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Ohio Consortium to Improve the Teaching of Students with Disabilities October 23, 2008 Ohio’s Inter University Special Education Forum Dublin, Ohio.

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Presentation on theme: "Ohio Consortium to Improve the Teaching of Students with Disabilities October 23, 2008 Ohio’s Inter University Special Education Forum Dublin, Ohio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ohio Consortium to Improve the Teaching of Students with Disabilities October 23, 2008 Ohio’s Inter University Special Education Forum Dublin, Ohio

2 My vision is that we create the kind of educational system where all students reach higher levels of achievement… no matter where they live…no matter what their background. Susan Tave Zelman Superintendent of Public Instruction


4 ◙ INTRODUCTIONS Stephen Kroeger, Ed.D Special Education Program Coordinator University of Cincinnati Stephen.Kroeger@UC.EDU Richard Welsch, Ph.D Assistant Professor The University of Toledo Linda Morrow, Ph.D.Robert Osgood, Ph.D. Professor of Education Assoc. Dean Acad. Affairs Muskingum College Catherine D. Keener, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Wright State University

5 ◙ FRAMEWORK Ohio is taking a unique approach to redesigning special education teacher preparation programs to improve services and results for children with disabilities.

6 ◙ FRAMEWORK ODE is partnering with IHEs statewide as a member of the Ohio Consortium to Improve the Teaching of Students with Disabilities

7 ◙ FRAMEWORK The Consortium builds on the work of the Ohio Special Education Task Force and was inspired by the OSEP grants awarded to several teacher preparation programs in Ohio in 2007 and again in 2008.

8 ◙ FRAMEWORK Special Education Pre-service Training Improvement Grant (CFDA 84.325T)

9 5 Domains of 84.325T Domain 1: Improvement on Meeting Licensure Standards Domain 2: Improvement on Organizational Structure and Instructional Delivery Domain 3: Improvement on Curriculum and Course Content Domain 4: Improvement on Student Support Domain 5: Program Evaluation


11 DOMAIN 1: Improvement on Meeting Licensure Standards At least 2 academic content areas Middle school guidelines & Praxis II Beginning and advanced content courses Collaboration with A&S and TE programs HQT Toolkit aligned with the criteria of local schools Ohio Consortium Statewide collaboration 15 IHEs were present at the last meeting 9/24/08 4 IHEs with Federal Grants 7 IHEs with ODE SPED Grants

12 ◙ UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI DOMAIN 2: Improvement on Organizational Structure and Instructional Delivery Moving from a discrete to integrated program Co-enrollment in content, methods courses, and field placements Co-teaching/planning of university coursework Pilot research project in co-teaching contexts Action Research Project among programs Changes are designed to survive the long-term

13 ◙ UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI DOMAIN 3: Improvement on Curriculum and Course Content Program curriculum – explicit focus on EBP Analyze course syllabi – Improving curriculum to include EBP IRIS modules aligned with courses Cultural Diversity – increase urban placements from 33% - 50% Course sequence changes More advanced content courses later in program Introductory courses earlier in program

14 ◙ UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI DOMAIN 4: Improvement on Student Support Course advising guides specific to content areas Training days: Analysis of Student Work & TWSM Co-Teaching, Analysis of Student work Integrated field experiences Internship seminar – Integration of content & pedagogy Professional cohort Induction and retention – ODE innovations

15 ◙ UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI DOMAIN 5: Program Evaluation Domain 1Domain 2Domain 3Domain 4 C. disposition report Fluency w/EBP, teaming, etc. (CAL) Mentor program evaluation C. disposition progress reports C. performance based on Praxis 3 Evaluation of systems & case studies (TWS) Faculty evaluation program C. evaluation of U.S. C. evaluation of program C. Evaluation of field experience Employer, program evaluation C. evaluation of program items Employer evalU.S. evaluation of field placement Superintendent survey C. follow-up survey Educator Impact Rubric U.S. contact logCourse evaluations C. evaluation of field experience C. tech useI. tech useCommunity perceptions TQPMentor nominations


17 ◙ THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO Undergraduate program revision HQT in English/LA Use of HOUSSE for other content areas Statewide collaboration and development DOMAIN 1: Improvement on Meeting Licensure Standards

18 ◙ THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO Integrated training opportunities Literacy courses Middle-grade curriculum (co-teaching) Redesign field experiences Increased reliance on web-based learning Workshop/professional development in core content DOMAIN 2: Improvement on Organizational Structure and Instructional Delivery

