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Training for PTA Treasurers North Carolina PTA 3501 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27612 (800)-255-0417 revised January 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Training for PTA Treasurers North Carolina PTA 3501 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27612 (800)-255-0417 revised January 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training for PTA Treasurers North Carolina PTA 3501 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC (800) revised January 2011

2 PTA Vision PTA Mission Making every child's potential a reality PTA is
A powerful voice for all children A relevant resource for families and communities, and A strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.

3 PTA Treasurer’s “Mission”
Its all about the children The money ‘belongs’ to the children Ensure money is spent to support the PTA mission IRS regulation to remain a non-profit corp. Keep these two rules in mind throughout the year and you will be successful.

4 Before taking office Be sure that the books have been audited before accepting them. Submit your PTA’s Financial Review online by August 31st of each year to remain a PTA in “Good Standing”. Become familiar with duties outlined in the bylaws. Secure the signatures of new officers authorized to sign checks and file with your bank. Secure Bonding and Liability Insurance. Study National PTA’s Money Matters Handbook and the Finance section of the NCPTA website.

5 The Uniform Local unit Bylaws define the duties of the Treasurer as follows:
Section Treasurer. The Treasurer shall: Collect, deposit and maintain all funds of this local PTA in approved depositories (including, but not limited to, all monies collected as local dues, raised in PTA activities, received as contributions, or otherwise acquired); Disburse funds in accordance with the annual budget adopted by this local PTA, and maintain records identifying the purpose and payee of all disbursements; Maintain a current record of income, expenditures, assets and liabilities of this local PTA, and make all financial records available for inspection and review by the audit committee; Present a financial report of income and expenses at each meeting of the general membership and the board of directors, which report shall compare current income and expenditures to the approved budget;

6 Remit dues to NCPTA in accordance with Article 5 of these bylaws and the current NCPTA good standing requirements; Prepare a year-end financial report by June 30 showing the total income and expenditures for the fiscal year, comparing those figures with the budget approved at the beginning of the fiscal year, and the assets and liabilities of the local PTA, and submit that report to the incoming president, treasurer and audit committee; File all required tax forms and reports in a timely manner, including but not limited to tax returns for the previous fiscal year, and submit copies of all such filings to the secretary of this local PTA; At the end of his/her term, transfer all financial records to the audit committee by July 1; and Provide assistance to the audit committee upon request.

7 The Audit Committee Define in the bylaws as follows: Section 8.2 Audit Committee. The audit committee shall be composed of no fewer than three members. Individuals with check signing authority and their family members may not serve on the audit committee, nor may the outgoing or incoming treasurer. The audit committee shall be responsible for the audits and financial reviews described in Article 11 of these bylaws.

Section Monthly financial review. The audit committee will conduct a monthly review of this local PTA’s bank statements and supporting documents and shall sign an acknowledgment on the bank statements that the expenditures were consistent with the approved budget. Section Financial review when financial officer leaves office. If any officer with financial responsibility, including but not limited to check signing authorization, leaves office before the end of a fiscal year, the audit committee will conduct a review of the local PTA’s financial records.

9 Section 11. 3 Annual financial review
Section Annual financial review. By August 31 each year, the audit committee, or a certified public accountant appointed by the board shall: Examine the treasurer’s year-end financial report and this local PTA’s financial records (including but not limited to all depository accounts, the general ledger of receipts and expenditures, supporting documentation and checks, and records of membership dues paid); and State in writing whether or not the treasurer’s year-end report is correct and shall submit that statement, with a copy of the report, to the board of directors. The board shall review and approve the report of the audit committee or certified public accountant, and thereafter the audit committee shall use the data in the report to prepare and file the required Local PTA Year-End Report online in the NCPTA database no later than August 31. The audit committee will summarize its report to the general membership at its next meeting. The audit committee, at any time, may recommend to the board that an independent review of the financial records by a certified public accountant should be conducted.

