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6 th Edition CCCWP Management Committee February 15, 2012.

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3 6 th Edition CCCWP Management Committee February 15, 2012

4  Brief Guidebook History  Key Changes from 5 th Edition  Ongoing Issues  Recommended Action

5 EditionDateMajor Changes 1 st January 2005Implemented new C.3 requirements with Low Impact Development approach 2 nd March 2005Incorporated design guidance for bioretention, other features and facilities; added O&M guidance 3 rd October 2006Implemented HMP requirements Introduced IMP Sizing Calculator 4 th October 2008Organized and Improved LID Design Guidance January 2009 October 2009 Soils, Planting, and Irrigation Guidance Added 2 additional IMPs 5 th October 2010Implemented MRP Requirements Added IMP Construction Checklist December 2011“C.3 Update” to implement amendment

6  Special Projects  Table 4-14 on Page 60  Narrative Analysis of Feasibility of LID on Special Projects (Instructions are in Guidebook but need to reference these instructions in template)  Technical Criteria for non-LID Facilities (in preparation; to be posted to website)

7  Harvesting and Reuse  Feasibility Screening Procedure on Page 40-42  Background on Page 17  Underdrain discharge located at top of gravel layer unless infiltration must be prevented

8  Soils, Plants, and Irrigation  Updated Appendix B  Incorporates MRP “Attachment L”

9  Follows organization and content of guidance in Chapter 3  Annotated with explanations and prompts  Prompts Harvesting and Use Feasibility Calculations  Prompt for feasibility narrative to be added  Supports presentation of sizing calculations in Chapter 4  Substitute for, or check, results of IMP Sizing Calculator  Includes a project data summary to facilitate compilation of reports

10  Hydrograph Modification Management  Report and proposal due April 2013 a. Present model verification monitoring results demonstrating that the IMPs are sufficiently overdesigned and perform to meet the 0.1Q2 low flow design criteria; or b. Present study results of Contra Costa County streams geology and other factors that support the low flow design criteria of 0.2Q2 as the limiting HMP design low flow; or c. Propose redesigns of the IMPs to meet the low flow design criteria of 0.1Q2 to be implemented during the next permit term.  Awaiting news on Prop. 84 grant application  Data will also be relevant re: infiltration and evapotranspiration requirements

11  Feasibility/Infeasibility of Infiltration, Evapotranspiration, and Harvesting/Reuse  Response to Water Board staff comments on BASMAA submittal is pending BASMAA Board approval  Report on implementation experience is due December 1, 2013  Documenting harvesting/reuse projects is important

12  Approve the Stormwater C.3 Guidebook 6 th Edition and direct staff to publish it and the template on the Program website.  Direct staff to prepare and publish a new 2-page “Stormwater C.3 Update” summarizing policy changes

13 Annual and “Special Projects” CCCWP Management Committee February 15, 2012

14 Provision C.3 Reporting—Annual and Special Projects REPORTING REQUIREMENTTEMPLATE MRP Attachment A (C.3.b.)Table 3.1 (C.3.e.)Table 1In Plan Project Name and Address Application Date Project Description Site Total Area, DisturbedSite Total Acreage New & Replaced Impervious Pre/Post-Project Impervious Density (DU/Acre and/or FAR) Special Project Categories LID Credits Available Percent LID and Non-LID Status of Project Source Control Measures Site Design Measures Treatment Systems/CriteriaLID & Non-LID Treatment Used Feasibility of LID Treatment O&M Mechanism Alternative Compliance Hydromodification Controls

15  Narrative discussion of onsite LID feasibility  Infiltration, evapotranspiration, harvesting/reuse per Stormwater C.3 Guidebook 6th Edition  Description of site and DMAs  Need for pavement where proposed  Why any landscaped areas can’t be bioretention  Narrative discussion of offsite LID feasibility  Owner owns land in same watershed?  In-lieu program exists?  Technical Criteria for Non-LID Facilities  Reference an existing certification program, or  Prepare our own minimum design criteria?

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