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CRCT Review 6 th Grade Social Studies. Your Task: 1. Save this PowerPoint to your H: drive. 2. Add a new slide (after each question) where you will type.

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Presentation on theme: "CRCT Review 6 th Grade Social Studies. Your Task: 1. Save this PowerPoint to your H: drive. 2. Add a new slide (after each question) where you will type."— Presentation transcript:

1 CRCT Review 6 th Grade Social Studies

2 Your Task: 1. Save this PowerPoint to your H: drive. 2. Add a new slide (after each question) where you will type the answer. 3. When you’re finished, print off the PowerPoint with 9 slides per page. *You may want to email your PowerPoint to yourself so that you can review it at home!

3 Latin America

4 1. Where was the Aztec civilization located? Who was their leader?

5 Tenochtitlan(Present day Mexico City). Montezuma

6 2. Where was the Incan empire located? Who was their leader?

7 Western coast of South America. Atahualpa.

8 3. What was traded during the Columbian Exchange?

9 Potatoes, peppers, corn, horses, tomatoes. Diseases were also brought to New World.

10 4. What did Hernan Cortes do?

11 Defeated Montezuma and the Aztec empire.

12 5. What did Francisco Pizarro do?

13 Defeated Atahualpa and Incan empire.

14 6. What was the Triangular Trade? Who did the Europeans get to work on the sugar plantations and mines in Latin America after the natives died?

15 Trade between Europe(Old World), Americas(New World), Africa. African slaves were brought in

16 7. Who is Miguel Hidalgo? Country?

17 Mexican priest that led independence movement in Mexico.

18 8. Who is Toussaint L’Ouverture? Country?

19 Former slave that led slave revolt in Haiti(gained independence)

20 9. Who is Simon Bolivar? Countries?

21 Helped gain independence for Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Venezuela.

22 10. Who is Fidel Castro and how did he change Cuban history?

23 Became dictator of Cuba and started communist gov’t.

24 11. What was the Cuban Embargo?

25 Interactive Notebook pg. 148 12. Who are the Zapatistas?

26 South American rebels against NAFTA. Took over a few small towns in protest.

27 Interactive Notebook pg. 113 13. What is NAFTA and how does it affect Mexico, US, and Canada?

28 North American Free Trade Agreement. Eliminated tariffs between the 3 countries. Opened up trade.

29 Interactive Notebook pg. 123 14. What is happening to the Amazon Rainforest?

30 Deforestation-cutting of trees

31 Interactive Notebook pg. 125 15. What is the primary religion practiced and the primary language spoken in Latin America?

32 Religion- Roman Catholic Language- Spanish, Portuguese

33 Interactive Notebook pg. 125 16. Which two countries had the greatest impact on the religion of Latin America?

34 Spain and Portugal

35 Canada

36 Interactive Notebook pg. 107 17. What two European countries colonized Canada?

37 France and Great Britain

38 Interactive Notebook pg. 107 18. How did Canada become independent from Great Britain?


40 Interactive Notebook pg. 110 19. What does Quebec hope to preserve by becoming independent from the rest of Canada?

41 French culture

42 Interactive Notebook pg. 107 20. What are Canada’s two official languages?

43 English and French

44 Interactive Notebook pg. 95 21. Where does most of Canada’s population live?

45 Along southern border of Canada, close to northern border of US

46 Interactive Notebook pg. 91 22. Why are most of Canada’s factories located along the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes?

47 Trade route/Access to the Atlantic Oceans

48 Europe

49 Interactive Notebook pg. 33 23. Who is Prince Henry the Navigator? What is he known for?

50 Set-up exploration school and began exploring west coast of Africa

51 Interactive Notebook pg. 35 24. Name at least 3 countries that were originally colonized by Great Britain?


53 Interactive Notebook pg. 42 25. Which countries were involved in World War I?

54 Central Powers- Germany, Austria- Hungary, Ottoman Empire Allied Powers – British, France, Russia, US

55 Interactive Notebook pg. 42 26. The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I. What did the treaty force Germany to do?

