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Know where your students are!

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Presentation on theme: "Know where your students are!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Know where your students are!
Hello and Welcome to the Technology readiness overview presentation My name is Jeramy Dichiera, I’m a project manager specializing in technology readiness, and I’ll be leading you through the presentation today. In this presentation, the <*> symbol represents a slide animation. Know where your students are!

2 Objectives Review System Requirements of ACT Aspire™ Review TestNav 8
Review System Check and Readiness Activities Review Proctor Caching Review Early Warning Review Avocet and Training Management System (TMS) Q&A Support We will be covering a handful of topics today including readiness steps, technology requirements, and testing components Viewing this presentation will give you a high level understanding of the components of computer based testing and readiness steps that you will take to prepare your testing workstations.

3 Wisconsin Grade 9 Early High School Writing, English, Reading, Math, Science Fall 2014 Test Administration Dates: October 6 – October 24, 2014 The fall 2014 test administration dates are October 6th – October 24th, but there are a handful of readiness steps that you could perform right now.

4 Information/Training
Avocet Online indexing of ancillaries, manuals, program resources Only the latest version will be posted Requires no log in and can be accessed on your smartphone or device. Training Management Site Repository for training modules - enables convenient self paced training Transcript feature shows date/time training was taken Requires to log in and can be accessed on your smartphone or device. Before we launch into the main part of the presentation, I thought I would mention two resources that will come up throughout the slide deck For training and information there are two main resources, Avocet and the Training Management System (TMS) Avocet is the online index of manuals, guides, and program resources. This creates a one stop shop for most of your needs.There is no login for Avocet and you can access the site from smartphone or connected devices. The Training Management Site is a repository of bite sized training and demonstration videos. You can access the site with your address from most any connected device.

5 System Requirements ACT Aspire Portal System Requirements (page 2) Note: Requirements may change. Please see the provided link to stay abreast of updates. TestNav Hardware and Software Requirements There are system requirements for using the ACT Aspire Portal and TestNav, but they are very minimal. You’ll always be able to find the latest list of technology requirements on our Avocet page

6 SystemCheck for TestNav 8
One of the first things you can do to assess system readiness, and you can absolutely do this right now, is to use SystemCheck for TestNav 8. SystemCheck is a web based tool that was designed to help you assess readiness in two specific areas, Student workstations and internet bandwidth. SystemCheck allows you to quickly evaluate your testing environment and make necessary adjustments prior to testing.

7 SystemCheck for TestNav 8
Launch SystemCheck from Q: Do I need to run the readiness tool for ACT Aspire if I already ran it for the ACT assessment? A: Yes, customers will need to run the readiness check for ACT Aspire, even if they are a customer that also tests the ACT exam and have already done a readiness check for that. You do not need to install any special software to use SystemCheck. However, SystemCheck is browser based and relies on the Java plugin, so you will need to have Java installed. When you visit the site you will be asked to accept and run a Java applet. Supported Java versions are listed on the TestNav 8 system requirements page. The most current version of supported Java is 7 update 60. If you have moved to Java 8, you will need to revert back to Java 7 update 60, or an earlier supported version that is listed on the TestNav 8 requirements page. If you ran the readiness check for ACT, you will still want to run SystemCheck for ACT Aspire.

8 SystemCheck SystemCheck for TestNav Overview (contains the tool itself) SystemCheck validates testing workstations meet the minimum requirements needed to run TestNav 8. SystemCheck also provides the ability to run bandwidth speed checks to help plan for online testing capacity. You can do a handful of things with SystemCheck: Verify that student workstations meet OS, Browser, and Java requirements Stand up TestNav in a full screen secure mode to verify that it will run Test network speeds and connectivity between student workstations and Pearson servers, and proctor cache machines Estimate the number of concurrent testers with the given connection Some specific things you can use SystemCheck for Identify computers that may need attention to be fully ready for CBT Verify setup of proctor cache machines Information on SystemCheck, including all of the functionality that we will see today, can be found on avocet at the link above, or if you are already on Avocet, look under ‘SystemCheck for TestNav’

