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Don’t believe me! Look at the facts!. Do believe 15 countries USA; Canada; India; China; Spain; Australia Chile; Argentina 145 million acres 6 million.

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Presentation on theme: "Don’t believe me! Look at the facts!. Do believe 15 countries USA; Canada; India; China; Spain; Australia Chile; Argentina 145 million acres 6 million."— Presentation transcript:

1 Don’t believe me! Look at the facts!

2 Do believe 15 countries USA; Canada; India; China; Spain; Australia Chile; Argentina 145 million acres 6 million farmers 75% developing world Cotton, maize, soya, Oilseed Rape

3 Why? Reduced agrochemical use Overall lower costs Improved weed/pest control Safer working environment Reduced soil erosion Similar/improved yields Reduced fuel use Improved crop quality

4 Future Benefits Improved nutrition Increased yields Reduced fertiliser use Improved shelf life Reduced food miles Removal of allergies Reduced land use Production of plastics and pharmaceuticals

5 Familiar Headlines ?  “We must not meddle with nature”  “This process changes the properties of the food. Possibly dangerous substances could be formed.”  “This process could be carelessly done. Accidents could happen.”  “This diminishes the nutritive value of the food.”  “This will increase the price of the product. It is not necessary.”

6 Pasteurisation of Milk Feared by many. Of benefit to all. Familiar Headlines ? (1903)

7 Tuberculosis in the UK TB isolated in milk 1909 Pasteurisation compulsory in US from 1913 Except one county (Sonoma) 1930’s there were 50,000 deaths in UK 1940’s there were 50,000 cases per year 1990’s there were less than 5,000/year Today illegal to sell unpasteurised milk!

8 Balance of Scientific Evidence Safer than conventional foods. Similar in environmental impact. No evidence of ANY harm other than to crop pests (inc weeds + diseases) 99% of scientific community supports GM

9 In Gloucestershire Farmers are feeding GM crops You are eating them We are all wearing them We are all benefiting from them Gloucestershire should be growing them

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