56 Accept blame for war, pay war reparations(33 billion), give back land, reduce size of military

57 Interactive Notebook pg. 43 27. How did World War I affect Germany’s economy?

58 Germany went into a depression, money was worthless

59 Interactive Notebook pg. 46 28. Who was the leader of the Nazi Party? What were they known for?

60 Hitler Hatred of Jews

61 Interactive Notebook pg. 46 29. Who were the Axis Powers in World War II?

62 Germany, Japan, Italy

63 Interactive Notebook pg. 46 30. Who were the Allied Powers in World War II?

64 United States, Great Britain, France, Russia

65 Interactive Notebook pg. 46 31. What caused World War II to take place?

66 Hitler broke Treaty of Versailles, Germany invaded Poland

67 Interactive Notebook pg. 46 32. What was the Holocaust?

68 Murder of millions of Jews by Hitler/Nazi Party

69 Interactive Notebook pg. 40 33. Who was Vladimir Lenin?

70 Communist leader of Russia after Russian Revolution

71 Interactive Notebook pg. 40 34. What was the Russian Revolution?

72 Workers went on strike, riots in the streets, some of army turned against czar, czar executed

73 Interactive Notebook pg. 40 35. Who was Czar Nicholas II?

74 Last czar of Russia, killed during Russian Revolution

75 Interactive Notebook pg. 47 36. After World War II, which 2 nations engaged in the Cold War?

76 United States and Russia

77 Interactive Notebook pg. 47 37. What happened to Berlin after World War II?

78 Wall built to divide into communist and democratic sections

79 Interactive Notebook pg. 47 38. After the Soviet Union collapsed, what happened to East and West Germany?

80 Berlin wall was torn down and communist side ended

81 Interactive Notebook pg. 63 39. What is the European Union?

82 European countries joined to open trade, same currency, ease of travel between countries

83 Interactive Notebook pg. 25 40. What are the three major religions in Europe?

84 Christianity, Judaism, Islam

85 Interactive Notebook pg. 16 41. What are some causes of acid rain in Germany?

86 Factories and car pollution Kills plants and animals, hurts soil/land, ruins buildings

87 Interactive Notebook pg. 16 42. What happened at Chernobyl, Ukraine?

88 Nuclear power plant explosion, contaminated everything around the site

89 Australia

90 Interactive Notebook pg. 165 43. Who were the Aborigines? How did they pass their Dreamtime legends down through generations?

91 Interactive Notebook pg. 164 44. Why did the British originally colonize Australia?

92 Used it as a prison colony

93 Interactive Notebook pg. 162 45. Where do most Australians live? Why?

94 Southeastern coast because of milder climate

95 Government

96 Interactive Notebook pg. 8 46. What is an autocracy?

97 Gov’t controlled by a single strong ruler(dictator)

98 Interactive Notebook pg. 8 47. What is an oligarchy?

99 Gov’t controlled by a small group or few people

100 Interactive Notebook pg. 8 48. What is a democracy?

101 People control the gov’t—they vote for leaders

102 Interactive Notebook pg. 53 49. What is a unitary system of government?

103 Strong central gov’t and weak local/state gov’t

104 Interactive Notebook pg. 53 50. What is a confederation?

105 Strong local/state gov’t and weak central gov’t

106 Interactive Notebook pg. 53 51. What is a federal system?

107 Central and state gov’ts share powers/duties

108 Interactive Notebook pg. 61 52. How is the leader chosen in a parliamentary democracy?

109 People elect members of Parliament and prime minister is chosen from party with most members(majority)

110 Interactive Notebook pg. 61 53. How is the leader chosen in a presidential democracy?

111 People elect the president

112 Interactive Notebook pg. 53 54. Australia is considered to have a federal system, what does this mean?

113 The central gov’t and territory gov’ts share the power/duties

114 Interactive Notebook pg. 61 55. Brazil and Mexico both have presidential democracies. How do they determine their leaders?

115 Elections are held and people vote for president

116 Economics

117 Interactive Notebook pg. 51 56. What are the different economic systems? Describe each.

118 Market – people(buyers and sellers) control economy Command – gov’t controls economy Mixed – people/gov’t control economy Traditional – trade/barter, habits of past

119 Interactive Notebook pg. 51 57. In Germany, Russia, and the United Kingdom, the government regulates some industries but most business decisions are made by individuals. What type of economy do these countries have?

120 Mixed

121 Interactive Notebook pg. 51 58. What are the 3 economic questions that every country must answer?

122 What to produce How to produce For whom to produce

123 Interactive Notebook pg. 69 59. What are the 3 economic trade barriers? Describe each.

124 Tariff- tax on imports Quota – limit on imports Embargo – stop all trade

125 Interactive Notebook pg. 51 60. Cuba has a command economy and Brazil has a mixed economy. How do these two economies differ?

126 Interactive Notebook pg. 73 61. What are the 4 factors of economic growth? Give an example of each.

127 Human capital, Capital goods, natural resources, entrepreneurship

128 Interactive Notebook pg. 73 62. What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

129 Total value of all goods/services produced in a country in a year

130 Interactive Notebook pg. 73 63. If a country does not have many natural resources, what will their GDP be like?

131 Interactive Notebook pg. 71 64. If countries want to trade internationally, what must they first do with their currency?

132 Exchange currencies – change currency from one type to another

133 Interactive Notebook pg. 78 65. If a country has a high literacy rate, what will the country’s standard of living be like?

134 High

135 Interactive Notebook pg. 113 67. What is the goal of NAFTA?

136 Open trade between Canada, US, Mexico

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