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Paediatric Case Presentation

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1 Paediatric Case Presentation
Natasha Quader ST1 September 2008

2 Patient CD 8 year old girl Normally fit and well PC – Pyrexia
- Lethargy - Groin and hip pain

3 History of Presenting Complaint
7/52 ago had pyrexia for 1 week followed by a cough → viral URTI Intermittent pyrexia - mainly nocturnal spikes C/o hip and groin pain. - Present on waking up in the morning - Pain waking her up during sleeping - Developed difficulty in walking, pain on weight bearing Increasingly lethargic – sleeping during the day and missing school Generally unwell, ↓ appetite, irritable and crying

4 PMH PMH - Laryngomalacia during infancy
- RTA in Feb ’07 – back injury resolved SH – no recent travel abroad Immunisations up-to-date DxH – nil, NKDA FH – Maternal grandmother with RA

5 Examination 1 Abdomen Alert, communicating PR – 80 regular
Temp – 38 °C RR-18 Bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy Throat – NAD Ears – wax bilaterally No rashes HS I + II + O Chest: Clear Abdomen x x x x x Lower abdominal tenderness Inguinal lymphadenopathy

6 Examination 2 CNS CN – NAD. PEARL Lower limbs bilaterally
- tone normal - power 4/5 - reflexes symmetrical Co-ordination – intact Romberg’s negative Antalgic gait Slight waddling and holding R. inguinal region MSK No hip/knee joint swelling Tenderness over AIS and crest bilaterally Hips - ↓ active ROM

7 Positive Examination Findings
Pyrexic Lower abdominal tenderness Bilateral inguinal lymphadenopathy Bilateral hip tenderness and restricted ROM Antalgic gait

8 Differential Diagnosis
Septic hip Infection – viral, bacterial, Lyme disease Juvenile arthritis Malignancy – leukaemia, neuroblastoma Perthes Transient irritable hip

9 Infection Screen MSU – NAD Blood cultures – no growth
EBV Igm – negative Toxopl Igm – negative ASOT – normal Rubella Igm – negative Parovirus Igm – negative

10 Bilateral Hip X-ray

11 Imaging USS abdo and hips – no fluid in hip joints
MRI abdo/pelvis - No evidence of avascular necrosis

12 Blood Test Results Initial GP 7 weeks later 8 weeks In -patient 9 weeks In-patient 10 weeks OPA 14 weeks Hb 9.9 9.7 10.2 11.1 WCC 6.3 5.5 4.2 6.1 4.9 Plt 418 354 338 516 295 Neut 2.20 Lymp 2.70 CRP 9 13 <1 ESR 98 90 105 104 14

13 Follow Up Follow up 10/7 after discharged from Hospital
Symptoms much improved - no complaints of hip pain on weight bearing - no pain during sleep - no pyrexia for 5/7 - analgesia reduced from QDS to ON - generally more mobile, active and cheerful

14 Follow up Results On examination
- discomfort on extreme range of full abduction of R. hip - Tearful on jumping on 2 feet Repeat bloods: ESR remains high – 104 Anti nuclear antibody positive Referral → Rheumatologist → Ophthalmologist

15 Juvenile Arthritis Is a group of conditions
in which there is chronic arthritis lasting more than 6 weeks, presenting before 16 years of age

16 Classifications Systemic illness (Still’s disease) - 20%
Rh factor negative polyarticular % Rh factor positive polyarticular % Pauciarticular arthritis assoc with ANA & chronic uveitis % Pauciarticular arthritis assoc with spondylitis and HLA B %

17 Aetiology Autoimmune disease in which the cause of arthritis is largely unknown A possible viral aetiology has been considered for a variety of arthritis conditions and clustering of patient’s following viral epidemics Viral infections that have noted include mumps, rubella and Parvovirus B19 Systemic form is asso with HLA DR4 Oligoarhritis HLA DR5

18 Pauciarticular Arthritis
Female > Male Involvement of up to 4 or fewer joints – typically larger joints such as the knee 3 subtypes: 1) The early onset form (< 5 years of age), involves most frequently knee joints 2) The late onset form ( > 9 years of age) most frequently involves hips with/without sacroilitis 3) Develops at any age with an asymmetrical oligoarthritis, dactylitis and psoriatic manifestation 1) Asso with chronic ant uveilitis and ANA

19 Pauciarticular Arthritis 2
Is a large association with Anti Nuclear Antibodies between 40-75% Frequently associated with chronic anterior uveitis (can be asymptomatic or asso pain, light sensitivity and redness) Regular opthalmological screening is indicated

20 Complications Chronic anterior uveitis – if poorly controlled may result in permanent eye damage, including blindness Flexion contactures of the joint – joint held in the most comfortable position, thereby minimising intra-articular pressure. Chronic disease can lead to joint destruction and need for joint replacement Growth failure – anorexia, chronic disease and steroid therapy Amyloidosis – rare complication causing proteinuria and renal failure

21 Management 1 Multidisciplinary approach is required for optimal Rx: - relieve pain - preserve joint function - maintain normal growth and psycho – social development Physiotherapist & Occupational Therapists - strengthen muscles & keep joints flexible - encourage normal limb development - maintain function and prevent deformities - develop exercise programs

22 Management 2 Paediatricians, Rheumatologist and Nurses
- educating child and family - medical management Counsellor – for the child and their family to reduce anxiety and share management of disease

23 Medical Management NSAIDS – aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac
DMARDS (Disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs) - under rheumatologist’s supervision - hydroxychloroquine, penicillamine, methotrexate Intra-articular corticosteroid injections Corticosteroids – severe systemic involvement &/or for eyes Rx TNF alpha blockers – block the immune protein TNF (inflammatory agent in arthritis) Intial Rx NSAIDS to reduce inflammation in affected joints and avoid long term damage to joints. Second choice drugs - DMARDS – slow acting - anti rheumatic drugs to induce disease remission or to sloe its evolution Steroids injected into some joints to rapidly help improvement, after first drainage off any fluid in that joint that may be restricting movement. Prednisolone – s-e – inhibtion of structural growth and premature appearance of osteoporosis

24 Prognosis Symptoms usually go away after a few years
There are usually no further recurrences Some children may have longer lasting involvement

25 References Laura Quarte et al. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis: An update on clinical and therapeutic approaches. Ann Ital Med Int 2005; 20: Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Arthritis in children

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