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Building Bridges for Emergent Bilinguals, Part II : Learning to Read Across Content Areas Rebecca Curinga, PD Coordinator Suzanna McNamara, Co-Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Bridges for Emergent Bilinguals, Part II : Learning to Read Across Content Areas Rebecca Curinga, PD Coordinator Suzanna McNamara, Co-Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Bridges for Emergent Bilinguals, Part II : Learning to Read Across Content Areas Rebecca Curinga, PD Coordinator Suzanna McNamara, Co-Director Curriculum PD Session #3 December 7, 2013

2 2 Agenda 9:45 Review of Oral Language as a scaffold and follow- up on Homework Assignment 10:30 What is reading? How Bridges students learn to read in English 11:30 Learning to Read with the Language Experience Approach using the Bridges Curriculum 12:30 Lunch 1:00 Practicing the Language Experience Approach across content areas using the Bridges Curriculum 2:15 Wrap-Up, Homework and Evaluation

3 3 Your Questions How to accomplish this in classes with several languages and different levels of HL and English proficiency? How to keep pace with curriculum and make sure kids are grasping it? How will the Bridges Program operate in my school / with my population?

4 4 Activity 1: Review from last session

5 5 Language Abilities Oral Literacy Receptive (Input) Productive (Output) ListeningSpeaking ReadingWriting

6 6 Components of Oral Language Social Rules Meaning of words and phrases Word order and grammar rules Word parts Sounds, syllables and rhymes

7 77 Activity 2: Homework Sharing

8 8 Scaffolding Oral Language Think-pair-share: Find a partner to discuss your notes on the assignment from the last PD, on either: Teacher talk: Making Input Comprehensible Student talk: See-Think-Wonder You have five minutes to share your experiences and come up with ONE important take-away. Then you will share with the group.

9 9 Scaffolding and PD Sessions Session #1 focused on scaffolding input to make it comprehensible and to develop oral language (through See-Think-Wonder). Session #2 (today) will focus on how oral language is a scaffold for foundational reading. 9

10 10 Oral Language Scaffolds Reading in the Bridges Curriculum Week 1 Build Background, Provide Context, and introduce Essential Question Week 2Experience to Oral Language to Print Week 3Presentations to Writing Week 4Experience to Oral Language to Print Week 5Presentations to Writing Week 6Synthesis: Creative Projects and Presentations Week 7Claim Evidence: Response to Essential Question Unit Structure

11 11 Today’s Goals To be able to: 1.Recognize the components of reading and the process of reading in English for Bridges students. 2.How oral language scaffolds reading: Learn and practice the Language Experience Approach (LEA) to support the development of foundational literacy for Bridges students.

12 12 Activities for Goal 1: What is Reading? How do Bridges students learn to read in English?

13 13 a. Read Something Break into 4 Groups: 1.Group 1 (no Bangla speakers) 2.Group 2 (no Spanish speakers) 3.Group 3 4.Group 4 13

14 14 Group-share b. What is preventing you from reading this passage? c. What is helping you to read this passage?

15 15 Group 1 Reading Sample Volunteer to read aloud? Is this reading?

16 16 Group 2 Reading Sample Volunteer to read aloud? Is this reading?

17 17 Group 3 Reading Sample Volunteer to read aloud? Is this reading? 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe.

18 18 Group 4 Reading Sample The procedure is actually quite simple. First, you arrange the items into different groups. Of course one pile may be sufficient depending on how much there is to do. If you have too go somewhere else due to lack of facilities that is the next step; otherwise, you are pretty well set. It is important not to overdo things. That is, it is better to do too few things at once than too many. In the short run this may not seem important but complications can easily arise. A mistake can be expensive as well. At first, the whole procedure will seem complicated. Soon, however, it will become just another fact of life. It is difficult to foresee any end to the necessity for this task in the immediate future, but then, one never can tell. After the procedure is completed one arranges the materials into different groups again. Then they can be put into their appropriate places. Eventually they will be used once more and the whole cycle will then have to be repeated. However, that is part of life.

19 19 d. ___________ Which skills do Bridges students bring to the task of reading?

20 Bridges Students’ Skills 20 Oral Language Skills in HL Some print concepts Directionality of the text Concept that print carries meaning Some phonological skills Alphabetic principles (in HL or English) Sound-Letter correspondences

21 21 Reading is complex! Everyone learns to understand and speak a home language Not everyone learns to read and write in a home language It is not a natural process – it has to be taught! 2 major processes: Deciphering print -- bottom up Comprehending meaning -- top down

22 Oral Language to Reading 22 Pre-Reading: Print Concepts Reading Comprehension Top Down Bottom up Fluency

23 Reading Stages Learning to Read: infancy to 3 rd grade Learning the ‘mechanics’ of reading Confirmation of oral language and concepts you already know Reading to Learn: 4 th grade and up Fluency and automaticity in reading New concepts are learned through reading 23

24 24 Activities for Goal 2: How oral language scaffolds reading: Learn and practice the Language Experience Approach (LEA) to support the development of foundational literacy for Bridges students.

