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US Immigration Policy & Impacts Larry D. Sanders Oklahoma State University July 2013 Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce Policy Forum.

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Presentation on theme: "US Immigration Policy & Impacts Larry D. Sanders Oklahoma State University July 2013 Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce Policy Forum."— Presentation transcript:

1 US Immigration Policy & Impacts Larry D. Sanders Oklahoma State University July 2013 Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce Policy Forum

2 Defining the problem Populist Public Budgets Climate Change Aging US Population Diversity of US Population Less Developed Economies Ethics

3 [OK: 55,000-95,000]

4 Employment Growth (%) 2001-2011 Oklahoma grew at 1.0% over this period. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Local Area Unemployment Statistics 4 Hispanic Population Growth 2000-2010 Courtesy of D. Shideler, OSU Note: not specified as undocumented



7 Immigration Reform proposal: 2013 S. 744 passed w/some amendment 27 June 2013 Current summary of S. 744: – Path to citizenship—wait in line (13 yrs?) & pay fines Registered Provisional Immigrant temporary visa Legal Permanent Resident (LPR) “green card” Expedited for DREAMers* – Increased border security—”militarized zone” – Guest worker program for temporary work (i.e., ag workers “blue card”; “W card”) – E-Verify for employers House not likely to vote on 744; considering options (*Note: Development, Relief & Education for Alien Minors)

8 Immigration Policy Options & Consequences Public Policy (support/ restrict) Market Solution -Reduced cost to Fed -More immigration in short run; flux over time -Security risk up -Costly to some business Strong Controls -Most costly to Fed short run -Costly to some business Immigration Reform (S. 744) -Enforcement, security costly to Fed -Ag & Business generally pleased, costly to some -Tax revenue increases; some social program cost -Some risk to labor markets; wages increase over time -Humanitarian impacts positive -Economic growth increases Current policy House proposals

9 Thanks! Challenging times… gales-mexico-tirabichi-landfill-dump-photos/#1

10 Note: not specified as undocumented

11 ? <40,000?

12 Oklahoma Immigration Law HB 1804 (2007) touted as one of toughest in US – Violation to shelter/transport illegals – Proof for public benefits/i.d. required – Restricts resident tuition – Requires use of federal database for work eligibility Status: – relatively minimal impact – Increasing number of legal and illegal aliens in state

13 Labor intensive Crop production

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