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New technologies for Result Based Financing Inter Agency Working Group, June 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "New technologies for Result Based Financing Inter Agency Working Group, June 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 New technologies for Result Based Financing Inter Agency Working Group, June 2014

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9 1.New technologies for RBF : where are we? Where are we going? 1.How can connected RBF data systems contribute to a better measurement of results at national and global level? Outline 9

10 1. Technologies used for supply side RBF

11 Current systems Nigeria Benin Cameroun Burundi Sénégal Zambia Chad DRC Laos Lesotho CAR 11 Rwanda Zimbambwe ROC Tadjikistan Laos DRC Tanzania Vietnam ….

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13 Key features of RBF IT systems Administrative backbone of RBF Data entry Verification process (including fraud) Payment management Data management Strategic purchasing Budget follow up Payment formula Fee setting Reporting, benchmarking & data transparency Sharing data Exports 13

14 RBF web-applications are important: Verified data – quality of care – financing - patient satisfaction RBF management Better heath System Management Accountability and transparency 14

15 Examples: 15 Nigeria : Benin : Cameroun : Burundi : Senegal : Zambia : Chad : DRC : CAR:






21 New Technologies for Demand Side RBF

22 Strong added value of mobile technologies for Demand Side Financing (DSF) Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT)VouchersHealth Insurance 22

23 23 Examples E-vouchers in Ethiopia CCT for TB in Kenya managed by mobile devices Mobile money for health insurance in Mali Added value in terms of efficiency, reliability and governance od DSF systems

24 What comes next? 5 trends that emerged from the ICT4 RBF CoP meeting

25 1. Merge OpenRBF and DHIS2 development efforts  OpenRBF and DHIS2 teams will work together for developing the best Open Source solution for RBF management.  Use the strength of DHIS2.  Initial ongoing tests in Rwanda and Laos 25

26 2. Countries shift to smart data collection Countries used to collect information on paper forms 26 Several countries are shifting data collection on mobile devices : ex. Rwanda, Malawi, DRC

27  Collection of large quantities of high value information (but is there capacity to handle this?) 27

28 3. Verification and social accountability through mobiles 28

29 4. More demand side financing (and mobile payments) coupled to supply side RBF  Build on existing RBF platforms to develop DSF and enhance coverage, equity & targeting.  Examples : Zimbambwe, Senegal, Laos, Benin,…. 29

30 5. It’s only the beginning of interconnected systems (interoperability) 30

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