10 Section Annual budget. The officers shall prepare a proposed annual budget which, following approval by the board, shall be considered and adopted at the first general membership meeting of the fiscal year. Amendments to the budget may be considered and adopted at regular or special general membership meetings.   Section Checks. All bills of this local PTA shall be paid by check. Checks must be signed by two of no more than four officers authorized by the board of directors to sign checks, except that none of these officers so authorized shall be related, and at least one of these authorized officers shall be the Treasurer. The signing of blank checks is prohibited.   Section Expenditures and fund availability. All expenditures of this local PTA must be consistent with the approved budget and based on actual fund availability. All reimbursements for expenditures will be contingent upon actual fund availability. Section Depositories. All depositories of local PTA funds, including checking, savings and investment accounts, must be approved by the board of directors. Section Contracts and other financial agreements. All contracts and other financial agreements require the prior approval of the board and must be signed by the President.

11 Insurance Fidelity bonding insurance General liability insurance
Protects the PTA’s money from theft. The Treasurer and other officers are covered if: An annual audit has been conducted and Checks are signed by two persons General liability insurance Covers all routine activities of your PTA e.g. general meetings, spring festivals, skating parties, etc. Covers bodily injury, property damage, hazards, libel/slander. Many School Systems require proof of insurance to use facilities.

12 Incorporation Protects individual officers of the PTA financially from any personal liability in the event the PTA is sued or cannot pay its bills. Incorporation forms for nonprofit associations are available from the NCPTA state office or: NC Secretary of State PO Box Raleigh  NC 

13 Search for Your PTA CSearch.aspx

14 Other important papers:
Treasurer’s Records Ledger A copy of the Budget Bank statements and cancelled checks Receipts & Vouchers Checkbook Meeting Minutes Although the treasurer keeps the books, the financial records belong to the organization. Must turn everything over to the audit committee when your term is complete because they belong to the PTA. Other important papers: A copy of bylaws Copies of Form 990 (IRS) Employer Identification Number State Tax information 10 years of Audits 7 years of unit financial activity 3 years of budgets

15 Ledger – Manual Cash In Cash Out Checks Funds entered by category
Deposits Cash Out Petty Cash Checks Funds entered by category

16 Ledger – Electronic Can use Microsoft Money, Quicken, Spreadsheets, etc. Always keep a backup Always keep a printed copy Automatically prepare budget reports

17 Electronic Banking Caution when using electronic banking to pay bills
Establish a policy and consequences Do not use Credit Cards, Debit Cards or Other Banking Cards Too difficult to track two signatures Too easy to empty an entire account

18 Budget Bylaws - Section Annual budget. The officers shall prepare a proposed annual budget which, following approval by the board, shall be considered and adopted at the first general membership meeting of the fiscal year. Amendments to the budget may be considered and adopted at regular or special general membership meetings.

19 Budget Planning PTA President, the Board of Directors and Principal should work together over the summer and agree on a plan for the coming year. PTAs set their own agenda PTAs goals should be complimentary with the school’s. Remember, it’s all about the children

20 Budget Normally presented by Treasurer to the Board of Directors
Based on the PTA mission & vision Based on goals of the unit Based on historic financial information (i.e. prior years budgets) Only official after it is approved by the general PTA membership Usually done during the first PTA meeting (quorum having been established). Consider publishing in your newsletter Consider posting on the school website Review & hand out at every General Membership Meeting Can’t write checks against the budget until it’s official

21 Budget (cont’d) A tool to monitor the financial activities of the PTA throughout the year based on the unit’s goals. General membership must approve a budget or budget amendments. The fiscal year begins on July 1 and ends June 30. Please remember, a 501( c ) 3 organization cannot obligate any future boards to a contract. PTA’s must spend money on their Mission. Remember, it’s all about the children.

22 Voucher System Used for reimbursement Used for check request
Important part of paper trail Any receipts or other documentation should be attached to the voucher.

23 Receipt Receipt all transactions.
Membership money Fundraisers Donations Petty cash Two people should always count the money. Never deposit PTA funds in a personal account or a school account. School funds are public monies and PTA funds are private monies. Never “pass” school money through a PTA account. This adds to your gross receipts and could have filing consequences with the IRS.