9 SystemCheck – Check Your System
To check your student workstation, visit SystemCheck from a browser on the workstation that you want to check. <*>On the Check Your System Tab press the Start button. The test will begin, verifying that the workstation meets the minimum Browser, Java, and Operating System requirements <*>If all of the checks pass, you will see a green checkmark next to the message All Checks Passed. <*>You will also see checkmarks next to each item that the test has assessed. <*>The specific items that were detected on the machine will appear in the results section. If any of the tested items did not pass, you will see a red x next to the line that did not pass, and the results column will list what was detected on the workstation, and what the minimum requirement is. This will enable you to reveal any gaps that you have in individual system readiness and address them before participating in the live operational test. Check Your System: Validates system requirements are met on testing workstations Provides steps to verify whether TestNav can run on the workstation

10 SystemCheck - Verification
One more step that you can take to assess the readiness of the student workstation is Verification. <*>On the Check Your System tab, <*>beneath the “Checks Performed” area, you will see a section titled “Verification.” <*>By following these steps you will actually launch TestNav and verify that it will run on the student workstation. In your browser, go to and enter the supplied login information, which is username for the username and password for the password. Select “Sign In” and then “Start Test Now.” If you see the congratulations screen, you have correctly configured TestNav on the tested workstation.

11 SystemCheck – Testing Capacity
Q: How do I add a caching server to SystemCheck to verify connectivity? A: On the Testing Capacity tab of SystemCheck, click Add Caching Computer and enter the following: Computer Name: Any name chosen by administrator IP Address: IP Address of caching computer Port: Port 4480 (this is the same for everyone, all computers) The Testing Capacity tab is going to allow you to perform a real time speed check between the workstation and the Pearson servers. This provides an assessment of the data transfer speeds and will return an estimate of the number of simultaneous testers that could be supported at the time that the test was done. Keep in mind that this result is an estimate and it might not represent the actual transfer speeds during student testing especially if network conditions will be significantly different. <*>By default, this test is going to check the connection between the student workstation that you are running the test on, and the Pearson servers. You can see this by the Direct to Pearson connection that is listed in the Server/Computer column <*>You can also model a network that includes one or more proctor cache computers. This will simulate the connection between the workstation and the proctor cache machine and provide you with a speed test and student estimation counts for that connection. <*>To add a proctor cache computer, install the proctor cache software if you havent done so already, and press the add caching computer button. You will be prompted to enter the information for the proctor cache computer you would like to test. <*>Once you have entered that information, the proctor cache computer will appear at the bottom of the screen in the list of connections to be tested. This process can be completed multiple times if you would like to test the connection to multiple proctor cache computers. Testing Capacity: Bandwidth testing for internet and proctor caching connections Volume estimates for capacity planning Click Add Caching Computer to add your potential proctor caching machine for a local network bandwidth test

12 SystemCheck – Testing Capacity
To begin the speed check, click on the testing capacity tab, and then click start. <*> <*>If one or more of the connections fail, or the test is stopped before it has completed, you will see a large red X towards the top of the screen, and a smaller x next to the connection that failed. <*>On the row of the connection that failed, you can click the I icon next to connection error to see more details about why the connection failed. <*>In most cases your connections will be successful and you will see a green check and the message Test Complete. <*>Based on this bandwidth test you will be provided with an estimated testing capacity. This is calculated using the download/upload speeds and the average test size selected from the dropdown menu. If you add or remove any proctor cache machines, you can run the test again by clicking the start button. Just like on the check your system tab, a print function is also available if you would like to print the results of the test. Internet bandwidth testing between the workstation and Pearson servers Click Add Caching Computer to add your potential proctor caching machine for a local network bandwidth test

