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DBQ Practice Reform.

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1 DBQ Practice Reform

2 “Reform movements in the US sought to expand democratic ideals
“Reform movements in the US sought to expand democratic ideals.” Assess the validity of this statement with specific reference to the years

3 Key Words Reform Movements Democratic ideals Time frame

4 Brainstorm Political changes – democracy
Economic changes – market economy New social relationships – Anxiety MOVEMENTS: consider all possible options Key people

5 Thesis Statements Write TWO

6 Organizing Ideas Strategy for attacking your essay Graphic organizer

7 Write your first paragraph

8 2002 DBQ Must Use documents and outside information
Divide Documents in the triad: Author Main Idea Significance Inference

9 Doc A Prison – prevention differentiated
Reform – moral & religious objectives Environmental influences Education as tool for reform

10 Doc B FINNEY – author associated w/2GA Impact of 2GW
Free will, equality, salvation Emphasis on emotion Personal Christianity Ideas about “sinners”

11 Doc C Slaves have rights – brutality of slavery Family ties
Ties women’s rights and abolition – both slaves and women are “chained” Contradiction of D of I and rights of minorities

12 Doc D Morse – telegraph Immigration as a threat –new immigrants
NATIVISM Anti Catholic Conspiracy Limit the political rights of immigrants

13 Doc E Education as source of moral reform
Middle class values – hard work, etc Education as method of self improvement and stability of the social order Accept growing inequalities created by the market revolution Order and contentment w/ place – needed in democratic society Public education

14 Doc F Brook Farm – transcendentalism Utopian reform
Emphasis on community and cooperation – contrast with competition of new market economy Reaction against the changes created by the market economy

15 Doc G Contrast w/ Brook Farm Critical of utopian communities
Reform as a threat to existing democratic social order Critical of efforts to change society Reformers ignore accomplishments of the past Keep social order as it exists

16 Doc H Temperance Drinking as a threat to social order
Dilemma for males Threat to family Reminds of needs of the market economy – sobriety and of MC values – family Reminds of Cult of Domesticity and Doctrine of Two Spheres

17 Doc I Women’s Rights grounded in the D of I – democratic values
Legal reform Challenges to the existing social order

18 OUTSIDE INFO Key “stuff” is intentionally left out – so you have some outside info to add – thus pay attention to what IS NOT given in documents NO QUOTES when you incorporate documents may cite information by simple parenthetical EX. Charles Finney changes traditional Calvinist belief by his emphasis on free will and use of emotion (B), but this raised concerns from some like Beecher that he’s gone to far. Finney made salvation accessible to ALL – the ultimate in democratic ideas – that ONE was responsible and capable of change (B).

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