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Highlights of Collection Analyses In ASERL Libraries TRLN Annual Conference July 28, 2006 John Burger, ASERL Executive Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Highlights of Collection Analyses In ASERL Libraries TRLN Annual Conference July 28, 2006 John Burger, ASERL Executive Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highlights of Collection Analyses In ASERL Libraries TRLN Annual Conference July 28, 2006 John Burger, ASERL Executive Director

2 Quick Overview – ASERL What is ASERL? Largest regional consortium of research libraries in US (37 libs in 10 states) Founded in 1956 as informal networking group for library directors Founded SOLINET, active in creating faculty status for librarians in 1960s Staffing started in 2000; now much more active program development

3 Quick Overview – ASERL Program Highlights Reciprocal ILL Kudzu/Document Delivery Virtual Reference Preservation of ETDs (LOCKSS) Cooperative Storage Trust (in planning) Training for non-MLS managers Collection Development Initiative Staff Exchange w/ HBCU libraries

4 ASERL/TRLN/FCSUL WorldCat Collection Analysis Group Largest WCA groups service in world 60 libraries at 33 institutions, including 17 ARLs Nearly 40 million titles held by group All 10 TRLN libraries subscribed to group & individual WCA service Training offered last Fall via SOLINET Subscription expires as of Sept 30, 2006 Renewal in process, 2/3 are renewing as of now TRLN renewals??

5 ASERL/TRLN/FCSUL 2005-2006 WCA Group Members 1.Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, AL 2.College of William and Mary, VA 3.Duke University, NC 4.Duke University Law Library 5.Duke University Medical Center Library 6.Duke University School of Business 7.East Carolina University, NC 8.Emory University, GA 9.Emory University, Pitts Theology Library 10.Florida A & M University 11.Florida A & M University College of Law 12.Florida Atlantic University Libraries 13.Florida Center for Library Automation 14.Florida Gulf Coast University 15.Florida International University - University Park 16.Florida International University - Biscayne Bay 17.Florida International University - College of Law 18.Florida Solar Energy Center 19.Florida State University – Strozier Library 20.Florida State University - Music Library 21.Florida State University - College of Law 22.Florida State University - College of Medicine 23.Florida State University – Ringling Library 24.George Mason University, VA 25.Louisiana State University 26.North Carolina Central University 27.North Carolina Central University Law Library 28.North Carolina State University 29.Tulane University Howard-Tilton Library, LA 30.Tulane University Law School Library 31.Tulane University Medical Center 32.University of Alabama Libraries 33.University of Central Florida 34.University of Florida - Smathers Library 35.University of Florida - Holland Law Library 36.University of Florida Gainesville Health Science Center Library 37.University of Florida Jacksonville Health Science Center Library 38.University of Kentucky Law Library 39.University of Kentucky Libraries 40.University of Kentucky Medical Center Library 41.University of Louisville, KY 42.University of Memphis, TN 43.University of Miami, FL 44.University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 45.University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Health Science Library 46.University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Law 47.University of North Carolina at Greensboro 48.University of North Florida 49.University of South Carolina 50.University of South Florida Library System Tampa 51.University of South Florida Health Sciences Library 52.University of South Florida Mental Health Institute Library 53.University of South Florida Poynter Memorial Library 54.University of South Florida, Sarasota -Manatee/New College 55.University of Tennessee Knoxville 56.University of West Florida 57.Vanderbilt University, TN 58.Virginia Commonwealth University 59.Virginia Tech 60.Wake Forest University, NC

6 Anticipated Uses of WCA Use for accreditation reports, new program proposals, purchasing, weeding, identification of unique materials Compare breadth of subject area coverage with peers, all of WorldCat Compare age of collection by subject area, language, format Comparing holdings of print vs. electronic Identify titles for preservation, storage Subscribe for 1 year, then drop it

7 Actual ASERL Member Uses of WCA Mixed responses to my inquiry All like it, but some find it easier to use than others Configuring sub-groups can be tedious, tricky Identifying “real peers” causes some consternation WCA’s subject areas/sub-topics are not easily understood/clearly defined (match w/ LCSH/call number ranges would be helpful)

8 ASERL Member Uses of WCA Virginia Tech Identified 200 monographs held by peers but not VT Placed 1,100 of those titles on wish list for purchase Already purchased 500+ titles

9 ASERL Member Uses of WCA Information Alliance (Vandy, UT, UK) Had pre-existing collection development agreements in a few subject areas to reduce duplication/increase uniqueness of combined collection Still wading through reports; trying to determine thresholds for decision-making Helps librarians to know their collection intimately Would like to connect WCA data with circulation data to determine usage of multiple copies, what to weed/store Will use to identify titles for preservation Also use WCA data for bragging rights on occasion Suggest ASERL/SOLINET consider hiring statistician to coordinate collection assessment activitiess on regional level

10 ASERL Member Uses of WCA University of South Florida Measured/reported existing resources for ABET Accreditation (Engineering & Technology) Compared USF w/ NCSU for CompSci resources for accreditation/ planning/budgeting purposes Used for planning proposed new PhD Program in Literature & Gender Studies (examined resources at Emory & Chapel Hill) Used to analyze possible “collections of distinction” for possible ARL membership application

11 ASERL Member Uses of WCA Emory University Compared collections w/ Duke & Vanderbilt Used for benchmarking of collections by subject areas – already reported on 20 subject areas Drafted new collection development policy based on WCA findings LOTS of overlap – ½ of Emory’s collection held by Duke Already purchased titles, esp in health sciences

12 New WCA Functionalities for 2006-07 At the risk of sounding like a commercial… 27 pre-formatted groups for comparisons Includes ‘ARL Top 20’, Google 5 and by subject area Online demo at

13 Questions? John Burger, Executive Director Association of Southeastern Research Libraries 1438 West Peachtree St, #200 Atlanta, GA 30309 800/999-8558

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