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NUKAT, Warsaw 23 January 2008 Janifer Gatenby Research Integration and Standards OCLC Hobart 6 th November 2009 Current status and future of the CBS system.

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Presentation on theme: "NUKAT, Warsaw 23 January 2008 Janifer Gatenby Research Integration and Standards OCLC Hobart 6 th November 2009 Current status and future of the CBS system."— Presentation transcript:

1 NUKAT, Warsaw 23 January 2008 Janifer Gatenby Research Integration and Standards OCLC Hobart 6 th November 2009 Current status and future of the CBS system

2 Agenda Union catalogue maintenance Exposure Delivery Enriching the data Extending the Services

3 Flash back 40 years Genuine cataloger 1969

4 1969 was also the year in which Tasmania got its first computer, shared by the University of Tasmania and the Hydro Electricity Commission The State Library of Tasmania received a copy of LCMARC format

5 The goals Cataloguing efficiency Collective collection management Exposure Inter-library loan and copy delivery

6 Now: Mosaic of interoperating systems Public StateSpecial Uni Tera text LADD Uni Public Special State Trove other libraries Admin

7 CBS – the central piece Union catalogues software developed originally for the Dutch Union Catalogue Replaced Amicus in Kinetica / Libraries Australia in 2005 Robust, high volume, configurable, extensible Dovetails with Libraries Australia Admin using LDAP Feeds Teratext and Trove in real time Interoperates with OCLC data resources and grid services


9 Management of the Union Catalogue

10 Contributions from libraries via Batch: FTP, OAIPMH Record by record: WinIBW, SRU record update Copy cataloguing from external sources via Z39.50 (Bath profile) and SRU Contributions to WorldCat via SRU record update Interoperability Relies on manual intervention at both ends and results in delays, gaps, less reliable alignment of identifiers

11 SRU record update : Near Real Time Inserts, updates, deletions Machine & QA corrections and merges Identifiers and diagnostics Inserts, updates and deletions Both CBS and WorldCat have an SRU Pusher and an SRU catcher Identifiers and diagnostics

12 SRU Record Update CBS System SRU update University Library State Library Special Library Library SRU update CommencedRecordsHoldingsMerge %Changes 02.2008 573,8542,850,00020-30%c.30,000 /mth 02.2009 159,7411,130,00050-60%Not yet Connexion

13 SRU Record Update Evolution SRU from WorldCat to Libraries Australia Q1 2010 Wish list: More data exchanged in real time Detailed holdings Authority records (VIAF and ISNI) Institution records Wish list: Local systems to Libraries Australia Amlib in development But there’s the catch

14 Planned: Synchronisation Gateway Widget Library System Z39.50Client SQLQuery OAIPMHILSAPI LocalScripts SRU update Detect / Elicit Send Tailor SRUSRU

15 Job Management System Job Management Easier scheduling of global changes & other jobs Coming in 2010 Change in cataloguing rules RDA? Requires configuration CBS already supports multiple rules – Dutch, German, French, AACR2

16 Exposure

17 Primary goal of any catalogue: End user discovery Until about 2000, via local Library OPAC By 2005, only 2% used library OPAC first, 84% started in a search engine

18 We don’t know where the user will start, or pass by We do know where we would like him or her to finish Google books – WorldCat – Local catalogue Google scholar- Libraries Australia – Local resolver Libraries Australia – Local repository Blog – WorldCat – Local /regional delivery service Any catalogue - Unrestricted electronic material Maximum exposure needed to find the users Catalogues need to be inter related Multiple catalogues are ideal. CBS is one link

19 The same copy can be retrieved from: The Royal Library of the Netherlands web site: http://opc4.kb.nl The Royal Library of the Netherlands web site: http://opc4.kb.nl The Dutch National Union Catalogue web site: http://www.picarta.nl The Dutch National Union Catalogue web site: http://www.picarta.nl The European Library web site: http://www.theeuropeanlibrary.org The European Library web site: http://www.theeuropeanlibrary.org WorldCat: http://www.worldcat.org WorldCat: http://www.worldcat.org Google Books: Google Books:

20 Global Exposure via WorldCat 147 million records 1,467 million holdings 112 countries 470 languages c. 13 million full record displays a month c. 1 million referrals a month from Google Book Search c. 750,000 a month clicks to libraries also 60 million articles 23 million OAIster