24 Money & Checks Bylaws - Section Checks. All bills of this local PTA shall be paid by check. Checks must be signed by two of no more than four officers authorized by the board of directors to sign checks, except that none of these officers so authorized shall be related, and at least one of these authorized officers shall be the Treasurer. The signing of blank checks is prohibited. No school employee should have signature authority on PTA checks unless they are a duly elected PTA officer. The PTA can’t ‘give’ money to the school or any person or organization without a specific use for the money. The IRS and your members hold the PTA accountable for the use of that money.

25 Payments Pay all obligations by check (no cash)
Checks create a paper trail of all expenses that can validate a transaction. Don’t use Credit/Debit cards, Electronic Payments. Never sign a blank check. Funds not spent in one budget year should be held and included in the new budget. No PTA Board has the authority to write checks to the school or the principal or for unbudgeted items to “clean out” the account.

26 Membership Income The state and national portions of the dues do not belong to the unit and are never recorded as part of local PTA income. In accordance with the bylaws, this money must be sent into the State PTA Office by the 15th of each month and, therefore, is not a budgetary item. These funds should be shown as receipts and disbursements not belonging to the PTA on each Financial Report. To solicit memberships and then fail to forward State and National dues is a fraudulent act. NCPTA’s membership year begins July 1 and ends June 30. Membership payments received after June 30th are credited to the next membership year.

27 Contracts Only the president is authorized to sign a contract after approval by the Board of Directors and/or general membership. Contracts signed by anyone other than the president may not be legally binding to the PTA. The signer may be personally responsible. If the unit is not incorporated, the contract signer (including the president) can become financially responsible if something goes wrong with a fundraising project. Board members should not receive payment for a product or service for the PTA unless a Fair Market Value has been established and recorded in the minutes.

28 Fund-Raising The primary emphasis in PTA should be focused upon the promotion of the Mission. The real working capital of a PTA lies in its members, not in its treasury. Fund-raising is not a primary function of the PTA. Children should never be exploited or used as fund-raisers. K-6 students are not allowed to solicit or sell door-to door in any fund- raising activity. Remember, It’s all about the Children

29 Fund-Raising (cont’d)
It is strongly recommended that the PTA only hold the number of fundraisers needed to meet their budget (and not vise/versa). If the unit is not incorporated, the contract signer can become financially responsible if something goes wrong with a fundraising project. Fundraising income category should be kept separate from fundraising expenses.

30 Bad Checks If your PTA receives a bad check (NSF)
Contact the person who wrote the check asking that funds be made available Contact the bank the check is drawn against and they can tell you if and when money is available. Consider going to the bank the check is drawn against and getting a tellers check.

31 Taxes Your PTA is a “consumer” when it purchases supplies or equipment that it will use or give to the school. This includes items and equipment for which PTA writes the check directly to the supplier: office supplies, award certificates and trophies, computer hardware and software, and playground equipment. The sales tax paid on these purchases may be refunded twice a year from the NC Department of Revenue. File form E-585 Your PTA is a “merchant” when it purchases merchandise to sell in order to raise funds. PTAs must have a Merchants License on file with the NC Department of Revenue and present their vendor with a completed Certificate of Exemption in order not to be charged sales tax on resalable merchandise. PTAs cannot claim a refund for sales tax paid on resalable merchandise. If your unit grosses more than $50,000 (new for 2010 tax year) Must file IRS-990EZ or 990 Must also file form if the IRS sends the form even if you grossed less than $50,000. If your unit grosses less than $50,000 (new for 2010 tax year) Must file Form 990-N, Electronic Notice (e-Postcard) for Tax-Exempt Organizations not Required To File Form 990 or 990-EZ. Before this law was enacted, these small organizations were not required to file annually with the IRS. 

32 Required e-postcard information
Organization’s name Any other names your organization uses Organization’s mailing address Organizations website address (if applicable) Organization’s EIN Name and address of a principal officer of your organization Organization’s annual tax period A statement that your organization’s annual gross receipts are still normally $50,000 or less

33 In closing... And remember…
Please review NCPTA’s Finance section on our website Visit frequently for financial updates Contact the State Office at if you need any assistance. And remember…

34 It’s All About the Children

35 Questions and Discussion

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