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Genetics Challenge Grade 9 & 12 Genetics Mrs. S. Pipke-Painchaud & Mr. H. Weber.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics Challenge Grade 9 & 12 Genetics Mrs. S. Pipke-Painchaud & Mr. H. Weber."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics Challenge Grade 9 & 12 Genetics Mrs. S. Pipke-Painchaud & Mr. H. Weber

2 What is term called for the passing of the traits from parent to offspring? _________________ (1) What is the area of science called that studies the passing of characteristics from parent to offspring? _________________ (1) Who is considered the Father of Genetics? _________________ (1)

3 What does DNA stand for? ____________________________(1) What is the structure of DNA? ___________________________ (1) Who discovered the structure of DNA? ___________________________ (1)

4 How many chromosomes do humans possess? (2n – diploid) _____________________ (1) Where are the chromosomes found within the cell? _____________________ (1) What specific part of that organelle are they located in? ______________________(1)

5 In the sex chromosomes, XX codes for ____________________. (1) In the sex chromosomes, XY codes for ____________________.(1) Who (mother or father) determines the sex of the child? _____________________(1)

6 What is the name of the gamete the female produces? ___________________________ (1) What is the name of the gamete the male produces? ___________________________ (1) When the female and male gamete combine, what do they form? (the name for the single cell) ___________________________ (1)

7 The term used to describe two identical alleles for a particular trait? _________________ (1) The term used to describe two different alleles for a particular trait? _________________ (1) If you were a carrier of a genetic disorder, which of the two types listed would you need to possess? _________________ (1)

8 If you saw a genotype Gg, how would you describe those alleles? ________________(1) If you saw a genotype tt, how would you describe those alleles? ________________(1) If you saw a genotype RR, how would you describe those alleles? ________________(1)

9 How many base chemicals (nitrogen bases) are in DNA? ______________________ (1) List the names of the base chemicals in DNA and how they pair together. ___________ & __________ (1) ___________ & ___________ (1)

10 What plant did Gregor Mendel work with? ____________________(1) What is the scientific name for this plant? ____________________(1) How many chromosomes does this species of plant possess? ____________________(1)

11 Bunnies have straight ears or floppy ears. Straight ears are dominant (EE or Ee) and floppy ears are recessive (ee). If a straight eared (Ee) bunny is crossed with a floppy eared bunny (ee). Space for your calculations… What percentage of the offspring will have straight ears? _________________________(1) What percentage of the offspring will have floppy ears? _________________________(1) What percentage are heterozygous straight eared? _________________________(1)

12 In Martians, green skin color is dominant over white. What would the phenotypic ratio be if you crossed a homozygous green skinned Martian with a heterozygous green skinned Martian? i) What is the legend for this question?(1) ii) What are the genotypes of the parents?(1) __________ X ___________ iii) What is the phenotypic ratio? (1)

13 This process creates exact copies of cells.  This process is called _________________ (1) If you started with 1 cell with 46 chromosomes, you would end up with ______ cells with _____ chromosomes in each. (1) What organism in Kingdom Animalia has 46 chromosomes?________ (1)

14 What process produces gametes? ____________________ (1) In humans, what two types of gamete cells are produced from this process? __________________ & _______________ (1) How many chromosomes would each of these cells have? (Humans) ________________________ (1)

15 Define following words:  Diploid (1)  Haploid (1)  If a Martian has 150 chromosomes, how many would its gametes have? _______________ (1)

16 In the Lion King movie, Timon is an example of what type of animal? ________________(1) What is Timon’s diploid number of chromosomes? _________(1) What type of animal is Pumba? ______________(1)

17 In Martians, large feet are dominant over small feet. What phenotypic ratio would result from a cross of a Martian with small feet and a Martian who is heterozygous for large feet? Include your Key: What are the genotypes of the parents? (1) ________ X ________ Phenotypic ratio: __________________________________________________ (1) What is the chance (probability) of having a Martian with small feet? (write the fraction) ____________________(1)

18 What genetic disorder results from 3 chromosomes at the 21 st spot? ____________________ (1) What disorder causes normal red blood cells to take on a half moon shape and unable to use hemoglobin correctly? ____________________ (1) What does hemoglobin transport to the cells of the body? ____________________ (1)

19 What genetic disorder would you have if you could not see the numbers in the image to the right? (enlarged images on the following slide) ____________________________(1) What is the genetic disorder where the person’s blood does not clot properly? ____________________________(1) What is the genetic disorder that produces thick sticky mucous in the lungs and digestive system? ____________________________(1)

20 Enlarged image for #18


22 References: Chromosome #s: ms_by_chromosome_count ms_by_chromosome_count

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