13 TestNav 8 The next component that we are going to talk about is TestNav 8.

14 TestNav 8 Q: Does TestNav 8 Lock Down the computer?
A: If the proper readiness steps have been taken, when students login to TestNav8, their PC will be automatically “locked down”, preventing access to anything outside of the test. While in this secure full screen mode, applications that open in the background will cause TestNav to close. You must disable any of these applications from launching in the background or students will be exited from TestNav when they open. Q: Do we need to load software to use TestNav 8? A: TestNav 8 is completely browser based and does not require a separate installation. We do highly recommend downloading Proctor Caching software. TestNav is the secure, browser based application that student’s will use to participate in computer based testing. Students will receive all of the information that they need to access TestNav through a student authorization letter that is printed from the ACT Aspire Portal. These Authorization letters will contain the URL for TestNav, and session specific username and password information for the student. TestNav 8 is completely browser based and does not require a separate installation. We do highly recommend downloading and installing the Proctor Caching software to take full benefit of the advantages it brings. We will talk in more detail about proctor caching in a few slides. If the proper readiness steps have been taken, when students login to TestNav8, their PC will be automatically “locked down”, preventing access to anything outside of the test. While in this secure full screen mode, applications that open in the background will cause TestNav to close. You must disable any of these applications from launching in the background and suppress any messages that may appear or students will be exited from TestNav when they open.

15 Exemplars ACT Aspire Exemplars
Sample test items and tasks Several grade bands Multiple item types and formats Accessible at any time from internet connected laptop or desktop TestNav Embedded Tools A great way to gain experience with TestNav is by using the ACT Aspire Exemplars. The Exemplars are a collection of sample test items and tasks. The content is comprised of several grade bands that show multiple item types and formats and they can be accessed at any time from a laptop or desktop that is connected to the internet. The TestNav Embedded Tools document available on Avocet describes the embedded TestNav tools and their functionality. You can also use the Exemplars to view and practice using these tools.

16 TestNav 8 - Requirements
Browser Requirements: Java runtime plugin version 1.5 or higher Windows firewall javaw.exe exception Accept Java applet Allow pop-ups for Pearson sites Firewalls, content, and spam filters must be set to allow access to the following * * Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 is required Read / write access to local directory Even though TestNav does not have to be installed, the application still has a few minimum technology requirements. Another reminder, Java 8 is not supported at this time. Firewalls, content filters, and spam filters have to be configured to allow or white list the URLs and ports displayed on the screen There is a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 While the test is running, TestNav will write to an encrypted temporary file and could create log files on the local student machine. For that reason, students must have read/write access to the home directory

17 TestNav 8 - Resources Avocet –
TestNav Hardware and Software Requirements TestNav Embedded Tools (Use Exemplars to view and practice) TestNav Error Codes Training Management System (TMS) – TestNav 8 Overview Additional resources for TestNav 8 can be found on Avocet and on the Training Management System The hardware and software requirements will go over all of the hardware and software requirements TestNav embedded tools will describe the tools that can be used within TestNav 8 TestNav Error Codes goes over all of the TestNav 8 error codes, what they mean, and potential resolutions The TestNav 8 overview on the Training Management System is a 10 minute video that describes how students access TestNav 8, embedded tools, and error messages.

18 Proctor Caching

19 Proctor Caching - Overview
Reduces bandwidth and accelerates test delivery to students Minimal installation, configuration, and hardware requirements Runs on Windows and Mac Osx Does not require underlying server-based OS Use SystemCheck to verify connectivity between workstation and the proctor cache machine Proctor cache diagnostic page installed with proctor cache service Easily view status of cached content and connecting clients Refresh, reload, or purge content Set-up within the ACT Aspire Portal points TestNav 8 to the proctor cache content No need to configure each student workstation to fetch content Proctor cache is the optional Pearson supplied software that is used in conjunction with TestNav to accelerate the delivery of test content and reduce bandwidth requirements Because bandwidth requirements are reduced, this could reduce testing delays that are caused by network congestion Test content can be pre-cached and stored locally in an encrypted format, allowing access to content even with a loss of connectivity to the internet Proctor cache configuration will be completed in the Portal, and users will need to have the Technical Coordinator role to access configuration functions. If you use proctor caching for a previous test, please ensure that you have purged your previously cached test content. Instructions for purging cached content can be found on Avocet in the proctor cache users guide on page 7

