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Education Service Center Region 11
Completing the Special Education Consolidated Grant Application Welcome to ESC Region 11! 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Education Service Center Region 11
Contact Information Ricardo Montalvo Coordinator of Instructional Support Brenda Cupps Special Ed-Leadership Charter School Consultant 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11
Acronyms and Abbreviations
General Information Schedules GS2100 and GS2300 GS Program Description Schedules PS3400 and PS3502 PS Program Budget Schedules BS6006 and BS6016 BS Provisions, Assurances, and Certifications Schedule CS7000 CS It contains two Program Description Schedules PS3400 Equitable Access and Participation PS3502 Private Nonprofit Schools Participation 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Equitable Access/Participation
PS3400 This line in the form may be inactive. If it is allowed and if no barriers to equitable access and participation were identified or there are none for a specific group: Select the box The applicant assures that no barriers exist to equitable access and participation. Check All or the specific groups for whom no barriers were identified. If select All, leave the rest of the schedule blank. In accordance with the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA), Section 427, applicants must develop and describe the procedures to ensure equitable access to and equitable participation in this grant program. The barriers to such participation should be identified for all participants and potential participants during the needs assessment phase of the program planning and development. The LEA must address special needs of students, teachers, and other program beneficiaries to overcome barriers to equitable participation, including those based on gender, race, color, national origin, disability, and age. If the LEA determines that no barriers exist to equitable access and participation, then check All or the specific groups for whom no barriers exist. If ALL is selected, then leave the rest of the schedule blank. For shared services arrangements, submit one composite schedule for all members of the SSA, as applicable. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Equitable Access/Participation
PS3400 Suggestions: Review existing improvement plans for activities/barriers the LEA has already identified to improve. Identify at least one barrier for each group, i.e., Students, Teachers, Others. During the grant period, document activities undertaken to address the identified barriers. Maintain documentation of efforts/completion with the SPED Consolidated application for audit purposes. Example on eGrants Application: Barrier: Cultural, Linguistic, or Economic Diversity B01: Provide program information/materials in home language. Maintain copies of letters sent home in native language of parents. Suggestions to assist with this schedule are: Review existing improvement plans for activities/barriers the LEA has already identified to improve. Identify at least one barrier for each group, i.e., Students, Teachers, Others. During the grant period, document activities undertaken to address the identified barriers. Maintain documentation of efforts/completion with the SPED Consolidated application for audit purposes. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Education Service Center Region 11
Equitable Access/Participation PS3400 For any barrier appropriate to the LEA: To select a strategy, check the box or boxes to the right that indicate the intended focuses of the strategy —Students, Teachers, and Others. If a proposed strategy is not listed, type a description of it in Other for the appropriate barrier. If a type of barrier (Z99) is not listed, enter a description and proposed strategy in the section provided at the end of the form. Select the focuses of the strategy. For any barrier appropriate to the LEA: To select a strategy, check the box or boxes to the right that indicate the intended focuses of the strategy —Students, Teachers, and Others. If a proposed strategy is not listed, type a description of it in Other for the appropriate barrier. If a type of barrier is not listed, enter a description and proposed strategy in the section provided at the end of the form. Select the focuses of the strategy. Recommendation: If barrier is not listed, why add it? 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Private Nonprofit Schools
PS3502 Part 1: Schedule Exceptions This schedule must be completed unless: Applicant is an open-enrollment charter school. No private schools, including home schools, are located within the LEA boundaries If one of these exceptions applies, check the appropriate box and SAVE the form. The LEA is required by statute to provide for the benefit of private school children with disabilities and assure equitable participation in services, materials, and equipment. This schedule must be completed unless: Applicant is an open-enrollment charter school. No private schools, including home schools, are located within the LEA boundaries. If one of these exceptions applies, check the appropriate box and SAVE the form. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Private Nonprofit Schools
PS3502 Part 1: Schedule Exceptions Private school defined: Is a nonprofit entity Provides elementary or secondary education incorporating an adopted curriculum designed to meet basic educational goals, including scope and sequence of courses Conducts formal reviews and documents student progress. In determining whether a school or entity is a private school, school districts must determine if the private school does all of the following: Is a nonprofit entity Provides elementary or secondary education that incorporates an adopted curriculum designed to meet basic educational goals, including scope and sequence of courses Conducts formal reviews and documents student progress 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Private Nonprofit Schools
PS3502 Part 1: Schedule Exceptions Home school: Provides elementary or secondary education incorporating an adopted curriculum designed to meet basic educational goals, including scope and sequence of courses Conducts formal reviews and documents student progress Is not required to be a nonprofit entity to be identified as a private school under this section. Refer to Private School Consultation Process Checklist. To be considered a private school, a home school must provide elementary or secondary education that incorporates an adopted curriculum designed to meet basic educational goals, including scope and sequence of courses and formal review and documentation of student progress. A home school is not required to be a nonprofit entity to be considered a private school. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Private Nonprofit Schools
PS3502 Part 2: Children Evaluated Enter the total number of parentally placed private school students ages 3–21 who were evaluated for Special Education services between the dates listed on the form. This number includes evaluations and re-evaluations. NOTE: These dates reflect the federal FY and may not coincide with the FY or school year of the district. Enter the total number of parentally placed private school students ages 3–21 who were evaluated for Special Education services between the dates listed on the form. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Private Nonprofit Schools
