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Math 3 Flashcards As the year goes on we will add more and more flashcards to our collection. You do not need to bring them to class everyday…I will announce.

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Presentation on theme: "Math 3 Flashcards As the year goes on we will add more and more flashcards to our collection. You do not need to bring them to class everyday…I will announce."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math 3 Flashcards As the year goes on we will add more and more flashcards to our collection. You do not need to bring them to class everyday…I will announce ahead of time when you need to bring them. Your flashcards will be collected at the end of the third and fourth quarters for a grade. The grade received will be equivalent in value to a test grade. Essentially, if you lose your flashcards it will be impossible to pass the quarter.

2 What will my flashcards be graded on? Completeness – Is every card filled out front and back completely? Accuracy – This goes without saying. Any inaccuracies will be severely penalized. Neatness – If your cards are battered and hard to read you will get very little out of them. Order - Is your card #37 the same as my card #37?

3 Quadratic Equations Pink Card

4 Vertex Formula What is it good for? #1

5 Tells us the x-coordinate of the maximum point Axis of symmetry #1

6 Quadratic Formula What is it good for? #2

7 Tells us the roots (x-intercepts). #2

8 Define Inverse Variation #3 Give a real life example

9 The PRODUCT of two variables will always be the same (constant). Example: –The speed, s, you drive and the time, t, it takes for you to get to Rochester. #3

10 State the General Form of an inverse variation equation. Draw an example of a typical inverse variation and name the graph. #4

11 xy = k or. HYPERBOLA (ROTATED) #4

12 General Form of a Circle #5


14 Identify an Ellipse? #6

15 Unequal Coefficients Plus sign 2 squared terms #6

16 Graph an Ellipse? #7

17 Set equation = 1 (h,k) = center a = horizontal radius b = vertical radius #7

18 Also on back of #7

19 Identify Hyperbola & Sketch Hyperbola #8

20 Minus Sign 2 Squared Terms #8


22 Define Domain Define Range #9

23 DOMAIN - List of all possible x- values (aka – List of what x is allowed to be). RANGE – List of all possible y- values. #9

24 Test whether a relation (any random equation) is a FUNCTION or not? #10

25 Vertical Line Test Each member of the DOMAIN is paired with one and only one member of the RANGE. #10

26 Define 1 – to – 1 Function How do you test for one? #11

27 1-to-1 Function: A function whose inverse is also a function. Horizontal Line Test #11

28 How do you find an INVERSE Function… ALGEBRAICALLY? GRAPHICALLY? #12

29 Algebraically: Switch x and y… …solve for y. Graphically: Reflect over the line y=x #12

30 What notation do we use for Inverse? If point (a,b) lies on f(x)… #13

31 …then point (b,a) lies on Notation: #13


33 Define ISOMETRY #14

34 A transformation that preserves distance A DILATION is NOT an isometry #14

35 Direct Isometry List all examples #15

36 Preserves orientation (the order you read the vertices) Translation, rotation #15

37 Opposite Isometry List all examples #16

38 Does not preserve orientation Reflections #16

39 f(-x) Identify the action Identify the result #17

40 Action: Negating x Result: Reflection over the y-axis #17

41 -f(x) Identify the action Identify the result #18

42 Action: negating y Result: Reflection over the x-axis #18

43 Instead of memorizing mappings such as (x,y)→(-y,-x)… #19

44 …Just plug the point (4,1) into the mapping and plot the points to identify the transformation (x,y)→(-y,-x) (4,1) →(-1,-4) #19


46 Explain how to simplify powers of i #20

47 Divide the exponent by 4. Remainder becomes the new exponent. #20

48 Describe How to Graph Complex Numbers #21

49 x-axis represents real numbers y-axis represents imaginary numbers Plot point and draw vector from origin. #21

50 How do you identify the NATURE OF THE ROOTS? #22



53 ROOTS = Real, Rational, Unequal Graph crosses the x-axis twice. #23


55 ROOTS = Real, Irrational, Unequal Graph still crosses x-axis twice #24

56 ZERO #25

57 ROOTS = Real, Rational, Equal GRAPH IS TANGENT TO THE X-AXIS. #25



60 What is the SUM of the roots? What is the PRODUCT of the roots? #27

61 SUM = PRODUCT = #27

62 How do you write a quadratic equation given the roots? #28

63 Find the SUM of the roots Find the PRODUCT of the roots #28

64 Multiplicative Inverse #29

65 One over what ever is given. Don’t forget to RATIONALIZE Ex. Multiplicative inverse of 3 + i #29

66 Additive Inverse #30

67 What you add to, to get 0. Additive inverse of -3 + 4i is 3 – 4i #30

68 Inequalities and Absolute Value Pink card

69 Solve Absolute Value … #31

70 Split into 2 branches Only negate what is inside the absolute value on negative branch. CHECK!!!!! #31

71 Quadratic Inequalities… #32

72 Factor and find the roots like normal Make sign chart Graph solution on a number line (shade where +) #32

73 Solve Radical Equations … #33

74 Isolate the radical Square both sides Solve CHECK!!!!!!!!! #33

75 Probability and Statistics blue card

76 Probability Formula… #34 At least 4 out of 6 At most 2 out of 6

77 At least 4 out of 6 4or5or6 At most 2 2or1 or0 #34

78 Binomial Theorem #35

79 Watch your SIGNS!! #35

80 Summation #36

81 "The summation from 1 to 4 of 3n": #36

82 Normal Distribution What percentage lies within 1 S.D.? What percentage lies within 2 S.D.? What percentage lies within 3 S.D.? #37

83 What percentage lies within 1 S.D.? 68% What percentage lies within 2 S.D.? 95% What percentage lies within 3 S.D.? 99% #37

