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MATH 685/ CSI 700/ OR 682 Lecture Notes Lecture 8. Nonlinear equations.

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Presentation on theme: "MATH 685/ CSI 700/ OR 682 Lecture Notes Lecture 8. Nonlinear equations."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATH 685/ CSI 700/ OR 682 Lecture Notes Lecture 8. Nonlinear equations

2 Nonlinear Equations Given a function f, we are looking for a value x, s.t. f(x)=0 (a root of the equation, or a zero of the function f). The problem is called root finding or zero finding.

3 Example

4 Existence/uniqueness

5 Examples in 1d

6 Example of a system in 2d

7 Multiplicity

8 Sensitivity and conditioning



11 Convergence rate


13 Bisection method

14 Example: bisection iteration

15 Bisection method

16 Fixed-point iterations

17 Examples

18 Example: fixed point problems

19 Examples: FPI

20 Example: FPI

21 Convergence of FPI

22 Newton’s method



25 Convergence of Newton’s method

26 Newton’s method

27 Secant method


29 Example

30 Higher-degree interpolation

31 Inverse interpolation

32 Inverse quadratic interpolation

33 Example

34 Linear fractional interpolation

35 Example

36 Safeguarded methods Rapidly convergent methods for solving nonlinear equations may not converge unless started close to solution, but safe methods are slow Hybrid methods combine features of both types of methods to achieve both speed and reliability Use rapidly convergent method, but maintain bracket around solution If next approximate solution given by fast method falls outside bracketing interval, perform one iteration of safe method, such as bisection Fast method can then be tried again on smaller interval with greater chance of success Ultimately, convergence rate of fast method should prevail Hybrid approach seldom does worse than safe method, and usually does much better Popular combination is bisection and inverse quadratic interpolation, for which no derivatives required

37 Zeros of polynomials

38 Systems of nonlinear equations Solving systems of nonlinear equations is much more difficult than scalar case because: Wider variety of behavior is possible, so determining existence and number of solutions or good starting guess is much more complex There is no simple way, in general, to guarantee convergence to desired solution or to bracket solution to produce absolutely safe method Computational overhead increases rapidly with dimension of problem

39 Fixed-point iteration (FPI)

40 Newton’s method

41 Example


43 Convergence of Newton’s method

44 Cost of Newton’s method

45 Secant updating methods

46 Broyden’s method


48 Example



51 Example (cont)

52 Robust Newton-like methods

53 Trust-region methods

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