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Prepared by: Anh Nguyen. Diversity in workplace has increased significantly recently.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by: Anh Nguyen. Diversity in workplace has increased significantly recently."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by: Anh Nguyen

2 Diversity in workplace has increased significantly recently

3 Anti – affirmative action warned that the policies would result in hiring or promotion quotas – selecting applicants on the basis of race rather than qualifications The supporter of affirmative action said that the policies have helped them find qualified worker without imposing unfair burdens on white, male employees. Affirmative Action In 1960s, the federal government issued policies in which encourage and require government contractors to hire greater number of African- American.

4 Types of Discrimination 1.Race and national Origin discrimination 2.Gender Discrimination 3.Age discrimination 4.Disability Discrimination

5 1.Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 2.The Age Discrimination in Employment Act 3.The Americans with Disabilities Act 4.The Equal Pay Act 5.Immigration Reform and Control Act Federal Antidiscrimination Laws

6 Conclusion Discrimination problem is largely and largely invisible. Both managers and employees need to understand the legal framework for discrimination practices in workplace

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