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Prepared By: Sharon Gaudin, ABE/ASE Instructor Houston Community College Adult Education Program Coastal Great Region ABE/ASE College Readiness Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared By: Sharon Gaudin, ABE/ASE Instructor Houston Community College Adult Education Program Coastal Great Region ABE/ASE College Readiness Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared By: Sharon Gaudin, ABE/ASE Instructor Houston Community College Adult Education Program Coastal Great Region ABE/ASE College Readiness Project The 27 Amendments – A Closer Look

2 Project Brief Description A brief description is to have the students research, comprehend, illustrate, compare, write about and evaluate rights received under the constitution and apply those constitutional rights to their daily lives.

3 Goals / Objectives Students explore the 27 amendments of the United States Constitution and relate each amendment to their own experiences. Students develop critical thinking skills by using Bloom’s Taxonomy to create higher level questions for presentations about the amendments. Students learn how to properly cite resources for their research by using MLA citations and creating a bibliography. Students sharpen study skills, note taking skills, research techniques, and enhance their reading comprehension. Students become more engaged in their learning by using a variety of interactive strategies from Marcia L. Tate’s instructional strategy book.

4 Project Guidelines 1. Choose any three amendments in consecutive order and research them. 2. Do a research paper on the three amendments chosen. Final paper must be at least 3 pages typed, double spaced, and a 12 point Arial font. 3. Use 3 different resources/references. A bibliography must be included with MLA citations in the paper. 4. Talk with relatives and friends who may be able to give insight on the amendments that you have chosen. Relate their encountered experiences to that amendment. 5. Use a tri-fold display board to show your findings.

5 Project Guidelines (continued) 6. Collect pictures to illustrate the meaning or idea behind each amendment. 7. Display the amendment number clearly on the board. 8. State a brief explanation of each amendment and its relevancy on the board. 9. Be able to present to the class. Index cards may be used to help you present. 10. Use creativity.

6 The United States Constitution has 3 Main Parts The United States Constitution 1. The Preamble 2. The 7 Articles 3. The 27 Amendments Tells why the Constitution was written Amendments are either changes in the laws or new laws Each Article talks about a different rule or law

7 Amendment Cartoons Do you know which amendment is illustrated in each picture? Amendment

8 Amendment Cartoons These cartoons refer to the… Amendment

9 College Readiness Activities/Strategies KWL Chart Find Someone Who… 20 Word Summary Taking A Stand Bloom’s Six Levels of Learning Editorial Cartoons

10 TeamworkActive Problem Solving Creativity Better CommunicationExpanded Vocabulary Independent Study Skills Critical Thinking-Questioning Skills Enhanced Note-Taking Skills BASIC College Readiness Skills Learned

11 Other Reflections Student’s self-esteem increased Value of Time Management Professional Knowledge gained – BASIC Model Students lack many college readiness skills More strategies to implement reading Encourage study groups

12 Students’ Work



15 Sources Steck-Vaughn GED Skill Book: Social Studies (Key Historical Documents) Steck-Vaughn Complete GED Preparation GED Visual Literacy: Maps, Photographs, Editorial Cartoons (New Readers Press)

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