PS3502 Part 3: Consultation The LEA must give private school officials (and parents of parentally-placed private school children) a genuine opportunity to express their views regarding: Child Find Process Determination of Proportionate Share Consultation Process Provision of Services PS3502 is completed by School Districts with private schools in their jurisdiction (including home schools). Not applicable to charter schools. Consultation should occur during the development of the SPED Consolidated application The LEA must give private school officials (and parents of parentally-placed private school children) a genuine opportunity to express their views regarding: Child Find Process Determination of Proportionate Share Consultation Process Provision of Services The consultation should occur during the development of the SPED Consolidated application. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Private Nonprofit Schools
PS3502 Part 4 & 5: Proportionate Share The PS3502 automatically calculates the proportionate share amount. Once maximum entitlements are released and the LEA submits an amendment to budget for the increase in funds, the PS3502 will recalculate the proportionate share based on maximum entitlement. When submitting an amendment for maximum entitlement, LEA must re-save the PS3502. Make note of the increased proportionate share amount to be spent on eligible students. Once maximum entitlements are released and the LEA submits an amendment to budget for the increase in funds, the PS3502 will recalculate the proportionate share based on maximum entitlement. When submitting an amendment for maximum entitlement, LEA must re-save the PS3502. Make note of the increased proportionate share amount to be spent on eligible students. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Private Nonprofit Schools
PS3502 Part 4b & 5b: Proportionate Share Calculation For Parts 4b and 5b, enter the number of applicable students with disabilities in PUBLIC Schools on the last Friday in October of the previous year (most recent PEIMS submission). If more children are identified after the last Friday in October, they will be counted in the subsequent year, if still enrolled. Part 4 is IDEA-B Formula and Part 5 is IDEA-B Preschool in all of PS3502. For Parts 4b and 5b, enter the number of applicable students with disabilities in PUBLIC Schools on the last Friday in October of the previous year (most recent PEIMS submission). If more children are identified after the last Friday in October, they will be counted in the subsequent year, if still enrolled 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Private Nonprofit Schools
PS3502 Part 4c & 5c: Proportionate Share Calculation For Parts 4c and 5c, enter the total number of parentally-placed children with disabilities on the last Friday in October of the previous year (most recent PEIMS submission). This count includes children being served with a Service Plan and coded in PEIMS with the Attribution Code of 12 AND a child find count of children offered a Service Plan but decline by parents. If more children are identified after the last Friday in October, they will be counted in the subsequent year, if still enrolled. Counts in 4c and 5c are a combined count of PEIMS information as well as LEA local records of parentally-placed children with disabilities whose parents declined a service plan. With the required documentation, students withdrawing from the LEA may be assigned a Leaver Code of 60 for Home Schooled and 81 for Private School. The LEA may be able to establish a system of using these reports to conduct child find efforts and inform parents of their right to access the proportionate funds. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Education Service Center Region 11
Program Description PS3502 Part 4 & 5: Proportionate Share Counts Total # of Eligible Children in public schools Line b Data Source: PEIMS Snapshot Total # of Eligible Children in private schools as of Snapshot date Line c Data Sources: PEIMS 101 Student Data Record, Attribution Code of 12 for students served with Service Plan and local Child Find Records for private and home school students who declined a Service Plan Requirement to Report The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004), Section 618, requires states to collect and report data annually on students with disabilities. Pursuant to 34 CFR § (c), local education agencies (LEAs) are required to provide to the state information related to parentally-placed private school children covered under 34 CFR §§ PEIMS Code These parentally-placed private school children are coded on the 101 STUDENT DATA –DEMOGRAPHIC record, E1000 STUDENT ATTRIBUTION CODE as “12” for “Private School” (see code translation below). Student Attribution Code 12 – Private School Student is a student with a disability enrolled by their parent(s) in a private school (including a home school) but who receives special education and/or related services from the public school district under an individualized services plan (ISP). [For Special Education Use Only] NOTE: This code has been in existence in PEIMS for several years; however, LEAs have not been coding Parentally- Placed Private School Students with Disabilities for the fall PEIMS snapshot. Which parentally- placed students should be reported in PEIMS? LEAs are required to report on parentally-placed private school children with disabilities ages 3-21 who receive special education and/or related services from the public school district under an individualized services plan (ISP). Note: dually enrolled students ages 3-4 must not be included in this count. However, students, ages 3-4, whose parents decline dual enrollment and who receive special education and/or related services from the public school district under an ISP must be included in this count. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Private Nonprofit Schools
PS3502 Part 4f & 5f: Proportionate Share Amount in Parts 4f and 5f must be spent on the parentally-placed private school children with disabilities. If the total amount is not spent, it must be carried over to the next year for proportionate share obligations. If, near end of the carry-over year, it is apparent that all proportionate share will not be expended, funds may be expended for other allowable costs under IDEA. LEA must document that every effort was made to use the funds for the needs of students with disabilities parentally-placed in private schools. If the total amount for parentally-placed private/home school children is not spent, it must be carried over to the next year for proportionate share obligations. If, near end of the carry-over year, it is apparent that all proportionate share will not be expended, funds may be expended for other allowable costs under IDEA. LEA must document that every effort was made to use the funds for the needs of students with disabilities parentally-placed in private schools. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Private Nonprofit Schools
PS3502 Part 6: Children Served Enter the number of parentally-placed private school children with disabilities who received special education and/or related services on the last Friday in October of the previous year (most recent PEIMS submission). This number cannot exceed the number indicated in Part 4c. Part 6 is where the LEA enters the number of parentally-placed private school children with disabilities who received special education and/or related services on the last Friday in October of the previous year (most recent PEIMS submission). This number cannot exceed the number indicated in Part 4c. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
PS3502 – Private Nonprofit Schools