20 Proctor Caching This diagram illustrates two network scenarios. The scenario on the left illustrates a network setup that does not use proctor caching. The scenario on the right is a setup that involves a single proctor cache machine. Without Proctor Caching multiple redundant copies of the same test are downloaded over district’s ISP connection while students are waiting for the test to load. This heavy use of bandwidth affects how quickly tests load for students also the available bandwidth for all other internet related district activities. With Proctor Caching districts will pre-cache one copy of each test tests will be served to the students from the Proctor Caching machine. This minimizes redundant requests for test content over the district ISP connection, loads tests faster for students minimizes the effect of computer based testing on district bandwidth utilization. Districts have the flexibility to decide where to implement Proctor Caching however we strongly recommend that proctor cache machines are implemented at a school level and not a central district level – If proctor cache machines are housed at a central location you have the added complexity of the connection between the school and the central location. If they are housed at the school where students are testing, then you do not have to worry about an outside connection at all.

21 Proctor Cache Workflow
District Testing Coordinators receive invite to join the ACT Aspire Portal District Testing Coordinators invite Technology Coordinators to the ACT Aspire Portal Instructions for inviting new users on Avocet Technology Coordinators create default proctor cache settings at your organization District Testing Coordinators set up test sessions Technology Coordinators verify test sessions are directed to proctor cache machines Technology Coordinators pre-cache content ACT Aspire will receive and load organization files into the ACT Aspire Portal in mid may. Once those files are loaded, an invite will be sent to the address listed on the organization file and they will be able to access the ACT Aspire Portal as a District Testing Coordinator. Once they have that access, they will be able to invite Technology Coordinators to the site. Technology coordinators enter the proctor cache information into the Portal, work with District coordinators to verify that test sessions are directed to the proctor cache machines, and pre-cache test content. If you are a District Testing Coordinator, you can view information on the Portal now in Avocet and the Training Management System, and you will have the opportunity to participate in a Portal training in August.

22 Proctor Cache – Requirements
Runs on Windows and Mac OS X Does not require an underlying server-based operating system TCP Ports: 80 (Internet), 4480, and 4481 (Local Network) Proctor caching requires a fixed internal IP address Use the SystemCheck Testing Capacity tab for determining your network capacity during computer-based testing The proctor cache service must be installed, and it has a set of minimum requirements, however the requirements are not robust, allowing great flexibility in the machine that will be used to cache test content. Proctor caching can run on both Windows and Mac OSx operating systems [Macintosh OS X 10.6, 10.7, or 10.8 or Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, or Windows 8.] TCP ports 80, 4480, and 4481 must be opened Requires a fixed internal IP address After proctor caching is installed, SystemCheck can be used to test connectivity and throughput between the student workstations and the proctor cache machine.

23 Proctor Cache – Install and Verify
Download proctor caching installer. Mac: zip Win: exe Run the installer and Start Proctor Caching if it is not already started by the installer. (Via Windows Start menu, Mac finder, shortcut on desktop) Verify that the service is running by using the Proctor Caching Diagnostics page. Use SystemCheck from client computer to verify that Proctor Caching is functional. Installing and verifying the proctor cache service is very simple and only takes a few minutes Users will download the proctor cache installer for their system Run through the minimal installation process Verify that the service is running by visiting the Proctor Cache Diagnostics page - Verify connectivity between the student workstation and the proctor cache machine using SystemCheck These links for the downloads can be found in the proctor cache users guide found on Avocet.

24 Proctor Cache Diagnostics
The proctor cache diagnostics web is what districts can use to monitor cached content and client connections. Depending on your installation preferences, you can access the diagnostics screen from your start menu on Windows machines, finder on a Mac, or through desktop shortcuts. You can also directly navigate to the proctor cache diagnostics page by typing in the IP address and port in a browser. Select the Contents tab for information about test content and caching status Select the Client List tab to monitor client connectivity

25 Contents Tab Content is displayed at the Test and Form level.
Functionality is available to Refresh, Reload, or Purge selected test content if necessary, and requires a password. The password is available in the TestNav 8 Proctor Caching User Guide to protect against unauthorized deletion of cached content. <*>Clicking on a test name will display the Content Details screen which displays individual items in a test. <*>The content tab provides status indicators for each item of cached test content. An Ok status means the content is successfully cached The yellow status indicators usually appear when the content is in the process of being cached. Not Loaded means the content is not cached Waiting… means the content is in the queue, waiting to be loaded and Loading… means the content is currently loading Red status indicators indicate problems with cached content. Failed to load content means there was a failure to load content In general, any status in red is a critical problem. Any content with a red status should be checked and reloaded. Content is displayed at the Test and Form level. Functionality is available to Refresh, Reload, or Purge selected test content. Clicking on a test name will display the Content Details screen which displays individual items in a test.

