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9000U Quick Guide Marketing & RMA Department 07.01.2009 XELTEK 8/28/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "9000U Quick Guide Marketing & RMA Department 07.01.2009 XELTEK 8/28/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 9000U Quick Guide Marketing & RMA Department 07.01.2009 XELTEK 8/28/2015

2 Agenda  System Setup  Running the program - Hardware Setup  Running the program – Software steup  Quick Start – Programming EEPROM Chip  Standalone Mode  Reference 8/28/2015

3 System Setup Insert the CD into a CD-ROM drive and the setup program will start automatically, if not, please run SETUP.EXE in the root path. Each model has its own software, please do not mismatch. Also, you can download the new version of software from www. 8/28/2015

4 System Setup The setup procedure goes step by step, you can change the default settings as you needed during setup process. First, setup wizard, please read the text carefully. Change the checkbox if you want. The installation process will not continue unless you accept the terms. The License Agreement can also be found in the appendices Click “Finish” button to finish the setup. 8/28/2015

5 Running the program - Hardware Setup Connect the programmer to the computer’s USB port. A minimum of one CF card must be inserted in the programmer before turning on the programmer. If you are using one CF card, insert the card into the slot for module 1. Having no CF cards installed into the programmer may result in a communication error when turning on the software. Then, turn on the programmer power switch after inserting the CF cards. 8/28/2015

6 Running the program  Double click on the software icon located on your desktop to run the software. As the program starts, it will communicate with the programmer immediately and begin initialization.  If communication error occur, please try the following: ·Click on the Retry button. ·Shutdown software and turn off programmer. Afterwards, turn on the programmer and wait for a few seconds than turn on the software 8/28/2015

7 Quick Start – Programming EEPROM Chip Select Device  Click “Device” button to select prefer Chip manufacturer and device name. (In this example, MX28F1000P chip was selected)  Click “OK” button. 8/28/2015

8 Quick Start – Programming EEPROM Chip Enable insertion test and ID check  Click “Operation Option” button to enable “Insertion Test” and “ID check.”  To program a new chip, click “Blank_Check” first. If it fails, click “Erase” first then “Blank_Check”. And, Click “Buffer” button. 8/28/2015

9 Quick Start – Programming EEPROM Chip Adapter installation The programmer is equipped with a standard DIP socket. For some device types, users need to use appropriate adapters. The Adapter Information dialogue box including 8/28/2015

10 Quick Start – Programming EEPROM Chip Load data file/project file or edit data on the buffer  There are three ways to load data into the buffer. 1. Load data file which is created by user. Superpro supports two data files(Hex/ASCII) and Fuse. 2. Load the project file which is created by superpro software. The project file encompasses current device’s info, all operation option settings, and auto program sequence. 3. Edit buffer 8/28/2015

11 Quick Start – Programming EEPROM Chip For production mode, edit auto function menu.  Edit “Auto function” which is like a batch command. This function allows the software auto operation in order displayed in the right column. 8/28/2015

12 Quick Start – Programming EEPROM Chip Production Mode This function is used to program devices in large numbers. With the Insert ion Test, the programmer detects the chip’s insertion and carries out automatically the execution of the auto operation sequence. Once Enable this function, click “Auto” function. To end the production mode, please click “cancel” button at the left bottom corner. 1. Get chip off Pls : program finished and wait for chip off, please take the chip off. At this point, check the result of programming, whether success or failure, according to the info in “Message”. 2. Put chip in Pls: wait for chip insertion, insert the chip into the socket properly. 3. PROGRAMMING…: wait finishing. 8/28/2015

13 Quick Start – Programming EEPROM Chip Standalone Mode  There are three steps to operate standalone mode 1. Click “Download Project” : load the data into CF card 2. Turn off the programmer and disconnect USB cable from PC. 3. Turn the programmer on. Please, refer to “Operation Instructions” which contains the detailed information under stand-alone mode. 8/28/2015

14 Reference Superpro User’s Guide and model 9000U 8/28/2015

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