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Review of NOFA Requirements Circles of Care and Standard Infrastructure Grants Jill Shepard Erickson, MSW Project Officer Center for Mental Health Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of NOFA Requirements Circles of Care and Standard Infrastructure Grants Jill Shepard Erickson, MSW Project Officer Center for Mental Health Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of NOFA Requirements Circles of Care and Standard Infrastructure Grants Jill Shepard Erickson, MSW Project Officer Center for Mental Health Services

2 Application Review Information Page 21, Infrastructure Grants Page11, Circles of Care

3 Section A: Statement of Need, 10 points Describe target population, numbers, language, culture, geography, and socioeconomic factors Document the need, tribal, state, SAMHSA data. Describe service gaps, barriers –Describe stakeholders and resources –Identify initiatives funded by Indian Health Service, Department of Justice, other SAMHSA grants, etc. –Describe how initiatives will be coordinated Describe needs related to priorities of state, county, or tribe. (Copies of strategic plans in Appendix 5)

4 Section B: Proposed Approach 35 Points State purpose with goals, objectives per NOFA and community Describe proposed project Provide logic model Describe advisory body Describe partner organizations, (letters of commitment in Appendix 1) –Describe and include community schools and tribal college if available

5 Section B continued Describe how age, race/ethnicity, culture, language, sexual orientation, disability, and gender will be addressed Describe how members of the target population have been and will be involved in proposal Describe potential barriers Describe how activities will improve substance abuse prevention and treatment and/or treatment of mental health services Provide a plan for sustainability

6 Section C: Staff, Management, Relevant Experience - 25 points Time line on chart or graph, (include within narrative) Capability and experience with target population List staff and roles each will play Describe racial/ethnic and linguistic characteristics of staff, re target population Describe resources, facilities

7 Section D: Evaluation and Data 30 points Describe the process and outcome evaluation, performance measures and target outcomes re goals and objectives Describe ability to collect and report required performance measures per NOFA Describe plans for data collection, management, analysis, interpretation and reporting (instruments in Appendix 2) Describe reliability and validity of evaluation methods and instruments per gender/age/culture of target population Describe how collection, analysis, and reporting of data will be integrated Describe how project staff will work with evaluation staff to support the evaluation effort, informing each other in a constant cycle, locally and collectively

8 Evaluation and Data #2 GPRA Measures (Preliminary) Document plan for collecting and reporting: 1. Involvement of community leaders, consumers and families in planning, policy development and strategy for treatment planning implementation in: –quarterly reports –Completion of cross-site evaluation tasks –Minutes from community planning meetings

9 Evaluation and Data #3 GPRA Data 2. Plan for documenting improved access to quality care for AI/AN children, youth and families of community, examples include: –New sources of funding –Increased use of telemedicine, telepsychiatry

10 Evaluation and Data #4 GPRA Measures 3. Adherence to the TA guidance provided –Products developed –Timely completion of phases of activities –Feedback on satisfaction with TA provided Individual clinical/patient data will not be collected

11 SAMHSA Standard Grant Announcements and NOFA’s Basics of the Funding Opportunity FY 2005 Jill Erickson, CMHS Project Officer

12 Four Standard Grant Announcements 1.Infrastructure: Increase capacity of service systems to support effective programs and services 2.Services: Funding to implement services 3.Best Practices Planning and Implementation: ID practices and adapt for pilot-testing 4.Service to Science: Document and evaluate innovative practices to fill gaps, not yet formally evaluated.

13 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA/Circles of Care) Used in addition to a Standard Grant Announcement Specifies purpose, target population, issue area, and other requirements of the program Identifies funding, expected size and number of awards Provides deadline Specifies eligibility, allowable activities, evaluation/GPRA requirements.

14 Application and Submission Call for kit to be mailed, –Mental Health: 1-800-798-2647 –Substance Abuse: 1-800-729-6686 Download from, “grant opportunities” Download from

15 Infrastructure Grants, Basic Expectations Allowable Activities Data and Performance Measurement: Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, GPRA Grantee Meetings Evaluation

16 Application Requirements Application Kits contain the following and must be used: –PHS 5161-1 Application forms: face page, budget forms, assurances, certification, and checklist –Program Announcement (PA) –Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), as published in the Federal Register,, and

17 Required Components Face Page: SF 424, part of PHS 5161-1. –Including a Dun and Bradstreet (DUNS) number, obtainable from, or 1-866- Abstract: 35 lines maximum, used in publications. Table of Contents Budget Form: SF 424A Project Narrative and Supporting Documentation Appendices Assurances, Certifications, Disclosure of Lobbying, and Checklist

18 Application Formatting Requirements Non compliance results in proposal being screened out prior to review: –Type size in narrative cannot exceed an average of 15 characters per inch. (excludes type size within charts, graphs, footnotes) –Text cannot exceed 6 lines per vertical inch –White paper, 8.5inch by 11.0 inch –Margins at least 1 inch –25 page limit for narrative.

19 Formatting Recommendations Type single space in black ink, one column per page Number pages including cover page #1, Abstract #2, Table of Contents through the Appendices. 30 page limit for Appendices Send original and 2 copies to mailing address in Section IV-6.1. No staples, paper clips, fasteners, heavy papers, posters, CD-ROM’s, etc. Proposal must be easily copied.

20 Electronic Submission Option Use the apply Find application package by CFDA # Download copy of application package, complete off line Submit via, e-mail submissions not Use Microsoft, font Times New Roman 12, or PDF files.

21 Prior Requirements for Electronic Submission (allow 2 wks+) Obtain DUNS number Obtain Central Contractor Registry (CCR) Obtain Credential Provider registration Obtain registration User guide available at, Or e-mail: Or call 1-800- 518-4726, 7:00 am-9:00 pm, Eastern, Monday through Friday.

22 Back Up Paper Submission Label as “Back up for electronic submission” Paper copy must meet “postmark” requirements If both received, electronic version will be official Automatic acknowledgement from with tracking number Electronic signatures cannot be accepted now, so signed paper originals of face page, assurances, and certifications must be mailed, referencing the tracking number, within 5 business days of the electronic submission.

23 Budget Form SF 424A, from the 5161-1 Fill out Sections B, C, E. Follow the sample budget and justification from Appendix D of Standard Announcement Include figures for each year of the grant Total budget will include direct cost and negotiated indirect cost rate.

24 SAMHSA’s Guidelines for Assessing Cultural Competence Experience with the target population Training and staffing, gender/age/cultural competence Language accommodations Materials appropriate for target population Evaluation, methods and instruments appropriate for population Community representation on boards Plan for implementation

25 Part II General Policies and Procedures Applicable to all SAMHSA Applications for Discretionary Grants and Cooperative Agreements. Used in addition to the Program Announcement/NOFA and Standard Grant Announcement Contains the Cultural Competence

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