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Research Administrators Forum November 18, 2008. NCURA National Meeting 2008  Hot Topics in Research Compliance Preparing for a Federal Audit  NSF and.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Administrators Forum November 18, 2008. NCURA National Meeting 2008  Hot Topics in Research Compliance Preparing for a Federal Audit  NSF and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Administrators Forum November 18, 2008

2 NCURA National Meeting 2008  Hot Topics in Research Compliance Preparing for a Federal Audit  NSF and NIH Update  Current Trends in Research Administration  Upcoming Events  Impressions from other NCURA participants 2

3 Marti’s Update  See handouts

4 Betty’s NSF Update  See handouts

5 Summary of NIH Updates

6 New NIH Policy on Resubmissions  Beginning with original new applications and competing renewals submitted for Jan 25, 2009 deadline, NIH will accept only a single amendment to the original application  Applications submitted prior to Jan 25, 2009 will operate under the current policy of allowing 2 amendments  Applies to all applications  NIH Guide announcement:  http:/ http:/

7 Enhancing Peer Review  Streamlined applications (formerly known as “triaged” applications) will be scored  Part of goal to improve the transparency of the scoring process  To allow PI to better assess whether or not an amended application will be submitted

8 Focus on New and Early Stage Investigators  Definitions New Investigator: In general, a Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) is considered a New Investigator if he/she has not previously competed successfully as PD/PI for a significant NIH independent research award. For example, a PD/PI who has previously received a competing NIH R01 research grant is no longer considered a New Investigator. A complete definition of a New Investigator along with a list of NIH grants that do not disqualify a PD/PI from being considered a New Investigator can be found at Early Stage Investigator (ESI): An individual who is classified as a New or First-Time Investigator and is within 10 years of completing his/her terminal research degree or is within 10 years of completing medical residency (or the equivalent) is considered an Early Stage Investigator (ESI). More information on ESIs is available at

9 Policy  For FY 2009, NIH expects to support New Investigators at success rates equivalent to that of established investigators submitting new applications.  The majority of New Investigators supported in FY 2009 are expected to be Early Stage Investigators (ESIs).  Applications from New Investigators will be clustered during initial peer review to the extent possible. Scientific Review Officers will consider the need to cluster applications from New Investigator depending on reviewer availability. The NIH strongly encourages New Investigators, particularly ESIs, to apply for R01 grants when seeking first-time NIH funding. 

10 Salary Cap  Until current FY appropriation is final, there will be no change to the salary cap

11 $10 glass of wine OR $10,030 glass of wine  Audit finding $10 glass of wine charged to grant  Fines  3 X Amount charged 3 X $10 = $30  Plus and additional $10,000 PER OCCURRENCE  Fine for unallowable this example $10,030

12 Where to go if you have questions Scroll down until you see: Federal Allowable and Unallowable Costs Segregation of Federal Allowable and Unallowable Costs

13 Compliance Programs  Training  Increased Knowledge = Reduced Risk  Opportunities to share knowledge  SPA II – September 09 @ NYU

14 Compliance Programs  Policies and Procedures  Strategic Decisions  Mission and Strategic Plan  Unambiguous Direction

15 Other Conference Highlights  Conference dynamics  Communication or the lack there of  Networking

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