21 13,234 transactions in one month

22 Delivery

23 Exposure brings responsibility To deliver (and do it efficiently) Need to move from a discovery site to delivery Electronic – via URLs or via resolvers Physical to local catalogues via identifier links to local delivery services using OpenURL RTM Discovery is at regional, national, global levels and thus there is a need for national and international registries

24 Registry using Resolver links

25 Registry using OPAC links


27 OCNs are important identifiers Only 30% of WorldCat has an international identifier 77 million text records without ISBN And it is not just pre 1968 material Between 1970 and 1990, average of 9 million per decade without ISBN Direct linking by OCN is important In the Netherlands CBS is a switch between WorldCat and the local catalogue because CBS holds the local identifier Planned for Libraries Australia 2010

28 Registry using OPAC links

29 from Requests Loan, lookup, copy etc. belonging to User wants a resource not owned by her library / institution Request formulated into OpenURL Request Transfer Message (RTM) To send to Libraries Australia User Request Interface

30 Cooperative Collection Management

31 Cooperative Collections International Cooperation moved from wings to centre stage Collective collections with International scope possible Scripts, materials for special needs groups New services to support Collection Management Collection Analysis Mined data – Copyright, Holdings Count Harvested data - Resource usage (Danes, COBISS) ISO Holdings schema, NCIP

32 Collection Analysis Compare collection – globally or with selected libraries By subject, classification, format, publication date range Supports re-location, purchase, digitisation decisions

33 Enriching the catalogue Network effects

34 Some OCLC data related projects and services VIAF – Virtual International Authority File Classify Publisher authority file PNAF “ FRBRisation ” Collecting social data Data mining – audience level, WorldCat identities, holdings count Always machine as well as end user access

35 VIAF: 11.9 million personal name authority records


37 WorldCat identities (25 million personal names, 7 million institutions)

38 Dewey Web Services Experimental space for linked DDC data Initial linked data set: DDC Summaries in 9 languages Features: Classification semantics encoded in SKOS Actionable URIs for every DDC class Representations for machines (RDF) and for humans (HTML) The linked data is made available under a Creative Commons BY- NC-ND license (more permissions are available here) Creative Commons BY- NC-ND licensehere

39 Coming soon: One page per work

40 Work eng fre ger ita Manif eng Manif eng Manif eng Manif eng Manif eng Manif eng Evalu ative Info fre Evalu ative Info Holding Subj Classif Subj Classif eng fre ger ita Author s eng fre ger ita eng fre ger ita eng fre ger ita Language of cataloguing Language of work (expression)

41 Data services for external systems Web services xISBN, WorldCat API (SRU), WorldCat identities API Work manifestation service via table (used in Trove) 100+ ISBNs 32 English, 9 Spanish, 3 Russian, etc. CBS is the pilot user of new data services

42 Regional Collection of Data: Sharing globally Social data is indexed with the bibliographic metadata in CBS Language tagged Social data is shared with WorldCat, unless restricted WorldCat data can be downloaded SwissBib NCC Touchpoint PiCarta More than 160,000 lists contributed by end users to WorldCat

43 Reviewed, signed, rated

44 Extending Network Level Services

45 As we are making common collections, should not the acquisitions process also be done cooperatively? Data that can be shared The data needs exposure Data managed multiple times redundantly (supplier details, supplier suggestions) Through collective knowledge tasks can be simplified or improved (e.g. serial prediction) Collective data can produce new data (holdings count, supplier performance, copyright) Links and imported data more efficient if done once

46 Optimum location of data Globally sharable data bibliographic metadata, holdings, issue level holdings, suppliers, statistics, reference query and answer pairs, institution registry information Data that can be shared within one or more cooperatives to which the library belongs selection / rejection decisions, weeding reasons, borrower / user information Local data that is not shared budgets, invoice details, some user information Dynamic data – item status

47 OCLC, CBS and local systems LBS, SunRise, OLIB, Amlib ContentDM Touchpoint CBS Web Management Services Regional nodes under discussion WorldCat Local WorldCat group catalog

48 The network level Regional & National All global roles plus Management of the collective collection (physical & digital) Provision of delivery services Global physical delivery architecture Global Exposure of collections Exposure of services Data management & enrichment External liaisons Curation of rare & priceless Electronic delivery architecture

49 Thank you

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