84 Rational Expressions green card

85 Multiplying & Dividing Rational Expressions #38

86 Change Division to Multiplication flip the second fraction Factor Cancel (one on top with one on the bottom) #38

87 Adding & Subtracting Rational Expressions #39

88 FIRST change subtraction to addition Find a common denominator Simplify KEEP THE DENOMINATOR!!!!!! #39

89 Rational Equations #40

90 First find the common denominator Multiply every term by the common denominator “KILL THE FRACTION” Solve Check your answers #40

91 Complex Fractions #41

92 Multiply every term by the common denominator Factor if necessary Simplify #41

93 Irrational Expressions

94 Conjugate #42

95 Change only the sign of the second term Ex. 4 + 3i conjugate 4 – 3i #42

96 Rationalize the denominator #43

97 Multiply the numerator and denominator by the CONJUGATE Simplify #43

98 Multiplying & Dividing Radicals #44

99 Multiply/divide the numbers outside the radical together Multiply/divide the numbers in side the radical together #44

100 Adding & Subtracting Radicals #45

101 Only add and subtract “LIKE RADICALS” The numbers under the radical must be the same. ADD/SUBTRACT the numbers outside the radical. Keep the radical #45

102 Exponents

103 When you multiply… the base and the exponents #46

104 KEEP (the base) ADD (the exponents) #46

105 When dividing… the base & the exponents. #47

106 Keep (the base) SUBTRACT (the exponents) #47

107 Power to a power… #48

108 MULTIPLY the exponents #48

109 Negative Exponents… #49

110 Reciprocate the base #49

111 Ground Hog Rule #50


113 Exponential Equations y = a(b) x Identify the meaning of a & b #51

114 Exponential equations occur when the exponent contains a variable a = initial amount b = growth factor b > 1 Growth b < 1 Decay #51

115 Name 2 ways to solve an Exponential Equation #52

116 1. Get a common base, set the exponents equal 2. Take the log of both sides #52

117 A typical EXPONENTIAL GRAPH looks like… #53

118 Horizontal asymptote y = 0 #53

119 Solving Equations with Fractional Exponents #54

120 Get x by itself. Raise both sides to the reciprocal. Example: #54

121 Logarithms

122 Expand 1) Log (ab) 2) Log(a+b) #55

123 1. log(a) + log (b) 2. Done! #55

124 Expand 1. log (a/b) 2. log (a-b) #56

125 1. log(a) – log(b) 2. DONE!! #56

126 Expand 1. logx m #57

127 m log x #57

128 Convert exponential to log form 2 3 = 8 #58


130 Convert log form to exponential form log 2 8 = 3 #59

131 Follow the arrows. #59

132 Log Equations 1. every term has a log 2. not all terms have a log #60

133 1. Apply log properties and knock out all the logs 2. Apply log properties condense log equation convert to exponential and solve #60

134 What does a typical logarithmic graph look like? #61

135 Vertical asymptote at x = 0 #61

136 Change of Base Formula What is it used for? #62

137 Used to graph logs #62

138 Coordinate Geometry

139 Slope formula What is it? When do you use it? #63

140 Used to show lines are PARALLEL (SAME SLOPE) Used to show lines are PERPENDICULAR (Slope are opposite reciprocal) #63

141 Distance Formula What is it? What is it used for? #64

142 Used to show two lines have the same length #64

143 Midpoint Formula What is it? What is it used for? #65

144 Used to show diagonals bisect each other (THE MIDDLE) #65


146 sin 30 or sin #66


148 sin 60 or sin #67


150 sin 45 or sin #68


152 sin 0 #69

153 0

154 sin 90 or sin #70

155 1

156 sin 180 or sin #71

157 0

158 sin 270 or sin #72

159 #72

160 sin 360 or sin #73

161 0

162 cos 30 or cos #74


164 cos 60 or cos #75


166 cos 45 or cos #76


168 cos 0 #77

169 1

170 cos 90 or cos #78

171 0

172 cos 180 or cos #79

173 #79

174 cos 270 or cos #80

175 0

176 cos 360 or cos #81

177 1

178 tan 30 or tan #82


180 tan 60 or tan #83


182 tan 45 or tan #84

183 1

184 tan 0 #85

185 0

186 tan 90 or tan #86

187 D.N.E. or Undefined #86

188 tan 180 or tan #87

189 0

190 tan 270 or tan #88

191 D.N.E. Or Undefined #88

192 tan 360 or tan #89

193 0

194 Trigonometry Identities

195 Reciprocal Identity sec = #90


197 Reciprocal Identity csc = #91


199 cot = Reciprocal Identity #92


201 Quotient Identity #93


203 Trig Graphs

204 Amplitude #94

205 Height from the midline y = asin(fx) y = -2sinx amp = 2 #94

206 Frequency #95

207 How many complete cycles between 0 and #95

208 Period #96

209 How long it takes to complete one full cycle Formula: #96

210 y = sinx a) graph b) amplitude c) frequency d) period e) domain f) range #97

211 a) b) 1 c) 1 d) e) all real numbers f) #97

212 y = cosx a) graph b) amplitude c) frequency d) period e) domain f) range #98

213 a) b) 1 c) 1 d) e) all real numbers f) #98

214 y = tan x a) graph b) amplitude c) asymptotes at… #99

215 a) b) No amplitude c) Asymptotes are at odd multiplies of Graph is always increasing #99

216 y = csc x A) graph B) location of the asymptotes #100

217 b) Asymptotes are multiples of Draw in ghost sketch #100

218 y = secx A) graph B) location of the asymptotes #101

219 B) asymptotes are odd multiples of Draw in ghost sketch #101

220 y=cotx A) graph B) location of asymptotes #102

221 B) multiplies of Always decreasing #102

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