher’s desk and do not touch equipment unless you are given permission. Broken equipment will result in a referral and/or fines to replace equipment. Do not bother outlets, blinds, or cords.  Absolutely, positively no horseplay or other rowdy behavior.  Verbal abuse of anyone, obscene and vulgar language, will not be tolerated.  Do not remain in the classroom without a teacher present or leave the classroom without permission from me.

8 General Classroom Rules cont.  Please be in your seat when class starts. Otherwise, you are tardy. If you get enough tardies, you get lunch detention.  Cheating in any form will result in loss of credit for that assignment (ZERO). And your other teachers will be notified that you’re a dirty cheater. So will your parents.  Wait to be dismissed my Mrs. Alegado. Please do not line up at the door or pack up early. Push in your chairs and clean-up room (pick up trash) before you leave.  RECYCLE! RECYCLE! RECYCLE!  Notes in class will be confiscated and not returned. A call home will occur.  Be quiet by example!

9 Respect  Respect will be shared both between the teacher and student as well as between students. Also, students must have respect for themselves and their future. This is the basis for all rules and consequences in this class.  Honesty and fairness are expected of students—they will get the same in return.

10 Your Responsibilities  Homework – Turn in your homework on time. Homework will be due at the beginning of the period.  Make-up Work – In case of an excused absence from school, students may make up assigned work in the same number of days they missed. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with Mrs. Alegado to complete the make-up work in a reasonable amount of time.  Missed Notes - Check with a classmate.  Bathroom/Hall Passes

11 Your Responsibilities cont.  Late work –The date I put on your assignment is the due date. Anything handed in after the due date may receive a zero or be reduced by 50%. If the unit is over and an assignment is turned in, it will be given a zero.  Class Participation-Raise your hand during class to be called on at all times! Be prepared to also be called on even if your hand is not up!  Stay on task all the time!

12 Your Responsibilities cont.  Use your time wisely. Plan for time to clean up and to put equipment away.  Have your materials ready at the beginning of class. Have your notebook out and ready to go. Sharpen pencils, get tissues, drink water, have your supplies, and be in your seat before class starts.  Do not be out of your seat while Mrs. Alegado is teaching, for any reason. Use times of transition.

13 The Consequences…just so you know. Failure to observe the above rules may result in the teacher taking one or more of the following actions:  A verbal warning.  Asking you to wait outside of the classroom. Stay by the door and do not leave the area.  A reflection assignment.  Calling your parent(s)/guardian(s).  Referral to an administrator/counselor.

14 Consequences cont.  Refusal to follow the teacher’s request will possibly call for the student(s) to report to the teacher directly after school to offer restitution for disruption of class. Restitution includes, but is not limited to…  Completing make-up assignments.  Maintenance of Environmental Integrity.  And so much more! Catching a bus? Explain it to your parents!

15 Grading Scale  A = 90 – 100  B = 80 – 89  C = 70 – 79  D = 60 – 69  F = 59 or less

16 Assessments  Dates for exams will be announced in advance.  Other assessments will not have dates announced. These include open-ended problems, assignment/homework/notebook checks, activity and lab reports, etc.  Students with any special needs/accommodations (IEP or 504 plans) are encouraged to advocate for their needs and approach the teacher for what is needed to succeed in this course.

17 Materials for Class  Single-subject composition notebook  Pencil!  Colored pencils  Glue stick  Scissors  Ruler  Highlighter  Calculator

18 Getting Attention  Clap once if you can hear me…  Twin Falls…Ravens!  Nonverbal Sign Language  Bathroom  Pencil  Kleenex

19 Website gadok/default.aspx Know it! Or just bookmark it!

20 Citizenship  RESPECT!!!  Keep your area of the classroom neat and clean.  Helping others.  Being on time.  Being prepared.  Completing assignments on time.  Conduct in and out of class.  Parent Conferences is a great time to discuss you!

21 Set up Your Science Notebook 1. Make sure the following is on the front cover: Your NameAlegado SciencePeriod # 2. Open to the first page. Label it (2 pages long). Table of Contents Nature of Science and Density 3. Number the first 50 pages front and back like a novel. Assignment #AssignmentPage #

22 Example DateAssignment # AssignmentPage # 8/29/111Summer Paragraph1 8/30/112See/Hear T Chart2

23 Summer Paragraph  In your Science Notebook, I would like you to write a paragraph about your summer.  I am looking for a well developed paragraph and great content!  Do your best! 8/28/2015

24 Homework!  Take home the policy sheet. Please have your parents read it, sign it, and return by Friday!  Have a great rest of the day!

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