25 Oral Language to Reading 25 Pre-Reading: Print Concepts Reading Comprehension Top Down Bottom up Fluency

26 Oral Language Foundational Skills 26 Top Down Bottom up Pre-Reading: Print Concepts Fluency Decoding Sight recognition Sound-Symbol

27 Teaching Bridges Students to Learn to Read FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS RUBRIC: What are the foundational skills students need to learn in order to read? 27

28 CCSS Foundational Skills (FS) 28

29 Bridges Rubric for FS 29

30 What are you already doing to teach FS? 30

31 Core Knowledge Text for K 31

32 32 Independent Instructional Frustrational Stretch & Support scaffolding

33 33 Text Complexity

34 34

35 35

36 36 Role of the Bridges Teacher Independent Instructional Frustrational Content Language Literacy

37 Bridges Power Method Language Experience Approach (LEA) 37 MODELPRACTICE

38 38 LEA Simulation Unit 2 Science, Week 1 Unit 1 ScienceUnit 1 SS

39 39 What happened in Unit 1? Science Vocabulary: organisms, plants, humans, resources, water, sun, soil, air, body, need, live / die, breathe, eat, grow, use, similar, different Syntax: ____ is/ are ______ ____ have _______ Social Studies Vocabulary: world map, land, continent, water, ocean, place, country, culture, desert, mountain, river, live, travel, go, walk, work, swim, play, big, small, close, far, similar, different Syntax: There is/ are ______ This is _______

40 40 Building the Context Know where you came from! Know where you are going! Understand the‘big picture’of the unit goals Sequencing Layering Recycling

41 41 YESTERDAY-BEGAN SCIENCE: Unit 2, Lesson 1 What happened? Why is it important?

42 42 Unit 2 Science EQ: How do organisms survive where they live? Focus: Plant, human, and animal adaptations to two extreme biomes: tundra and desert.

43 43 The Language Experience Approach (LEA) I can say what I know. I can read what I say. I can read what I know.

44 44 Your Role REFLECT: What did we do? Why did we do it? How does this support learning to read? PARTICIPATE: Be active Imagine yourself in the shoes of your students 1. student2. teacher

45 LEA 45 whole part

46 46 Steps #1-2 What happened? Why is it important? How does this support learning to read?

47 Oral Language Foundational Skills 47 Top Down Bottom up Pre-Reading: Print Concepts Fluency Decoding Sight recognition Sound-Symbol

48 Step #1 48 Share an experience (trips, images, experiment) & discuss with partner Prompt with see-think Circulate Encourage L1

49 Step #2 49 Report Out, Teacher Scaffolds and Jots Teacher acts out, draws, points to scaffold language Label images in ‘see’

50 50 Step #3 What happened? Why is it important? How does this support learning to read?

51 Oral Language Foundational Skills 51 Top Down Bottom up Pre-Reading: Print Concepts Fluency Decoding Sight recognition Sound-Symbol

52 Step #3 52 Extend Language Partners make oral sentences Stretch student language to make sentences Prompt with word walls, frames

53 53 Steps #4-5 What happened? Why is it important? How does this support learning to read?

54 Oral Language Foundational Skills 54 Top Down Bottom up Pre-Reading: Print Concepts Fluency Decoding Sight recognition Sound-Symbol

55 Steps #4-5 55 Students Dictate, Teacher Writes/ Asks questions Say words Elicit spelling Leave blanks Attention to periods and capitals

56 56 Steps #6-8 What happened? Why is it important? How does this support learning to read?

57 Oral Language Foundational Skills 57 Top Down Bottom up Pre-Reading: Print Concepts Fluency Decoding Sight recognition Sound-Symbol

58 Step #6-8 58 Teacher Reads, Students Read & Teacher Chunks Track print Read with students Scoop text

59 Deserts There are deserts in the world. Deserts have sand, sun, and wind. Some deserts are hot. Some deserts are cold. All deserts are dry. There is not a lot of rain in deserts, so there is not a lot of water. Some animals live in deserts. Some plants live in deserts. Some humans live in deserts. But many organisms cannot survive in deserts. 59

60 60 Zoom in on the Parts How could you use this text further to teach more learning to read skills?

61 61 LEA Extension Activities Partner Reading What words start with ‘d’? Box the Words (is, in, and, not, so)

62 Oral Language Foundational Skills 62 Top Down Bottom up Pre-Reading: Print Concepts Fluency Decoding Sight recognition Sound-Symbol

63 63 Back to the WHOLE Read whole text again. How did extension activities improve reading?

64 64 LEA Practice in Content Area Groups Participants practice LEA. Then, share their experiences.

65 LEA Practice Take AwaysDoubts & Questions 65

66 66 Summary of Today’s PD Session 1.How did your experience with LEA change your understanding of how to teach your students to ‘learn to read’ in your content class? 2.What is one thing you will do in your classroom this week to help build these ‘learning to read’ skills? Print concepts Phonological awareness Sight word recognition and fluency

67 67 Homework Assignment: Practicing LEA Document your experience with the following and be prepared to share at the next PD: 1.Build an LEA activity using your classroom content. 2.Include one extension activity focusing on ‘learning to read.’ 3.Implement the activity with your current students.

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