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District Improvement Facilitators Network August 5, 2013 1.

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Presentation on theme: "District Improvement Facilitators Network August 5, 2013 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Improvement Facilitators Network August 5, 2013 1

2 Introductions – all participants Session Objectives: Define a team Evaluate DPR Review ASSIST Learn Tips and Tricks Work on CNA and AER Templates 2

3 Working Agreements Participate Fully Press for Clarification Collaborate Share your Thinking 3

4 “I’m In” Introduce yourself to members at your table. 1.Give your name and role. 2.How are you feeling about being here today. 3.Say “And I’m in.” 4

5 Agenda 8:30-8:45 Introductions and Updates 8:45-8:50 DIP Timeline and Process 8:50-9:00 Defining District and School teams 9:00-9:45 District Process Rubrics 9:45-10:00 Break 10:00-10:30 ASSIST 10:30-11:30 Required Components 11:30-12:00 Lunch 12:00-3:30 Facilitated Work Time (Optional) 5

6 6 Continuous District Improvement Facilitators Network Meetings Vision/Mission of CSIF/CDIF Network – It is our mission to provide a community of school improvement collaboration in order to facilitate the interaction with Michigan's Continuous School Improvement Process.

7 7 Continuous School Improvement Facilitators Network Meetings District Improvement Support January 2014 – Monitoring District Improvement Plan Budget Amendment February 2014 – District Process Rubrics May 2014 –District Improvement Plan

8 8 Continuous School Improvement Facilitators Network Meetings School Improvement Support September 25 – Rollout to stakeholders November 13 – Got SIP now what? January 22 – School Process Rubrics March 26 – School Data Profile / Analysis May 7 – School Improvement Plan

9 Overview of the Process 9


11 11 TrustVisionSkillsResources Action Plan Payoff Shared Values/Beliefs Second Order Change Sabotage Confusion Anxiety Anger Sporadic Change False Starts First Order Change Tru st VisionSkillsResources Action Plan Payoff Shared Values/Beliefs Trust Visio n SkillsResources Action Plan Payoff Shared Values/Beliefs TrustVision Skill s Resources Action Plan Payoff Shared Values/Beliefs = TrustVisionSkills Resourc es Action Plan Payoff Shared Values/Beliefs TrustVisionSkillsResources Action Plan Payof f Shared Values/Beliefs TrustVisionSkillsResources Action Plan Payoff Shared Values/Beliefs Trust VisionSkillsResources Action Plan Payoff Shared Values/Belief s = = = = = = = Ambrose, 1987 “Managing Complex Change Understanding Change

12 Defining a Team District Team Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Principals Curriculum Directors Teacher Representation Parent or Community Member School Team Principal Assistant Principal Grade/Content Level Representation Title I Parent Non Title I Parent Community Member 12

13 District Team Meeting Structure Fall – AER – Evidence Collection – Progress Monitor Winter – DPR – Consolidated Application/Budget Amendment – Progress Monitor Spring – District Improvement Plan – Progress Monitor 13

14 District Process Rubrics Review your score in each strand… Discuss your rankings – What were the district’s strengths? – Where did the district need improvement? – How does this impact student achievement? – Looking at the comments for each strand, what progress has been made? – What are the next steps? – What is the supporting evidence? 14

15 District Process Rubrics Plan for communicating to stakeholders – Suggestions: PTO, Newsletter, Website, Discussion Forums, Staff Meeting, School Board Meeting 15

16 Break 16

17 17 Go to: At login screen type in email address and password below. Email: Password: password1 Training Site

18 Same login and password! 18

19 19 Training Site New way to search for schools

20 20 Overview and portfolio tab now combined

21 21

22 22

23 23

24 24 District Improvement Plan Requirements: -Executive Summary -Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement -School Additional Requirements Diagnostic

25 25 District Improvement Plan Requirements: -Executive Summary -Do not leave additional information blank -Address here the goals for district (ex. Even though one of our elementary buildings has a science goal because they are not meeting or beating the state, at the district level, we are focused on improving science scores through our reading goal…)

26 26 Do not leave blank-address district goals here

27 27 District Improvement Plan Requirements: -Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement -Last question-”How is plan communicated and progress updated?” -Make sure to cover: Administration Parent of Title I student Parent of non Title I student Teacher Other school employee School board members

28 28 After opening the diagnostic…

29 29 In last two sections address each required participant

30 30 District Improvement Plan Requirements: -School Additional Requirements Diagnostic - Yes/No questions-Not required but recommended upload of documentation - Question #15-Upload District Parent Involvement Policy - Question #16-Upload District Assessment Calendar AND District Professional Learning Calendar (can be pulled from ASSIST)

31 31 Upload: Parent Involvement Policy District Assessment Calendar District Professional Learning Calendar

32 32 How to pull a report… In goals and plans tab, under reports, then activity report-FOR EACH BUILDING

33 33 Select school and building Select P.L. All funding sources Must choose start/end date Export report will send an Excel file to your e- mail

34 Required Components SEE HANDOUT District Profile Analysis/CNA- – Data Demographic Grade Level Achievement Subgroups Gaps and Trends Non Academic Data Summary Data 34

35 Required Components Annual Education Report AER – Components District Letter Combined Report Posting on Website 35

36 Questions 36

37 Lunch 37

38 Facilitated Work Time 38

39 Evaluation and Feedback 39

40 Questions/Comments? Please contact:  Susan Townsend (  Maeghan McCormick (  Sandy White (  Steve Doerr (  Jennifer Fox ( Or visit the MDE - School Improvement websiteMDE - School Improvement

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