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Project X RD&D Plan Instrumentation Manfred Wendt AAC Meeting February 3, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Project X RD&D Plan Instrumentation Manfred Wendt AAC Meeting February 3, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project X RD&D Plan Instrumentation Manfred Wendt AAC Meeting February 3, 2009

2 Page 2 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Project X Instrumentation, Manfred Wendt Outline Scope and overview of Project X beam instrumentation systems A note to performance and system requirements Primary technical issues and the strategy to address them –Example: Real estate limitations in the MEBT –Examples of initiated / planned activities:  HINS temporary beam diagnostics  First beam studies at the proton source  e-Cloud measurements and beam studies in the Main Injector  e-beam scanner (planned) Goals of the plan by year Role of outside collaborators –Example: BNL Laserwire collaboration

3 Page 3 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Project X Instrumentation, Manfred Wendt System Scope Beam Instrumentation and Diagnostics Systems Measure and characterize beam parameters (beam intensity, orbit, profiles/emittance, phase/timing, halo, etc.) for –Machine commissioning –Performance evaluation and improvements under various machine conditions, operating modes and a range(?) of beam parameters. –Detection and analysis of faults and error sources. Provide detection systems (BLMs, current monitors) for a fast Machine Protection System (MPS). Instrumentation hard-, firm- and software includes –EM and optical detection systems and control elements –Read-out, analysis and calibration systems –Infrastructure, cabling, timing and clock systems, DAQ interface

4 Page 4 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Project X Instrumentation, Manfred Wendt Overview of Beam Monitors BPM BLM Toroid Laser wire SEM / Slit Wirescanner Screen Monitor Fast F-Cup Long. Fiberlaser e-beam scanner e-Cloud IPM Other Monitors Injector324816859512222 1.3 GHz Linac5155333 Transport Line668854233 Recycler (Inj)120355 Main Injector222 TOTAL15021127153393812227

5 Page 5 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Project X Instrumentation, Manfred Wendt System Requirements Detailed requirements and specifications for beam instrumentation systems have NOT yet been established. Need to: –Requirements to be derived from beam dynamics and operations aspects (intensity ranges, resolution, precision, operating modes, etc.) –Define monitor technologies, e.g. button vs. cavity-style BPM in 1.3 GHz SCRF cryomodules –Exact location / layout / space / # of beam detector components. Space limitations: Optics / diagnostics balance (beam quality vs. diagn.) Establish a physical layout based on system installation numbers –Optimization / distribution of racks/crates vs. cabling, tunnel electronics(?) –Standardization of electronics hard- & software (e.g. VME/VXS, TCA,...) Specification of the Machine Protection System (with Controls) –Operating modes (long/short pulse), response times, detection elements

6 Page 6 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Project X Instrumentation, Manfred Wendt (Technical) Issues Most technical issues on high-intensity beam instrumentation systems are have been addressed and resolved elsewhere, e.g. SNS, but also DESY FLASH (“cold” beam monitors). However: –Exact specifications and the conceptual design has to be worked out. –Limited real-estate in MEBT, SCRF spoke-resonator and cryo-modules. –Location / type of tr. profile monitors for emittance measurements. –Detection of tr. beam halo (vibrating wire, laser wire) and long. beam tails (mode-locked fiberlaser) to prevent beam losses. Need onsite development / experience with non-invasive beam diagnostics (laser wire, e-beam scanner) –Minimize radiation background, instrument survival. –Emittance / profile monitoring in the transport line! Infrastructure, integration, standardization, DAQ (Controls) –Synchronized time stamping of data, low-jitter (sub-ps) clock signals

7 Page 7 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Project X Instrumentation, Manfred Wendt HINS MEBT Real Estate SNS MEBT Diagnostics: –6x BPMs –2x Beam current –5x Wire scanner –Diagnostics “Tank”  2x Multiwire / slit  Beamstopper  Mode-locked laser –3x BLM HINS MEBT