Part 7 Services: If your LEA does not provide services to all parentally-placed private school students with disabilities, how do you determine which students you will serve? Example: If serving 0 private school children, indicate the basis that would be used if serving students. The basis for determining who will receive services must be outlined in SPED Operating Guidelines. Must describe how you determine which students will receive services if you do not serve all private school students. Describe the basis used to determine which parentally-placed children with disabilities will receive services. If serving 0 private school children, indicate the basis that would be used if serving students. The basis for determining who will receive services must be outlined in SPED Operating Guidelines. Only secular, neutral, and nonideological services, materials, and equipment may be provided to participating students. Such participation usually includes training opportunities for teachers of private school children but not for substitute teachers. In all cases, your organization makes the final decision about the services to be provided to private school participants (34 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] ). 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
PS3502 – Private Nonprofit Schools
Responses that require negotiation: We have only one private school in our district and they refused services. After the ARD process is completed, we will determined what services will be provided. Some responses would require negotiation, such as: We have only one private school in our district and they refused services. After the ARD process is completed, we will determined what services will be provided. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
PS3502 – Private Nonprofit Schools
Acceptable Responses: All parentally-placed private school students with disabilities (that accept services) will receive services. Eligible parentally-placed private school students who need speech therapy (and who accept services) will be served. We will serve private school students based on severity of disability until the funds are depleted. Examples of acceptable responses: All parentally-placed private school students with disabilities (that accept services) will receive services. Eligible parentally-placed private school students who need speech therapy (and who accept services) will be served. We will serve private school students based on severity of disability until the funds are depleted. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Private Nonprofit Schools
PS3502 Part 8: Documentation of Consultation Process Describe, if any, differences between what is provided to the public school children with disabilities and the parentally-placed private school children with disabilities. Part 8 documents the consultation process.. Describe, if any, differences between what is provided to the public school children with disabilities and the parentally-placed private school children with disabilities 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Private Nonprofit Schools
PS3502 Part 8: Documentation of Consultation Process Click the first option if written affirmation has been received from ALL participating private schools. If the representatives of private schools do not provide written affirmation within a reasonable period of time, click the second option. Attach documentation of attempts to obtain written affirmation, including when and how the consultation occurred. Report only those private schools that did not provide written affirmation. If the representatives of private schools did not accept offer / invitation of consultation, click third option. Click the first option if written affirmation has been received from ALL participating private schools. If the representatives of private schools do not provide written affirmation within a reasonable period of time, click the second option. Attach documentation of attempts to obtain written affirmation, including when and how the consultation occurred. Report only those private schools that did not provide written affirmation. If the representatives of private schools did not accept offer / invitation of consultation, click third option. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Private Nonprofit Schools
PS3502 Part 8: Attachment This is the screen for documentation submission for Part 8. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Private Nonprofit Schools
PS3502 Part 9: Assurances Check all the boxes. This indicates the LEA’s acceptance and compliance with the IDEA-B Federal regulations concerning parentally-placed private school children with disabilities. When finished, click the “Save” option. Then click the “Table of Contents” option to return to the table of contents. Part 9 contains the assurances. You must check all the boxes to indicate the LEA’s acceptance and compliance with the IDEA-B Federal regulations concerning parentally-placed private school children with disabilities. When finished, click the “Save” option. Then click the “Table of Contents” option to return to the table of contents. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Acronyms and Abbreviations
GS General Info Schedules GS2100 and GS2300 PS Program Schedules PS3400 and PS3502 BS Program Budget Schedules BS6006 and BS6016 This section of the eGrants module contains information from the Program Budget Schedules BS6006 and BS6016 CS Provisions, Assurances, & Certifications CS7000 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
Allowable Costs Costs must be allocable to a particular grant award in accordance with relative benefits received. PAY ATTENTION TO “Y,” “N,” AND NUMBERED FOOTNOTES. Appendix A of Program Guidelines Class/Object Code Payroll Costs 6100 Professional and Contracted Services 6200 Supplies and Materials 6300 Other Operating Costs 6400 Debt Service 6500 Capital Outlay 663X/6649 Building Purchase, Construction, or Improvements 6629 Costs must be allocable to a particular grant award in accordance with relative benefits received. They must be treated consistently with other costs incurred for the same purposes in like circumstances and they must meet the following: Be incurred specifically for the grant Benefit the grant and other work Be distributed in reasonable proportion to the benefits received Any cost allocable to a particular grant or other cost objective may not be shifted to other grant awards to overcome deficiencies or to avoid restrictions required by law or by the terms of the grant award. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
Reasonable and Necessary Costs Costs must be reasonable and necessary for the operation of the program. Reasonable Costs: Consistent with prudent business practice Comparable to current market value Necessary Costs: Essential to accomplish project objectives Allowable under grant regulations In accordance with the Federal Cost Principles, costs must be reasonable and necessary for operation of the program. Reasonable costs are consistent with prudent business practice and comparable to current market value. Necessary costs are essential to accomplish the objectives of the project. All items requested must be allowable expenditures under the authorizing program statutes, regulations, and rules. For more information check the Federal Cost Principles Side by Side posted on TEA’s website. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 1 Available Funding This is the main eGrants screen for BS6006 Part 1 Available funding. It has several important parts. The first part shows the applicant how much funding is available. An application for IDEA-B Formula and IDEA-B Preschool funds will show a Tentative Entitlement at the initial eGrants Submission, changing to Maximum Entitlement later in the FY. When you click on View Entitlements/Carryover you are taken to the next screen. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 1 Entitlement/Carryover Report Entitlements for Formula and Preschool are a total of: Base Population(all students) Poverty (number of all students eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch) Maximum allowed for CEIS(up to 15% of Base) Report for SSA FA shows amounts for member LEAs. The report shows entitlements and carryover amounts applicable to the LEA. This example is for a single member district—one not in a special education shared services arrangement, or SSA. For SSAs, the reports would show the entitlement and carryover amounts for the fiscal agent and for each member. Entitlements for Formula and Preschool are a total of: Base Population (all students) Poverty (number of all students eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch) Base: Amount based on a 1998 October PEIMS Special Education Child Count (1996 for Preschool) Population: 85% of federal dollars, remaining after the base amount, is calculated on the total number of ALL enrolled LEA students. Data is pulled from enrollment on prior year’s October PEIMS Child Count). Poverty: 15% of the federal dollars, remaining after the base amount, is calculated on the number of ALL LEA students living in poverty (Free and Reduced Lunch Eligibility on prior year’s October PEIMS Child Count). The report also shows the maximum amount for use on Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) is shown. The formula used to project the amount: 15% of the base entitlement, first tentative then the amount will change when the maximum entitlement is posted. . Methodology to generate amounts for other Fund Sources: IDEA-B Formula and Preschool Deaf: Base only IDEA-B Discretionary: Residential: Base only High Cost Funds: Base only 1-Time Extraordinary Situations: Base only Deaf: Base only SSA Charter Start Up: Base only Other: Base only IDEA-C Early Childhood Intervention Deaf: Base only IDEA-D Deaf/Blind: Base only 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 1 Available Funding Going back to the Part I: Available Funding screen: There are four columns here representing four funding sources: IDEA-B Formula, IDEA-B Formula (Deaf), IDEA-B Preschool and IDEA-B Preschool (Deaf). Part 1 appears again in the application on different screens for additional fund sources: IDEA-C Early Childhood Intervention (Deaf), IDEA-D Deaf Blind, State Deaf, and SSVI. Part 1 appears again in the application for additional fund sources: IDEA-C Early Childhood Intervention (Deaf), IDEA-D Deaf Blind, State Deaf, and SSVI. Check Not Participating for each fund source the LEA is not applying. Once the application is initiated and the Application Information schedule is completed, the Budget Summary and Support schedule will show the tentative entitlement for each applicable fund source. Note: For Carryover These cells fill with the carryover amount for each funding sources, applicable. Carryover is allowed only on budgeted amounts resulting from current-year entitlements. Amounts previously carried over may not be carried over again in subsequent years. For SSA Fiscal Agent, Part 1 of the schedule shows funds released to the member LEAS or funds transferred in from other Fiscal Agents (i.e., when SSA configuration changes occur). These cells are filled based on amounts submitted in the SC2000 report by the SSA FA. For amendments, once the New Amendment button is activated, the Budget Summary and Support schedule will open with the carryover or maximum entitlements prepopulated in the fund sources cells. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 2 Budgeted Costs Part 2 of BS6006 is Budgeted Costs. All items requested must be allowable expenditures under the authorizing program statutes, regulations, and rules. Request funds only that are necessary to fulfill your project objectives. The first class/object code, 6100, is used to request employee payroll costs. Enter the total of all applicable gross salaries, wages, and benefits to be charged to this project. Only employee costs are included on Part 2. Do not list costs for people who are not employees (consultants or contractors). All payroll costs require specific approval. See details in Parts 3 and 4. All positions funded by the grant must be listed in Parts 3 and 4. Class Object Codes on this schedule fill from amounts entered in BS6006 Parts 5-12 and are therefore greyed out on this screen. The last class/object code is 8911, and is for Operating Transfers Out and applies to Schoolwide programs only. Items must be allowable expenditures. Request funds necessary to fulfill the project objectives. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 2 Budgeted Costs Total Indirect Costs Indirect costs for federally- or state-funded grants are a form of administrative costs incurred for a common or joint purpose benefiting more than one cost objective and not readily assignable to the cost objectives specifically benefited without effort disproportionate to the results achieved. Costs must be treated consistently either as direct or indirect among all funding sources. Any amount listed for indirect costs on the Budget Summary is an estimate only. Indirect costs may be claimed based on actual expenditures declared on the expenditure reporting system, regardless of whether you have included indirect costs on the Budget Summary in the original application or amendment. For guidance on indirect costs, including a worksheet for calculating the maximum indirect costs that may be claimed for the grant, refer to Indirect Cost Information, Guidance, and Worksheet posted in the TEA Grant Management Guidance section of the Division of Grants Administration Grant Management Resources page. Type an amount not to exceed the maximum allowable indirect costs rate for each applicable funding source. Indirect cost refers to revenue the LEA may record in the General Fund to defray certain expenditures when those expenditures are not allowed in the grant. Indirect cost rates for federal grants are limited to 8% or the LEA’s approved federal indirect cost rate, whichever is less. Amount for indirect cost is a part of, not in addition to, the awarded amount. IDEA-B Discretionary (residential, high cost fund, discretionary deaf, 1-time extraordinary situations, and SSA Charter School Start Up) and IDEA-C Early Intervention (Deaf) grants do not allow indirect cost. Indirect costs are a form of administrative costs incurred for a common or joint purpose benefiting more than one cost objective and not readily assignable to a specific cost objective. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 2 Budgeted Costs For each funding source, this row shows the results of Total Funds Available minus Total Budgeted Costs. The totals in this row must be zero, as the LEA must apply for the entire entitlement. If the totals do not equal zero, the LEA must adjust the budget to reflect the total available funds for each funding source. The totals in this row must be zero, as the LEA must apply for the entire entitlement. If the totals do not equal zero, the LEA must adjust the budget to reflect the total available funds for each funding source. