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Taking the Web to the Next Level. Current Web Issues  Not reaching target audiences  People can’t find the information they need  Too difficult to.

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Presentation on theme: "Taking the Web to the Next Level. Current Web Issues  Not reaching target audiences  People can’t find the information they need  Too difficult to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking the Web to the Next Level

2 Current Web Issues  Not reaching target audiences  People can’t find the information they need  Too difficult to post information, especially in non-traditional formats  Marketing  Knowledge management  Knowledge distribution

3 Pent Up Demand  Multimedia rich web pages  Student-created websites, blogs, bulletin boards, forums, wikis  On-line surveys  An automated curriculum management system with document versioning and automated review and approval  Enterprise image library for original works  Moderated chat with students  Instant messaging through different modalities  Searchable policies and procedures  Policy-based records management

4 Objective Find a solution that will enable WVC to more effectively manage and distribute knowledge through various modalities to internal and external customers.

5 Solution Solve the root issues, knowledge management and knowledge distribution, with:  New tools  New roles  New organization

6 Tools  Microsoft SharePoint  Office 2007  Servers  Multimedia development equipment and software

7 SharePoint provides an infrastructure for  Collaboration - Student to student, student to instructor, student to community  Web portals – Create sites for different audiences or functions; for your students, co- workers, departments, the public  Searchable information repository  Work-flow based applications (automate who performs which steps in which order, i.e., curriculum approval process)

8 Role New tools will create a new environment, where all who participate will have at least one of these roles: RoleParticipants Server and database management, application programming Technology department Solution builders use technology to solve business problems Teaching/Learning Center Coordinator, power users, technology staff Web reportersAnyone - staff and students, public or internal sites Interactive multimedia developers Teaching/Learning Center Coordinator, Community Relations web reporters, instructors, others Web page designersPublic site: Community Relations Internal sites: Instructors, students, departments

9 Organization  Consolidate district technical staff  Develop cross-organizational work groups to share expertise and best practices  Utilize the application development prioritization process to schedule projects

10 Implementation  Train staff how to use Office 2007  Train TLC Coordinator/PIO web reporter in interactive multimedia content development and equipment  Program SharePoint environment  Identify and prioritize programming projects  Departments begin to use SharePoint

11 Cost ItemCost Microsoft SharePoint software$32,000 Servers$12,000 Environmental upgrades$7,000 Multimedia development equipment and software for TLC, Omak and PIO $25,000 Tax$6,080 Total$82,800

12 Conclusion If we do what we’ve always done, we’ll get what we’ve always got Questions?

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