19 ◙ THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO University Core Prescribed focus on core content/subjects Pre-professional education and English/LA coursework Integrated training Special education licensure coursework Evidence-based practices, quality field experiences Professional development activities to meet needed HQT status Based on the job assignment DOMAIN 3: Improvement on Curriculum and Course Content

20 ◙ THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO DOMAIN 4: Improvement on Student Support Core Content Specialists Job-embedded mentoring and content knowledge (Spring term) Content Knowledge workshops (Summer)

21 ◙ MUSKINGUM COLLEGE Add text here Competence and Collaboration in Teaching Students with Disabilities – 84.325T 2008-2013

22 ◙ MUSKINGUM COLLEGE Year One Network w Cohort I & II Ohio IHEs Network w Cohort I & II IHEs nation wide – 22 in Cohort I (2007) 20 in Cohort II (2008) Work with Ohio Consortium Facilitate series of seminars for other private and/or smaller IHEs in Ohio Regional meetings fall 2008 and spring 2009 Develop web-based communication networks that will extend beyond the project

23 ◙ MUSKINGUM COLLEGE Year One, Cont. Identify EBP, plan internal PD for faculty implementation Engage current stakeholders and expand stakeholder base Collaboratively re-design our undergraduate and graduate IS: M/M licensure programs with A&S faculty, regional educators, parents of students with disabilities, current candidates and alumni Continue to pilot co-teaching practices in selected Muskingum teacher education courses Pilot co-teaching professional development for regional teachers

24 ◙ MUSKINGUM COLLEGE Stakeholder Collaboration Project Steering Committee – 11 members Meets Monthly : Math and science faculty, teacher education faculty (general and special education), field experience coordinator, parent of a student with a disability (also faculty), district superintendent and alumnus, New Albany High School intervention specialist and alumnus Project Advisory Panel – additional 11 members Meets Quarterly: Regional directors of special education (SST and ESC); ODE personnel from offices of educator preparation and special education; English and social science faculty; teacher education program advocates; Muskingum teacher education candidate; additional parent, special education teacher, and school administrator

25 ◙ MUSKINGUM COLLEGE Complete re-designed program approval steps Implement re-designed program Identify field experience/student co-teaching sites Currently using Interested in using Recruit and prepare mentor teachers Focus on EBP and co-teaching Recruit college supervisors Knowledge and skills to assess candidates Deepen content preparation to meet HQT requirements Year Two

26 ◙ MUSKINGUM COLLEGE Year Two, Cont. PD support to faculty who will teach courses Recruit students into re-designed programs Implement initial phases of programs at UG & G levels Revise unit and program assessment system to reflect approved program changes Meet regularly with steering committee and advisory panel for feedback, recommendations, etc. Evaluate/analyze data from first year project activities

27 ◙ MUSKINGUM COLLEGE Continue to network and collaborate with Cohort I, II and III IHEs and Ohio Consortium Continue marketing and recruitment efforts Ensure all retention initiatives are in place Assess candidates in field and clinical practice placements Continue professional development offerings, e.g., “Differentiation through co-teaching” Offer revised courses with stipends provided for faculty involved in co-planning and/or co-teaching initiatives Years Three through Five

28 ◙ MUSKINGUM COLLEGE Revise PII review offerings Make revised content coursework available to regional teachers still seeking HQT status in specific content areas Meet regularly with steering committee and advisory panel for feedback, recommendations, etc. Evaluate and analyze data from project activities Gather exit data on candidates who have completed all program requirements Years Three through Five, Cont.


30 Program Revision/Expansion Middle Childhood – 2 Core Content Areas Special Education – Pedagogical Skills Ohio Consortium – Statewide Collaboration DOMAIN 1: Improvement on Meeting License Standards

31 ◙ WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY Unit Collaboration Committee College of Education/Human Services (CEHS) College of Science/Mathematics (COSM) College of Liberal Arts (COLA) Cohort Model Delivery 20-25 Preservice Teacher Candidates 10-15% - CLD DOMAIN 2: Improvement on Organizational Structure and Instructional Delivery

32 ◙ WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY Revise/Expand Program Curriculum Analyze/Integrate Syllabi Seminars – IRIS (STAR) Modules Co-Teaching Response to Intervention (RTI) DOMAIN 3: Improvement on Curriculum and Course Content

33 ◙ WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY Recruitment/Retention Student Cohorts Early Field Experience Mentoring Cooperating Teachers Content Areas Intervention Specialist DOMAIN 4: Improvement on Student Support


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