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 2 Budgeted Costs Funds may be budgeted for Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) in BS6006 Parts 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10. Funds may be used for the following: Professional Development Educational and behavioral evaluations, services, and supports, including scientifically-based literacy instruction. The CEIS totals in BS6006 will be populated from the data entered on BS6016-Fiscal Compliance Requirements. Budget CEIS amounts in the appropriate class/object codes of this schedule. Districts may voluntarily use up to 15% of IDEA-B Formula and/or Preschool funds for any fiscal year to develop and implement coordinated early intervening services for students in Kindergarten through Grade 12 (with a particular emphasis on students in Kindergarten through Grade 3) who are not currently identified as needing special education or related services but who need additional academic and behavioral support to succeed in a general education environment. LEAs that are identified with Significant Disproportionality based on race or ethnicity must reserve the maximum amount (the full 15% of both IDEA-B Formula and Preschool funds) to provide CEIS. These LEAs must use these funds to provide comprehensive, coordinated early intervening services to serve children in the LEA, particularly, but not exclusively, children in those groups who were significantly overidentified. More information on CEIS budgeting is found in eGrants instruction documents and other CEIS documents found on TEA’s website. CEIS amounts in this schedule will be populated from the data entered in the new BS6016-Fiscal Compliance Requirements. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part Payroll Costs Part 3 of BS6006 must be completed to request employee payroll costs. All employee payroll costs require specific approval. Items requested must be allowable expenditures under the authorizing program statutes, regulations, and rules. All standard positions are preprinted for your convenience. Request only positions that are necessary to fulfill your project objectives. Report all positions to be charged to this program. Include only employee positions on this schedule. Do not list positions for people who are not employees (consultants or contractors). Specific Instructions For each position title listed do the following: For each funding source, type the number of positions to be funded. Note that if the position is not allowable for the funding source, the field is disabled. All positions, full-time and part-time, require specific approval and must be entered in Part 3. Part-time and split-funded positions are counted as one position on this part, not FTEs. Can’t find the Position Title you need? At the end of this schedule is a field called “Other Position”, allowing you to enter what you need, along with a brief description of responsibilities. Appendix A of the Special Education Consolidated Grant Application has several clarifications to definitions of some of these pre printed position titles. Enter the # of Positions (part-time and split-funded positions count as one) May enter more positions than currently need, but may not enter less than employed. Must document Time and Effort 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Part 3: 6100 Payroll – “Other Position”
Examples: Other Position: Special Education Specialist Brief Description of Responsibilities: Specialists function to provide instructional coaching and teacher mentoring for special ed. staff and special needs children. Other Position: Translator Brief Description of Responsibilities: Translate and interpret written and spoken communication in special education. Examples of commonly used positions that may be listed in the “Other Position” section are special education specialist and translator. These brief description of responsibilities are examples of what might be entered into eGrants. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part Payroll Costs CEIS Positions: CEIS Intervention Aide and CEIS Intervention Teacher are preprinted position choices Other CEIS positions may be added in “Other Position” If the district designates any funds for CEIS staff positions, they must be identified as CEIS. There are 2 CEIS preprinted position choices, that of CEIS Intervention Aide and CEIS Intervention Teacher. Other CEIS positions may be added in the Other Position section with a brief description of responsibilities. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part Payroll Costs Job descriptions for positions listed in “Other” are no longer required to be submitted unless requested by TEA. A new section is the one called “Confirmation of Payroll Requirements.” In it the applicant is confirming that they agree with all the statements in this section. Job Description is no longer required. New: Confirmation of Payroll Requirements 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Part 3: 6100 Payroll – “Other Position”
Confirmation of Payroll Requirements LEA certifies: Duties are reasonable, necessary, allowable. Compliance with federal and/or state supplement, not supplant provisions. Position meets the purpose, goals, and objectives of the grant. Administrative duties will be paid from another allowable non-federal fund source. Documentation must be maintained locally by the grantee in the event TEA requests the documentation. The Confirmation of Payroll Requirements contains these areas which the LEA certifies as true. TEA will no longer will ask if the position has administrative duties. It will be a part of the Confirmation of Payroll Requirements. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
Time and Effort Documentation Charges to payroll must be documented according to federal requirements. Employee job descriptions for each employee must be current and must delineate all program or cost objectives under which the employee works. Job descriptions should be updated as new assignments are made. Daily class schedules for teachers and instructional aides may be used in lieu of time and effort reports for these personnel. Salaries and wages of employees used to meet cost share or matching requirements must be supported with time and effort records in the same manner. For federally funded grants, time and effort documentation must conform to the Federal Cost Principles applicable to the grantee organization as follows: Charges to payroll must be documented according to federal requirements. Employee job descriptions for each employee must be current and must delineate all program or cost objectives under which the employee works. Job descriptions should be updated as new assignments are made. Daily class schedules for teachers and instructional aides may be used in lieu of time and effort reports for these personnel. Salaries and wages of employees used to meet cost share or matching requirements must be supported with time and effort records in the same manner. Other documentation requirements may be found in OMB Circular A-87 for LEAs, ESCs, and Open-Enrollment Charter Schools Operated by a Governmental Entity and in other documents on the TEA website. Special education staff responsible for supervising time and effort paperwork are encouraged to work with others in the district who supervise time and effort paperwork for other projects for a consistent time and effort system. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 4 Substitute, Extra-Duty, Benefits Check the appropriate box to indicate that some or all of the funds budgeted will be used to pay for personnel who provide services on schoolwide campuses not coded to Must complete Part 12 also. Check the appropriate box to request extra-duty pay or substitute pay. Use this part for substitute pay, extra-duty pay, and benefits. Extra-duty pay includes additional pay for recruitment or retention. For each funding source, check the appropriate box to indicate that some or all of the funds budgeted will be used to pay for personnel funded by the project who provide services on schoolwide campuses not coded to If you check this box, you must also complete Part 12. For each funding source, check the appropriate box to request extra-duty pay—pay that is for beyond normal work hours—for professional personnel or for support personnel. For each funding source, check the appropriate box to request substitute pay not included in the lines above. Substitute pay is not to exceed the amount determined by local district policy. Pay for substitute teachers is allowable only for public school and open enrollment school teachers. Substitute pay for private nonprofit school teachers is not allowable under any circumstances. Allowable examples include the following: Replacing grant-funded teachers in the classroom who are absent Allowing teachers to participate in grant-funded professional development activities Allowing teachers to participate in grant-funded planning activities 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 5 Costs that require specific approval Audit costs Rental or lease of buildings, space in buildings or land Contracted publication and printing costs, which only applies to nonprofits Part 5 moves away from the 6100 employee payroll section to 6200 professional and contracted services. There are 3 costs that require specific approval in the application: Audit costs Rental or lease of buildings, space in buildings or land Contracted publication and printing costs, which only applies to nonprofits 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 5 All professional consulting services (6219) require specific approval, regardless of whether the services are short term, on a one-time basis, intermittent, long term, year-round, or ongoing. All professional consulting services (6219) require specific approval. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 5 The 6200 cost items that do not require specific approval are summed in the Remaining 6200 field. Resource for all class/object code and budget questions: Program Guidelines Special Education Consolidated Grant Application The 6200 cost items that do not require specific approval are summed in the Remaining 6200 field. Cost items that do not require specific approval include but are not limited to residential set-aside (6223), Education Service Center Services (6239), Contracted Maintenance and Repair of Equipment (6249), nonpublic day school tuition (6223), and RDSPD payments made to an RDSPD fiscal agent by a nonmember of the RDSPD SSA (6299). When an LEA makes a payment to another LEA for the provision of instructional services, the following applies to special education SSAs as well as to RDSPD SSAs: If the paying LEA is not a member of the SSA to which it is making payment, the payment is budgeted in class/object code 6299 (in the Remaining 6200 Professional and Contracted Services That Do Not Require Specific Approval section). If the paying LEA is a member of the SSA and is making a payment to the fiscal agent of its SSA, the payment is budgeted in class/object code 6492 (in the Remaining 6400 Other Operating Costs That Do Not Require Specific Approval section). 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 6 Part 6 is for supplies and materials using 6300 object codes. Expenditures for items costing less than the capitalization threshold (noncapitalized items) are recorded in Part 6: Supplies and Materials. Capitalized equipment is an article of nonexpendable, tangible personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost that equals or exceeds $5,000 or the capitalization level established by the applicant agency for financial statements. List capitalized items in Part 10: Capital Outlay. Costs associated with operating an advisory council or committee require specific approval. This requirement may include supplies and materials such as printing and postage. Noncapitalized technology hardware and software require specific approval. They are to be listed on this schedule. Write in the type of item and briefly describe the purpose. Do not use brand names. Allowable software and data management systems may be coded to either 6200, 6300 or 6600, depending on the specific circumstances of the transaction. Failure of the LEA to properly classify the cost may result in an audit finding. Approval of budgeted costs on the grant application pertains only to the allowability of the activity/cost item and not its calculation (unit cost multiplied by quantity) or accounting treatment (class/object category).The LEA should consult the FAR Module of the FASRG or contact the Division of Financial Accountability at for guidance on classifying codes. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 6 Typical allowable items that do not require specific approval: Instructional supplies and materials, unique sp ed needs Supplies and materials for sp ed training or staff development Instructional equipment and furniture that meet the unique needs of students with disabilities and are not capitalized Awards or incentives for participation (token “wages”—noncash incentives) Typical allowable items that do not require specific approval include but are not limited to the following: Instructional supplies and materials that meet the unique needs of students with disabilities Supplies and materials for training or staff development related to special education Instructional equipment and furniture that meet the unique needs of students with disabilities and are not capitalized Awards or incentives for participation (token “wages”—noncash incentives) 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part Itemized Other Operating Costs 6400 object codes are for itemizing other operating costs not covered in 6100, 6200 or 6300 categories. The 6400 costs requiring specific approval are listed here. As with the other categories, CEIS now has a prepopulated line that requires prior approval. Nondisabled, struggling students who are served by personnel who participate in professional development activities supported with CEIS funds must be counted and tracked on the SC5100 CEIS Data Collection form. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part Itemized Other Operating Costs Typical items that do not require specific approval: Insurance required or pursuant to the grant award Contributions to employee self-insurance reserves Travel expenses for project staff or project participants Conference registration fees Business, professional, or technical orgs membership dues Membership must be in the name of the LEA or open-enrollment charter school, not the individual. RDSPD member payments made to RDSPD FA Transportation Newspaper advertisements After addressing all of the costs that require specific approval, a subtotal will appear. There is now a place to put the remaining 6400 budget: other operating costs that do not require specific approval. Typical items that are required to operate the program on a daily basis do not require specific approval. Indicate the sum of all remaining 6400 costs in the Remaining 6400 box. Typical items include but are not limited to the following: Insurance required or pursuant to the grant award and in accordance with LEA policy and sound business practice Contribution to a reserve for employee self-insurance programs (subject to specific provisions outlined in OMB Circulars A-87, A-122, or A-21, respectively) Travel expenses for project staff or for project participants (must not exceed the state rate) Conference registration fees Membership dues in business, professional, or technical organizations Membership must be in the name of the LEA or open-enrollment charter school, not in the name of the individual. RDSPD payments made to an RDSPD fiscal agent by a member of the RDSPD SSA (6492) Transportation Newspaper advertisements 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part Debt Service The lease-purchase must cover parts of at least two grant periods. But what is budgeted here is only the part that is a principal cost, capital lease interest, or interest on debt to be paid in the current school year. Part 8 is Debt Service. Lease-purchases must be allowable expenditures under the authorizing program statutes, regulations, and rules. This class/object code is used to budget funds to retire the principal of long-term capital lease-purchases and to pay interest accrued on those purchases. All costs related to a lease-purchase must be specifically approved by TEA in the grant application. The lease-purchase must cover parts of at least two grant periods. But what is budgeted here is only the part that is a principal cost, capital lease interest, or interest on debt to be paid in the current school year. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part Debt Service-Description of Property with Justification Part 9 describes the item to be lease-purchased with the funding source. Do not include interest in the principal cost. Interest may not be paid from federal special education funds. Only the principal cost of a building may be requested from federal funds. Lease-purchase of a portable building is allowed only for unique special education instruction or instructionally related activities. When State Deaf funds are used for lease-purchase, only the principal may be paid from these funds. For lease-purchased portable buildings, complete Part 11 for justification. Type the beginning and ending dates (MM/DD/YYYY) of the lease-purchase contract. The dates must cover at least two contract years. Check the box to certify that your organization will require the lease-purchased facility to comply with the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) act and the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAC) and that it will be responsible for conducting inspections to ensure compliance. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part Itemized Capital Outlay Capitalized Assets Regardless of Unit Cost Use this part to request allowable capital outlay costs. All capital outlay, regardless of the dollar amount, requires specific approval. Items requested must be allowable expenditures under the authorizing program statutes, regulations, rules, and guidelines. You must carefully evaluate the current use of capital outlay to determine the most cost-effective utilization. Funds may be used to purchase capital outlay only when necessary to accomplish project objectives. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part Itemized Capital Outlay Capitalized Assets Regardless of Unit Cost Note: Capital outlay includes equipment. Equipment is defined as an article of nonexpendable, tangible, personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost that equals the lesser of the following: The capitalization level established by the applicant for financial statement purposes $5,000 Capital outlay will include the purchase of single items that meet either of these categories. Includes necessary modifications, attachments, etc. to make it usable for its purpose. Note: Capital outlay includes equipment. Equipment is defined as an article of nonexpendable, tangible, personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost that equals the lesser of the following: The capitalization level established by the applicant for financial statement purposes $5,000 Capital outlay will include the purchase of single items that meet either of these categories. Note: Acquisition cost means the cost of the equipment to put it in place, which means the net invoice price, including the cost of any modifications, attachments, accessories, or auxiliary apparatus necessary to make it usable for the purpose for which it is acquired. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part Itemized Capital Outlay Capitalized Assets Regardless of Unit Cost Part 10 continued Use this part to request items that meet the definition of capital outlay, such as the following: Capitalized equipment, including telephone systems, intercommunication and telecommunications systems, mainframes and minicomputers, high-capacity copy machines Capitalized furniture Capitalized vehicles Capitalized software, including site licenses (that have more than one year of useful life), single-user software, and multi-user software Library books and library media that meet the capitalization criteria of the grantee or that have a per unit value equal to or greater than $5,000, whichever is less. For library books and media to be capitalized, they must meet the one 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part Itemized Capital Outlay Capitalized Assets Regardless of Unit Cost This is the last screen for Part 10. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 11 Justification for Purchase or Lease of Portable Building Use this section to indicate whether the LEA is purchasing or leasing a portable building. If purchasing or leasing a portable building, all sections of Part 11 must be completed by following the steps in the Description/Purpose section, below. If not purchasing or leasing a portable building, click the “Not Applicable” box and this schedule will collapse. But if you are purchasing or leasing a portable building there are 2 screens to complete. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 11 Justification for Purchase or Lease of Portable Building Describe the specially designed instruction for the specific students with disabilities who will be served by the new facility. Describe how the use of the new facility will not result in a more restrictive environment for the specific students with disabilities who will be served by the new facility. List the types of personnel who will provide the services or instruction. Give examples of relevant Individual Education Plan (IEP) objectives that make the project necessary. Describe how the IEP objectives for students with disabilities are currently being met. The questions that must be answered are: Describe the specially designed instruction for the specific students with disabilities who will be served by the new facility. Describe how the use of the new facility will not result in a more restrictive environment for the specific students with disabilities who will be served by the new facility. List the types of personnel who will provide the services or instruction. Give examples of relevant Individual Education Plan (IEP) objectives that make the project necessary. Describe how the IEP objectives for students with disabilities are currently being met. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 11 Justification for Purchase or Lease of Portable Building If IEP objectives are currently being met, describe why the project is needed. Type the name of the location where students are currently being served. Click Yes or No to indicate whether students with disabilities will spend all their instructional time in the new facility. If you click Yes, explain why. Click Yes or No to indicate whether the completed project will result in less instruction time being spent with regular education students. If you click Yes, explain why. Describe how the new facility will retain its portability. If IEP objectives are currently being met, describe why the project is needed. Type the name of the location where students are currently being served. Click Yes or No to indicate whether students with disabilities will spend all their instructional time in the new facility. If you click Yes, explain why. Click Yes or No to indicate whether the completed project will result in less instruction time being spent with regular education students. If you click Yes, explain why. Describe how the new facility will retain its portability. After all of these have been addressed: Assurances Check the boxes to certify that the facility complies with access for persons with disabilities and the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) act, and that use of funds to purchase or lease a portable building will not violate the least restrictive environment requirements of IDEA 2004. Allocation of Costs Select one or more check boxes to indicate the cost allocation. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Budget Summary and Support
