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Due April 20 Trimester 3 Week 6 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk.

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Presentation on theme: "Due April 20 Trimester 3 Week 6 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Due April 20 Trimester 3 Week 6 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk

2  8:30-9:30-Math  9:30-9:45-Science  9:45-10:00-Housekeeping/CST’s  10:00-10:30-Language Arts  10:30-11-History  11:00-ELA Benchmark/Survey  12:00-Lunch  12:30-2-Study Hall/NO PE

3  Graphing  (Language Goal) Be verbally identify different 3-dimensional figures  Be able to figure out volume of 3 dimensional figures such as cubes and cylinders

4 Area of a Circle  Pi R2 Volume of a Cylinder  V=Area of Circle X height

5 10.5  Volume 10.6

6 P.E.  5 PE Credits Due June 1  ____PE Log  Grade______  TW________ Math  NEW BOOK  ____Green Book Lesson 10.5 (1-15)  ____Green Book Lesson 10.6 (1-15)  ____Green Book CST Prep-Pg. 58  ____Green book CST Prep-Pg. 110  ____Green Book CST Prep-Pg. 162  Lessons 10-5 and 10-6 Parent____________  ____CST Questions 30-40  ____CST Review Wkshts.  ____Brainpop…pick 2  Grade__________  TW____________

7  CST Packets  File  PE-5 Credits by June 1  Swimming meet Wed. @ 3:15  Community Service  6 hours  Grade Work  Assignment Sheet  In folder  Headings  PE  Parent Sign  Date  Min….total?  Stamped Work  T3 Week 4  3%  3/23/10  Math  Science  LA  History

8 Main Objectives This Week: -(Language Objective) Describe the difference between asteroids, comets and meteorites -Know the difference between the solar system and the universe -Memorize the order of planets from the sun -Know how Newton’s laws apply to gravitational forces on planets -Know 3 basic facts about every planet

9  Green/Yellow/Red  Outline  Cross off 4 th Detail  I. Topic (G)  II. 1 st Law (Y)  Explanations ®  III. 2 nd Law(Y)  Explanations ®  IV. 3 rd Law(Y)  Explanations ®  V. Conclusion (G)

10   Pick a planet  Planet____________  Answer questions

11 Physical Science

12  Packet

13  Video  Pg. 648-759  Standards:  How an author’s culture/life experiences effects their writing  “auschwitz liberation day video cnn” 

14  The Last Days…..   -Betrayal


16  Pg. 582-586  Standards:  Theme  Share your items/bag/etc.

17  1. Make a Medicine Bag  2. Fill it with at least 3 things that signify your family (or personal) values  3. Write an essay (typed)describing what you have placed in your ancestory bag and why…  ****Due after Spring Break

18 Matrix  Tone  Metaphor  Point of View  Thesis Statement-Writers Inc. Pg. 105  Report-Writers Inc. Pg. 184- writing class reports Worksheets  Point of View Pg. 295  Author’s Arguement- Pg. 258  Parallel Structure-Pg. 41 (Writers Inc. Pg. 97)

19  Objectives This Week:  (Language Objective) Write a narrative essay (folk tale)  Analyze the stories for how the author’s heritage is reflected in them  Know what the purpose and origin of folk tales is 

20 Assignments:  _____Read “Whitecaps” Pg. 923. Do questions Pg. 924.  _____Read “Brer…” Pg. 917. Do questions Pg. 919.  _____Selection Support Pgs. 246, 247, 248  _____Story Planner  _____Write a folk tale describing why the sun always sets in the west. (Or pick your own nature phenomenon…tides rise, wind blows, etc.)  _____DLP Week 16  _____CST Questions 56-65  Study for Folk Tales Test  Grade_____  TW______ T3 Week 6

21 P.E. ____5 PE Credits Due by June 1 ____Log  Grade______  TW________ Algebra  ____Ch. __ Lesson ___-Odd  ____CST Questions ___ to ____  lessons _____ and _____  Parent Signature_______________  Grade__________  TW____________

22  Objectives This Week:  (Language Objective) Be able to discuss how the amendments provided rights for African Americans  Describe changes that occurred during reconstruction  Describe the geography and population of the west

23 North Vs. South

24  Pg. 519  April 9 1865  Appomattox, VA  Lee surrenders  Grant gives kind terms  Food, keep horses and belongings

25  Fords Theatre  A night at the theatre turns terribly wrong 

26 Reconstruction Goals:  1. Unite the states and rebuild the south  2. Ensure civil rights for former slaves How?  Freedmen’s Bureau- Established schools for former slaves  This was the foundation for school systems in the South

27  Founders: Confederate army veterans  Purpose…  To keep blacks out of office

28  13 th Amendment (Pg. 521, wikipedia, etc.)  14 th Amendment  15 th Amendment  Civil Rights Act  Pg. 549, Wikipedia, etc.  Jigsaw  1. Title  ____ Amendment-The ___ Amendment  2. Date passed  3. Summary of bill  4. Picture Symbolizing 

29 ASSIGNMENTS:  ______Read Ch. 19 Lesson 2. Take Cornell Notes.  ______Ch. 19 Lesson 2 Questions Pg.  ______Read Ch. 19 Lesson 3. Take Cornell Notes.  ______Ch. 19 Lesson 3 Questions Pg.  ______Workbook 19.2 and 19.3  ______Amendment Assignment Due (Flyer)  6 hours Community Service Due June 1  Grade_______  TW_________

30  www. j8g3f  Submit ENTIRE survey

31 Tests  Benchmarks  Math/Algebra  Language Arts  Survey Conferencing  Work turn in  Grade Conferencing

32 Add Descriptive Paragraph

33  Pg. 598  Colin Powell

34 Spelling  Selection Support Pg. 156  -sion  Incision  Passion  Sometime 1, sometimes 2 S’s Adverb clauses  Next Week

35 Packets  Topic-Read Prompt Carefully!!! Planning  1. Define the task  Audience  Purpose  Voice  2. Decide your position  Research (PE packet)  Pros/Cons  3. Brainstorm  4. Outline

36  Test Grade  Where are they?

37 Steps:  I. Prewriting  II. Rough Draft  III. Revise  IV. You/Peer/Teacher Edit  Will go back to Revising after all 3 edits  V. Publish Final

38  When do you use “who” and when do you use “whom?” Worksheet  When

39  Mieps Gies  Video

40  Conspicuous  Mercurial  Unabashed  Insufferable  Meticulous  Fatalist  Ostentatiously  Vocabulary Matrix

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