8 Page 8 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Project X Instrumentation, Manfred Wendt Technical Strategy Collect information –Workshop participation (HB, BIW, DIPAC, Care) information exchange –Visit of potential collaborators, e.g. SNS, BNL, LBNL, SLAC –Meetings, meetings, meetings,…(requirements & specifications!) –Review of specific instrumentation systems, e.g. HINS MEBT diagnostics, cryomodule BPMs, etc. Instrumentation RD&D targets (need beam!) –HINS H - front-end (various linac instrumentation) –Main Injector (e-cloud, e-beam scanner, IPM) –NML test accelerator (cryomodule BPMs) Develop, build and test mission critical beam instruments, e.g. –MEBT diagnostics (orbit, emittance & phase monitors) –“Cold” BPMs, phase pickups (1.3 GHz cryomodule, spoke-resonators) –Non-invasive beam instruments

9 Page 9 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Project X Instrumentation, Manfred Wendt Practical Activities HINS Temporary Diagnostics Water Cooled Beam Dump BPM Wire Scanners RFQ Toroid

10 Page 10 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Project X Instrumentation, Manfred Wendt 1 st HINS Beam Measurements Beam 45 kV Protons 2-3 mA 100  s pulse 0.1 Hz Solenoids Up to 7.8 kG Trim Dipoles Up to 100 G

11 Page 11 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Project X Instrumentation, Manfred Wendt e-Cloud Measurements Microwave transmission (phase velocity) measurement: –From plasma physics, microwaves travelling along a waveguide (vacuum chamber) –Phase shift due to a homogeneous plasma –Microwave dispersion relation: For an electron cloud is proportional to e density

12 Page 12 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Project X Instrumentation, Manfred Wendt Time Resolved Measurements Direct Phase e-Cloud Measurements –Mix the transmitted signal with the source and measure the baseband component. –The phase difference translates into a DC offset at the mixer output. –We can observe the development of the e-Cloud as the beam passes! –Data shown represents one machine turn (TbT time resolution).

13 Page 13 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Project X Instrumentation, Manfred Wendt e-Beam Scanner e-beam gets deflected by the p-beam Defection depends on –e-beam energy and position –p-beam charge and distribution Electron Beam Proton Beam Electron Beam Proton Beam Electrons above Protons Electrons below Protons Electron Gun Electron Beam Position Detector Electron Beam Proton Beam SNS e-beam scanner, build by Russian collaborators

14 Page 14 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Project X Instrumentation, Manfred Wendt Goals and Timeline FY09 –Specifications & requirements –Conceptual layout of beam diagnostics. –Continue started / initiate new RD&D activities at HINS & MI. FY10 –Focus on mission critical RD&D projects, e.g. laserwire, e-beam scanner, e-Cloud, MEBT instrumentation, cold BPMs, read-out systems, beam loss monitoring, and more. FY11 –Finalize design and development activities. –Summarize operation experience on some prototypes (HINS, MI) FY12 –Freeze designs, overall system layout.

15 Page 15 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Project X Instrumentation, Manfred Wendt Collaborators Project X Collaboration Initiative (November 2008): –Interest on beam instrumentation collaboration projects from SNS, LBNL, and SLAC SNS –Various advanced diagnostics systems (broadband Faraday-cup, e- beam scanner, MEBT beam instrumentation, Allison scanner, etc.) –Support, information exchange, RD&D help, visits, reviews, etc., but no design or development activities LBNL –Collaboration on e-Cloud measurements –EOI on the development of a mode-locked fiber laser system for long. bunch profile measurements (also bunch tails). SLAC –Collaboration on a new, xTCA-based electronics platform (Controls).

16 Page 16 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Project X Instrumentation, Manfred Wendt BNL Laserwire Collaboration BNL test: –750 keV H - beam –Faraday-cup e - detector

17 Page 17 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Project X Instrumentation, Manfred Wendt Summary A short overview of the Project X beam instrumentation systems, the related issues and a resolution strategy was presented. The exact requirements, specifications, and performance of beam instrumentation systems and diagnostics need still to be defined. A preliminary RD&D plan covers prototyping of various known and novel beam diagnostics. Emphasis is put on non-invasive beam detectors. Beam studies of prototypes will take place at the HINS and NML test facilities, and the Main Injector. Preliminary RD&D goals have been presented. LBNL, SNS, and SLAC have expressed interest to collaborate on various projects in advanced beam instrumentation and controls.

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