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We are all different.

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Presentation on theme: "We are all different."— Presentation transcript:

1 We are all different

2 Say the color, not the word!

3 What colours do these flags have?

4 What colours do this flag have?

5 What colours do this flag have?

6 What colours do this flag have?

7 What colours do this flag have?

8 What colours do this flag have?

9 What colours do this flag have?

10 Adjectives: 형용사

11 Same X Different Easy X Difficult Interesting X Boring Difficult = Hard Interesting = Fun

12 Verb: Past Tense 동사: 과거형

13 hate like live ask paint

14 wear say are is has put make

15 Ghost!! Game time!

16 Rule: Make sentences with past tense
Lose a life when: You repeat a verb You make a grammar mistake You take more than 1 minute You make a nonsense sentence You become a ghost when you lose 3 lifes. Last human team would win!!

17 Riddle: 2 months ago The English lived in the red house
The South African had two cats The blue house was on the left of the white house The Indian lived in the yellow house and liked birds The person who liked flowers was Chinese

18 Riddle: 2 months ago 6. The Australian put a ship in front of the white house 7. He lived in between the South African and English 8. The English lived next to a green house with a round door 9. In blue house, he hated coffee and liked curry 10. The South African and the Indian are best friend. Their favourite food is curry.

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