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17/11/2014. CVO HIK Our school Mission statement Kempen region Education programs: secondary- higher Number of students/student hours Relationships with.

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Presentation on theme: "17/11/2014. CVO HIK Our school Mission statement Kempen region Education programs: secondary- higher Number of students/student hours Relationships with."— Presentation transcript:

1 17/11/2014

2 CVO HIK Our school Mission statement Kempen region Education programs: secondary- higher Number of students/student hours Relationships with work field

3 Our school Started in 1951 from a technical school Strongly related with ‘university college’ Two different schools: – CVO TISJ - secondary level: +5.500 students – CVO HIK - higher level: +1.800 students More than 1 million student hours (total number of hours followed by all students 9 locations: – Higher level: Geel, Herentals, Turnhout, Westerlo, Vorselaar – Secondary level: Geel, Tessenderlo, Westerlo, Arendonk, About 350 teachers 412 modules higher + 473 modules secundary level

4 CVO HIK offers contemporary, innovative and quality education that responds to the needs of the student and the Kempen region. Mission statement HIKHIK Hedendaags aanbod (up-to-date offer) Hoogstaande opleidingen (high level education) Innovatief (innovative) Inspelend op noden cursist (student oriented) Kwaliteitsvol (high quality) Kempense regio (Kempen region)

5 Kempen Region North east Belgium About 400.000 inhabitants Relatively young population Lower than average education (higher share of vocational and technical education) Economically sensitive region – relative high unemployment (young, low-skilled, women) Transition from – Secondary to tertiary sector – Production plants to more value adding activities (e.g. Umicore)  Need for higher skilled engineers, accountants, technicians, sales representatives and computer scientists

6 Doctor 8 Master 7 Bachelor 6 ASSIOCIATE DEGREE 5 Secondary education 4 Vocational education 3 Basic education 2 Primary education 1 Education in Flanders (1) From level 5 starts higher education Levels represented as a ladder on which one can climb

7 Education in Flanders (2) Primary school (Level 1): – Starting from 6 years – Duration: 6 years Secundary school: – General secundary, technical secundary and vocational education – Starting from 12 years – Duration 6 years 3 years lower secundary (level 2) and 3 years higher secondary (level 4) Vocational (level 3) (6 years) + 1 extra year = technical secondary Higher Education – Starting from 18 years – 3 levels Associate degree (level 5): 2 years (+1,5 years  bachelor) Bachelor (level 6): 3 years (+ 2 years  master) Master (level 7): 4-5 years Doctorate (level 8)

8 Offer on secondary level Computer: – I CT software: Office, web design, multimedia, Autocad, etc. – ICT hardware: Computer technician – Digital photography and photo processing Languages: French, English, German, Spanish, Polish and Italian Technical: building, welding, repair of cars, bike repair, wood processing, plumber, printing, fashion, horticulture, painting, injection molding, etc. Food: cooking, wine, beer, bakery, chocolate, butchery, etc. Personal care: beauty specialist Sewing Tourism

9 Offer in higher education Management Accountancy Tax management Bank and finance Office assistant Marketing Law Logistics Communication Computer Science Local guide/tour guide Electro-mechanics Social work Personnel management Remedial teaching Senior consultant Teacher training

10 Evolution number of students



13 Up-to-date education 2/3 of teachers still work in the sector Collaboration with education: – Secondary schools as “partner” for adult education Representative in General Meeting/board of directors Common use of buildings and equipment/teachers Partner in organisation of adult educations – Collaboration with “University College” for offer Associate degree – Public education organisations VDAB (public employment service) Syntra (public agency for company formation) Collaboration with work field: – Regional employer organisations Chamber of commerce (VOKA), Organisation for craftsmen (Unizo) and Christian employer organisation (VKW), Regional development agency (SPK) – Sector organisations (construction, injection molding, Cevora, etc.) – Ways of collaboration: Part of our board of directors Collaborate in common programs (e.g. SME management, injection molding) Taking part in resonance group

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