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Investigative analytics and derived data The example of customer acquisition & retention Curt A. Monash, Ph.D. President, Monash Research Editor, DBMS2.

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Presentation on theme: "Investigative analytics and derived data The example of customer acquisition & retention Curt A. Monash, Ph.D. President, Monash Research Editor, DBMS2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investigative analytics and derived data The example of customer acquisition & retention Curt A. Monash, Ph.D. President, Monash Research Editor, DBMS2

2 Me

3 The six things you can do with analytic technology Operational BI/Analytically-infused operational apps: Make an immediate decision. Planning and budgeting: Plan (in support of future decisions). Investigative analytics (multiple disciplines): Research and analyze (in support of future decisions). More BI: Monitor, to see when it necessary to decide, plan, or investigate. Yet more BI: Communicate what you’ve learned. DBMS, ETL, etc.: Support the other functions.

4 Investigative analytics Is the most rapidly advancing of the six areas...... because it most directly exploits performance & scalability. Investigative analytics = seeking (previously unknown) patterns in data

5 Investigative analytics technology Fast query  Persistent storage (any data volume)  RAM (10s -100s of gigabytes, or more) Fast analytics  Statistics/machine learning  Transformation/tagging  Graph

6 Cheap data (creation and/or acquisition) Logs Sensors Web/mobile/social Location Machine-generated data is subject to Moore’s Law

7 Key investigative analytics techniques Iterative query  Conventional  Visualization-centric Predictive modeling  Regression, etc.  Clustering, etc. Relationship analytics  Graph Intelligent transformation  Text  Log  See above …  … and that’s the punch line

8 Today's example application area Customer acquisition and retention, which Exploits most cool aspects of analytic technology Is needed by almost everybody In the interest of time, we'll focus on consumer-type customers (as opposed to complex organizations)

9 Business goals Best persuasion Most effective offer Identify & avoid undesirables

10 Major application examples Traditional marketing interaction  Call center decisioning  Website personalization  Outbound campaigning Personal outreach, determined by  Customer importance  Social media commentary

11 Analytic result wish list Ideal deal  Price  Special offer  No offer (fraudster, unprofitable) Best communication  Web/Mobile ad  Call-center script  Personal outreach And to support all that  Understand value of outcomes  Categorize/cluster targets to get best results

12 Key intermediate results Characterize person* Identify person* *Or household Trace personal relationships Correlate actions to outcomes Value outcomes

13 Kinds of data available Classical transactions ("actions") Records of "interactions"  Call center records  Weblogs Same stuff, other businesses  Credit card, etc.  Cross-site tracking Social media  What people say  Who they say it to Direct tracking  Census/address  Mobile location

14 Derived data You can’t keep re-analyzing all that in raw form …... so don’t. If you have one takeaway from this session, let it be the utter importance of derived data.

15 Example: Telco churn inputs Transactions Usage  Quantity/timing  Targets  Location? Complaint/contact  Direct (Email, call center)  Website browse Actual uptime/outages Offer responses  Telco offers  3 rd -party, inc. mobile External  Address/demographic  Credit card  Social media

16 Example: Telco churn derived data Normalized data  Parsed/sessionized logs  Text/sentiment highlights  Social network graph(s)  Web deanonymization  Household matching Scores and buckets  Demographic  Psychographic  Offer hotbuttons  (Dis)satisfaction  Credit/fraud risk  Lifetime customer value  Influence on others!

17 Best practices for derived data Evolving data warehouse schema Data marts  Physical or virtual  Inputs/outputs to “EDW” “Data science”  Research != production Multiple processing pipelines  Log parsing  Text  Predictive analytics  Generic ETL  Streaming “ETL”

18 Social conscience Like many other technologies, analytics can be badly misused Analytic use/misuse is a tough society-wide systems problem In a free society  Government has powerful tools for tyranny …  … but its use of those tools is sharply regulated Our expertise is needed to help define the regulations The data WILL be collected and analyzed … … so we need to be smart about regulating its use

19 For more detail ……

20 Curt A. Monash, Ph.D. President, Monash Research Editor, DBMS2 contact Thank you!

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