BS6006 Part 12 Schoolwide Programs Nine-digit campus number of each campus participating in the schoolwide program. Number of students with disabilities. Brief description of how students with disabilities will benefit from the funded activities on the campuses listed. This part must be completed if you entered funds in class object category 8911 in Part 2 Budgeted Costs and/or checked box 1 in Part for Schoolwide Personnel Not Coded 8911. 1. Type the nine-digit campus number of each campus participating in the schoolwide program. The campus appears after you type the number. 2. For each campus, type the number of students with disabilities. Provide a brief description of how students with disabilities will benefit from the funded activities on the campuses listed. Be sure to save your entries before exiting to the table of contents. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Education Service Center Region 11
Fiscal Compliance BS6016 Part 1 LEA MOE for Eligibility and MOE Reduction BS6016 is a new schedule beginning with ’s application and has to do with LEA’s MOE for Eligibility 2 parts. Part 1 is the LEA’s MOE for Eligibility. Part 2 is for MOE Reduction. Consult the most recent guidance from TEA on how to complete this section. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Education Service Center Region 11
Compliance will consist of the following: MOE compliance determination which has existed for around 3 years. (NEW) LEA must show it is budgeting for expenditures the same amount as the previous year to eligible to receive the special education consolidated grant application by meeting MOE requirements. Exceptions to lowering MOE balance would apply. “Boundy” letter would apply. (NEW) LEA must provide TEA the most complete expenditure data (amount) in which it was MOE compliant (if this is the not the current fiscal year LEA must go back to previous year with most complete data and MOE compliance). The “Boundy” letter is in effect in which case the lower MOE balance is not automatically reset by paying back (The higher MOE balance would apply). LEA would use their most complete data and MOE tools to verify MOE compliance. LEA submits an assurance of MOE compliance requirements eligibility to receive grant. SSA uses dropdown box for LEA Name Part 1.1 The school district reports special education expenditures for the most recent year in complete expenditures are available and the LEA was MOE compliant. This may not be the last year as you may not have complete expenditure data. If the school district was not compliant, the school district must go back another year. Part 2.1 This amount needs to be equal to or greater than the amount reported in Part 1.1 (unless you use an exception). Part 3.1 In this area, you document your exceptions (e.g., voluntary departure of an employee). Part 4.1 This is the Assurance of Eligibility to receive IDEA-B monies the following school year. You must be eligible and check both in order to receive monies. The first statement says the school district was MOE compliant in total and per pupil expenditures for state and local funds. The second statement says the school district was MOE compliant in total and per pupil expenditures for local funds. Part 5.1 These are the options if the school district is taking a Voluntary Reduction in funds. This usually does not apply to any school district as one of the requirements for a Voluntary Reduction is to receive an increase in IDEA-B funds (which doesn’t happen). Part 2. In the part, you document CEIS funds (which no one does). In , there was a change. School districts compare unallocated funds (that is without PIC 99). So, if you compare , you compare unallocated. If you still need to compare to the previous year, , you can compare allocated. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Education Service Center Region 11
Fiscal Compliance BS6016 Part 2 Coordinated Early Intervening Services Indicate amount being spent on CEIS in Part 2 Select LEA name. For SSAs, report for each applicable member district. Enter the dollar amount for IDEA-B Formula and Preschool. Check the box that you have read and understand CEIS information. The IDEA-B Formula and Preschool CEIS amounts will transfer to the BS6006 Program Budget. No changes, just reminders. Up to 15% of IDEA-B allocation (Section 611, Formula, and Section 619, Preschool) may be voluntarily set aside for CEIS 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Education Service Center Region 11
MOE Reduction and CEIS Reminder: eGrants will take into consideration the connection between CEIS and MOE. The LEA must carefully review their application and submit an amendment on or before the amendment deadline to ensure the actual CEIS and MOE Voluntary Reduction is accurately reported! If an LEA reserves CEIS funds, but later decides not to use the funds, the LEA should submit an amendment to zero out the CEIS funds. Likewise, amounts for MOE Reduction should be amended for any change. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Acronyms and Abbreviations
GS General Information Schedules GS2100 and GS2300 PS Program Description Schedules PS3400 and PS3502 BS Program Budget Schedules BS6006 and BS6016 CS Provisions, Assurances, and Certifications Schedule CS7000 GS General Information Schedules GS2100 Application Information GS2300 Negotiation Comments and Confirmation PS Program Description Schedules PS3400 Equitable Access and Participation PS3502 Private Nonprofit Schools Participation BS Program Budget Schedules BS6006 Program Budget Summary and Support BS6016 Fiscal Compliance Requirement CS Provisions, Assurances, and Certifications Schedule CS7000 Provisions, Assurances, and Certifications 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
Provisions Assurances
CS7000 Formal agreement by the LEA authorized official is required on each requirement. Certification occurs when the LEA authorized official submits the application. Certification signifies that the authorized official has read and agrees to comply with all terms outlined in the Application Guidelines: General and Fiscal Guidelines and Program Guidelines, application schedules and schedule instructions, and the provisions, assurances, and certifications as listed on Schedule CS7000. To certify agreement: Click on each button centered on the page above the certification statement, and review the document opened by the system. To certify agreement with the document, click the check box next to each certification statement. By certifying a document, the LEA is assuring that the LEA authorized official has read and agreed to the provisions, assurances, and certifications listed. 2/2015 Education Service Center Region 11 Education Service Center S. Cherry Lane White Settlement, TX 76108
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