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Writing Tips! Navigating through the Writing Process.

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2 Writing Tips! Navigating through the Writing Process

3 Why Do We Write? »To record our thinking as permanent »To share information with someone else (graphing is a form of writing)

4 Writing is… »Practical »Job-related »Stimulating »Social »Therapeutic

5 Stages of Writing 1.Picture writing 2.“Driting” 3.Scribble writing 4.Random letter 5.Sounding out words 6.“Sense of Sentence” 7.Pattern writing stage 8.Sense of story stage 9.Conventional writing

6 “Write” Tips for Parents »Make the experience enjoyable »Be a writer yourself »Provide a place »Allow time »Make it interesting »Respond »Don’t you write it! »Praise »No need to frazzle about spelling and punctuation!

7 Chunking »Chunks - parts of words »Chunks make reading, writing, and spelling easier and faster »Chunks - parts of words »Chunks make reading, writing, and spelling easier and faster

8 Kindergarten Writing Tips! »Subject »Think of sentence in head »Count number of words with fingers »Write blank lines or use pennies »Fill in lines »Use CUPS to check writing »C: Capital letter »U: Understanding »P: Punctuation »S: Sentence Structure

9 1st Grade Writing Tips »Create a story web »Jot down key words/ pictures in each square »Use key words/pictures to write a sentence from each square »Ex. Pet (what it looks like, favorite treat, what tricks it can do, feeling sentence) »Revise (CUPS) »Final copy

10 Writing for a Purpose! »Letters »Invitations »Thank-you notes »Writing poems that rhyme »Shape poems »Games »Narrative writing »Descriptive writing »Journaling

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