26 Client List The Client List tab provides visibility to which testing workstations have requested test content from proctor caching. <*> Clicking on the IP address or the name of the computer <*> Will show the details of the computer that connected to the proctor cache machine to fetch test content. Clients that have connected to TestNav are listed by IP address. Clicking on a computer will display the Client Details screen which displays information regarding a particular computer connecting to proctor caching.

27 Proctor Cache – Portal Functions
Manage proctor cache in the ACT Portal TestNav will detect and use proctor cache settings entered into the Portal No need to configure individual student work stations for proctor caching Set default proctor cache settings for district and schools Default settings can be applied to test sessions Q: What do we need to do to direct the student workstations to the caching server on their campus? A: Student workstations will be directed to the caching machines through the ACT Portal. Proctor Caching can be set up at an Org level that can be applied to test sessions as they are built, or set at an individual test session level. Q: Do you know when we will receive access to setup and configure a proctor caching server for the ACT Aspire test? A: Org file invites - Proctor Caching can be set up at a Organizational level that is defaulted into test sessions or at an individual test session level. There is no need to configure individual student workstations to ‘point’ them to the proctor cache machine where they will gather content. You can direct TestNav to the proctor cache machine that you set up by defining a default proctor cache settings and applying that default to test sessions that have been created, or define a proctor caching machine when you are creating a test session. District coordinators will receive invitation to the ACT Aspire Portal around 6/02/14. Once they receive this access they will be able to invite you as a technology coordinator. In October, when students log in to the assessment, TestNav will detect the proctor cache settings that have been applied to the test session and know where to fetch cached content from. By adding proctor cache settings to the Portal you will essentially be directing TestNav to pre-cached content. If no pre-cached content is available, TestNav will gather content directly from the Pearson servers.

28 Proctor Cache – Portal Functions
Setting default proctor cache settings for an organization. Log into the Portal <*>Hover your mouse over Organizations to make the Organizations Drop Down menu appear <*>Select Proctor Cache Settings <*>The Manage Proctor Cache screen will appear Default proctor cache settings will be set for each school Once saved, settings can be applied to any test sessions at that school. Default settings must be entered before tests can be pre-cached

29 Proctor Cache – Portal Functions
To set a default proctor cache settings for the organization selected, <*>you will enter the fixed internal IP address that is set for the proctor cache machine, and port Port 4480 will always be used. <*>The check status button will allow you to visit the Proctor Cache Diagnostics screen to verify that the proctor cache service is running. Please note that the check status button will not work if you are viewing the Portal from a computer that is not on the same network as the proctor cache machine that you defined. <*>Finally, press Save to save your proctor cache settings. Enter fixed internal IP address for the proctor cache machine Enter port 4480 Check Status allows you to quickly navigate to the Proctor Caching Diagnostics page 29

30 Proctor Cache – Portal Functions
Q: How do I pre-cache test content? A: Pre-caching test content will be done from the ACT Aspire Portal by a user with technology coordinator rights. Complete instructions for pre-caching can be found in the Proctor Caching User Guide or Proctor Caching Quick Guide Pre-caching test content will be done from the ACT Aspire Portal by a user with administrator rights. <*>Hover your mouse over Organizations to make the Organizations Drop Down menu appear <*>Select PreCache Tests <*>The Manage PreCache Tests screen will appear <*>Check the checkbox beside each test you would like to pre-cache <*>Press the PreCache button to initiate the caching process Complete instructions for pre-caching can be found in the Proctor Caching User Guide or Proctor Caching Quick Guide. Your screen here is going to look slightly different. The title will likely say Early High School, and the grade level will be Grade 9 Pre-caching test content gathers all of the test content that students will need Test content is encrypted and stored locally 30

31 Proctor Cache – Verify Content
Verify that content has been cached successfully from the Proctor Caching Diagnostics screen You can verify the status of the cached content by viewing the Contents tab of the Proctor Cache Diagnostics page. Content that you selected from the Manage PreCache Tests screen will appear here with one of the following statuses An Ok status means the content is successfully cached The yellow status indicators usually appear when the content is in the process of being cached. Red status indicators indicate problems with cached content.

