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SEPARATOR Design of Equipments Process Chemical Engineering 2012 – B Class Second Group 1. Winda Rahma Tiara(03121403018) 2. Ana Barika(03121403038) 3.

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Presentation on theme: "SEPARATOR Design of Equipments Process Chemical Engineering 2012 – B Class Second Group 1. Winda Rahma Tiara(03121403018) 2. Ana Barika(03121403038) 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEPARATOR Design of Equipments Process Chemical Engineering 2012 – B Class Second Group 1. Winda Rahma Tiara(03121403018) 2. Ana Barika(03121403038) 3. Abiyyu Ahmad(03121403056)

2 Terminology / Definitions of Separators Separator  is a pressure vessel to separate the fluid mixture (liquid or gas) based on differences in density; 1.Separator is one of the major equipment that have an important role in the operation of oil refineries and natural gas; 2.Separator is used to separate production fluids from the production wells into two or three phases.

3 The Principle of Design Separator works on the principle of separation by specific gravity / density where required vessel volume and specific retention time, so that existing phases can be separated. Determination of the design of the separator is an important thing that will determine the production capacity of all existing facilities. A.Based on the Phase Separation, Separator can devided into: 1.Two Phase Separator To seperate the liquid phase and gas phase; 2.Three Phase Separator To seperate liquid, oil, and gas;

4 B.Based the shapes of Separator can be divided into: 1.Horizontal Separator Used to a flow that have ratio of gas to liquid(Gas- Oil Ratio) is high, for the bubbly flow / for the liquid that comes out from the previous separator; 2.Vertical Separator Used for a fluid flow that have ratio gas-liquid (Gas-Oil Ratio) is low to medium and is expected to occur a liquid that coming shock (slug) in a relatively frequent; 3.Spherical Separator Spherical separator is usually only used for small production capacity

5 THE FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE DESIGN OF SEPARATOR 1.Difference of Density / Mass type; ; 2.Deposition Time  A time at which the fluid stay in the separator; 3.Contact of Surface;

6 Formula for Design a Separator Keterangan : d= diameter separator,in L eff = the effective length of the separator where separation occurs, ft T= operating temperature, o R Q g = gas flow rate, (known from experimental data) P= operating pressure, Psia Z= gas compressibility ρ g = density of gas, kg/m 3 ρ l = density of liquid, kg/m 3 C D = coefficient of drag d m = grain size of the liquid to be separated, micron The capacity of the gas needed to give the combination equations diameter (d) and the effective length of the separator (L eff ). The equation used for the separator liquid filled 50% (one-half of the separator) and for the separation of liquid grain diameter of 100 microns is as follows: persamaan (1)

7 Calculation procedures of sizing three-phase of horizontal separator are as follows:  Preparing Data QL, Qg-, ρg, ρl, m, P, and T;  Determining the value of t R;  Calculate d.L eff equation (1) for d <d max gas that meets the restriction for capacity of gas;  Grain size (dm) that used is 100 microns if the information about it was not available;  Z values ​​ obtained by gas compressibility chart;  In calculating d.Leff value for gas capacity, the necessary value coefficient drag (C D ) from grain liquid that fall from the gas. C D Rates are determined by the following iteration steps: 1. Calculate V t with this formula : 2. Calculate the value of Re with this formula :

8 3. Calculating the value of the C D with the Re value were obtained : 4. Re-count V t with this formula : 5. Re-count the Re value (back to the second step) and iterating till the value of C D obtained to constant;  Calculate d.L eff equation (1) for d <d max gas that meets the restriction of water by equation (1);  Determining seam-to-seam length by using one of the following equations:  Selected combinations of d and LSS that ideal with slenderness ratio (LSS / d) between 3 and 4.

9 Example of Calculating Problem Steps of Calculation : 1.Determine t R 2.t R = 2 min 2.Counting d.L eff for d <d max that meets the capacity restriction of gas. Where d max = 50 3.We use grain size ( d m ) 100 micron : ITEMUNITVALUE QgQg MMSCFD53,36 QlQl BLPD3205,6711 P operasi Psig613,8 T operasi oFoF42,56 η cp0,0112 ρgρg kg/m 3 59,8770 ρlρl kg/m 3 529,6824 tRtR min2 Mass flow gas (m) ton/day1216 Mass flow liquid ton/day277,8 Data Calculation of Inlet Separator (Design)

10 Iterating: *C D = 0,4336 Vt=0,8465 ft/s Re=2217,5073 C D =0,4145 *C D = 0,4145 Vt=0,8658 ft/s Re=2268,0659 C D =0,4136 *C D = 0,4136 Vt=0,8667 ft/s Re=2270,4236 C D =0,4136 Calculate the value of C D Calculate V t with this formula : Re-count V t with this formula : Calculating the value of the C D with the Re value were obtained : Calculate the value of Re with this formula :

11 (a.) By using the data comparison of pressure (P) and temperature (T), then the obtained value of Z (compressibility factor). From the graph (Appendix G) obtained Z = 0.84 (Mc Graw-Hill Second Edition). Counting seam-to-seam length(L ss ) with equations for fluid capacity: (b.) Calculate d.L eff untuk d <d max that meet the restriction of retention time for oils and water. = 9159,0603 = 353,8188 (inch.ft) Counting seam-to-seam length (LSS) with the equation for Gas capacity: By Using 30<d<50

12 Thank You dL eff L ss Slenderness Ratio Gas (12Lss/d) 3011,7939614,293965,717584 3211,056837513,723504175,146314063 3410,4064352913,239768634,672859516 369,828312,82834,2761 389,31102105312,477687723,940322438 408,8454712,178803333,653641 428,42425714311,924257143,406930612 448,04133636411,708003033,193091736 467,69171304311,525046383,006533837 487,37122511,3712252,84280625 507,07637611,243042672,69833024 The value combination of D and Leff for liquid retention time limits tabulated as follows: Cause of L eff in capacity of gas > capacity of liquid. Selected combinations of d and LSS that ideal with slenderness ratio between 3-4. Obtained from the table,that the ideal size of the separator is : Diameter 38 inch and Lenght 12,4777 ft. dL eff L ss Slenderness Ratio Gas (12Lss/d) 3010,1767336513,56897825,42759128 328,9443948111,925859754,472197405 347,92306253110,564083373,728500015 367,0671761469,4229015293,140967176 386,3428395338,4571193772,670669277 405,7244126797,6325502382,289765071 425,1922110466,9229480621,977985161 444,7309195696,3078927591,720334389 464,3284783965,7713045281,505557703 483,9752865825,300382111,325095527 503,6636241144,8848321521,172359717 The Value Combination of d, L eff, L ss, & L ss /d for Inlet Separator based Capacity of gas (Design):

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