32 Proctor Cache – Test Sessions
To apply default proctor cache settings to test sessions that have been created <*>Hover your mouse over Organizations to make the Organizations drop down menu appear <*>Select Manage Test Sessions. A list of previously created test sessions will appear. <*>Press the Checkbox icon in the Action column to <*>apply the default proctor cache settings to that test session. You will see the proctor cache IP address and port number appear in the Proctor cache column and be applied to the test session. Once this is done, student workstations will be directed to this IP address to gather content After they have been saved, default settings can be applied to test sessions at the organization selected. 32

33 Proctor Caching - Resources
Proctor Caching Training Modules on Training Management System (TMS) “Assessing Readiness: SystemCheck for TestNav and Proctor Caching” “Proctor Cache Portal Setup” Proctor Caching User Guide on Avocet: Proctor Caching Quick Guide on Avocet (Please view now): There are two specific proctor cache resources available on the training management system Assessing readiness: SystemCheck for TestNav and Proctor Caching goes through the SystemCheck tool, installing proctor caching, and verifying installation. And Proctor Cache Portal Setup walks through the individual setup activities for proctor caching in the ACT Aspire Portal. On Avocet you can find the proctor caching users guide and the proctor caching quick guide. Both guides detail proctor cache setup and functionality. The proctor caching quick guide has a step by step checklist starting on page 11

34 Important Links SystemCheck for TestNav 8 :
Proctor Caching User Guide: Proctor caching installers (From the proctor cache users guide) Mac - PC Training Management System Avocet

35 TestNav 8 Early Warning System

36 TestNav Early Warning System
Designed to alert Users of issues that arise during testing Part of TestNav 8 No additional software to install or configure Provides fail-safes to preserve student responses in the event of unexpected network disruptions Early Warning Training Module “TestNav 8.0 Overview” training module on the TMS contains info around Early Warning System Early Warning System Info on Avocet “Avocet Early Warning and System Error Codes” (Located at: The TestNav early warning system is designed to alert you to any issues that arise during test administration, and to help safeguard against the loss of student responses in the event of a connectivity issue. The (EWS) is functionality that is built into TestNav that runs silently in the background. In the case of a network interruption or an application attempting to take control of the desktop, the EWS on screen pop-up notifications will prompt the student to alert their test proctor. I’ll show you examples of that in a few slides. Since early warning system notifications often involve IT staff, it is important for technical staff as well as administrators and test proctors to have an idea of how it works, and what will trigger an on screen message.

37 TestNav Early Warning System
The Early Warning System writes continuously in the background to the student response files (SRF). The SRF file has a response data threshold that, once reached, triggers TestNav to send response data to Pearson servers. Uploading of response data is continuous. If an upload to the Pearson servers fails, student responses continue to be saved locally and TestNav cycles and attempts another upload. If the response data upload is successful, TestNav creates a new empty SRF file and begins the process again. TestNav only deletes an SRF file once it is successfully uploaded to the Pearson servers. While a student is participating in an online assessment, the EWS is continually writing to the temporary encrypted SRF file. After a few responses have been saved in the student response file ( SRF) TestNav will send all of the collected response data to Pearson servers. When TestNav sends the response data, it also verifies that the data has been successfully transmitted. In the event that a transmission is unsuccessful, TestNav will attempt to transmit the data again. Once an upload is successful and has been verified, TestNav will create a new empty SRF file and the process begins again.

38 Early Warning System - Notification
One of the following screens will appear when scenarios 1, 2, or 3 occurs. Students should be instructed to ALWAYS raise their hand when presented with either of the Test Proctor Click Here screens. They should NEVER click the Test Proctor- Click Here button. NOTE: It may be necessary to contact your local Technology Coordinator to determine the appropriate course of action. When the EWS encounters an issue, a message is displayed on the screen. This initial prompt does not reveal any information about the issue that triggered the message. It simply directs the student to inform their test proctor. Once the proctor clicks the Test Proctor – click here button, the details for the trigger will be revealed.

39 Early Warning System - Scenarios
TestNav determines that the Save Response File Location is not viable. Results in an immediate Test Proctor Click Here notification. Scenario 2: TestNav is unable to download portions of the test. Scenario 3: TestNav is unable to upload student responses to Pearson. Results in a Test Proctor Click Here notification only if the student attempts to Exit or Submit the test. There are three specific events that trigger the Early warning system. We’ll touch on each of the triggers briefly. Scenario 1:TestNav determines that the Save Response File Location is not viable. TestNav requires that there be at least one working save location for the encrypted backup file as a safety precaution against a loss of internet connectivity. If TestNav detects that it can not save to any of the configured save locations it will result in an immediate Test Proctor Click Here notification screen being presented to the student. Scenario 2: TestNav is unable to download portions of the test. TestNav attempts to load the entire test to the testing workstation as quickly as possible in sequential order. If TestNav’s repeated attempts to download a piece of test content are unsuccessful then it assumes there has been a loss of connectivity and this results in an immediate Test Proctor Click Here notification being presented to the student. Scenario 3: TestNav is unable to upload student responses to Pearson. In this scenario, TestNav has already been able to download the test content, and it has at least one valid SRF location to save an encrypted backup file, but an attempt to upload responses has failed after repeated attempts. This also indicates a loss of connectivity, but TestNav will not notify the student immediately. Because TestNav has all the test content to deliver the entire test to the student, and it has at least one valid location to save response to, it will continue to deliver the test, and only results in a Test Proctor Click Here notification being displayed to the student if the student attempts to Exit or Submit the test.

40 Helpful Links/Resources
TestNav Hardware and Software Requirements ACT Aspire Portal User Guide SystemCheck for TestNav Overview (contains the tool itself) SystemCheck and Proctor Caching Work Instruction Technology Coordinator Checklist (Please view now!) TestNav Walkthrough Note: All of these documents can be downloaded in their entirety by clicking on the green “download PDF” icon in the upper left corner. The Technology Coordinator Checklist has some great information in it, and is available now to read through. Also, remember, the proctor caching quick guide has a step by step checklist starting on page 11

41 Wisconsin ACT Aspire Site:
ACT Aspire – Wisconsin specific site! Here you will find important dates and links to relevant information.

42 Wisconsin Milestones Steps to take now:
Run the SystemCheck Tool on Testing Computers Review Technology Coordinator Checklist Review Proctor Caching Quick Guide Connect with District Testing Coordinators to ensure you are invited to the Portal as the Technology Coordinator role Access to the ACT Aspire Portal: Organization File provided by WI DPI – 5/15/14 District Access to the ACT Aspire Portal – 6/02/14 Student Data Upload Performed by Districts – Due 9/05/14 Proctor Caching Input Set at Organization Level – 9/05/14 – 9/19/14 Personal Needs Profile Selections per Student Profile; Prior to Test Session Set-Up (LP, ASL, Braille) – Due 9/05/14 Test Session Set-Up for Paper Tests (LP/Braille/ASL) – Due 9/05/14 Test Session Set-Up for Online Tests – 9/05/14 – 9/26/14

43 ACT Aspire Portal ACT Aspire Portal User Guide:
Portal specific trainings will be held in August. Please remember to register for a training session. The actual ACT Aspire administratopn Portal is where you will go to set up your proctor caching information, and it is where district coordinators will go to create test sessions and work with student data. Invitations will go out to district coordinators soon, and they will be able to invite you as a technology coordinator. A training similar to this one, but geared towards functions available in the ACT Aspire Portal will be held in August.

44 Support Contacting ACT Aspire Implementation Toll Free: 888-802-7502

45 Open Questions & Answers

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