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Racial Inequality 2/28/2012. Learning Objectives Critically analyze social problems by identifying value perspectives and applying concepts of sociology,

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Presentation on theme: "Racial Inequality 2/28/2012. Learning Objectives Critically analyze social problems by identifying value perspectives and applying concepts of sociology,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Racial Inequality 2/28/2012

2 Learning Objectives Critically analyze social problems by identifying value perspectives and applying concepts of sociology, political science, and economics; Use knowledge and analyses of social problems to evaluate public policy, and to suggest policy alternatives, with special reference to questions of social justice, the common good, and public and individual responsibility.

3 Opportunities to discuss course content Today- 12-2 Wednesday– 10:00-2:00

4 Readings Required Civil Rights (Chapter 11) Optional Racial and Ethnic Inequality (Chapter 3) Kendall


6 About the paper The major part of this course is the development of a 12-15 page paper in which you will analyze a current, controversial social problem, review public policy related to this problem, present both sides of the argument, and compare/contrast your own solution. The paper will be completed in three stages.

7 Paper One Background of the Social Problem, Due 3/1/2012 Submit Papers in two ways – In Class on 3/1/2012 (grade of zero if you fail to do this) – On by 11:59 p.m on 3/1 (5 pt deduction if you fail to do this The paper you turn into class is your graded paper No late papers

8 Paper 1 Specifics Must be in MLA format – Header – Page numbers – Margins – Internal citations – Works Cited Page 5-6 pages in length plus works cited page 10 citations needed

9 Paper I Format The Paper RubricRubric Components Introduction Scope of the problem Origin Causes History and Background Current Policy


11 About It Checks your paper for plagiarism – Against the web – Against the other papers in the turnitin archive Failure to use this results in a 5 point deduction from your paper

12 Accessing Turnitin Log into Blackboard Go to the CULF 2321 Page DO NOT GO TO TURNITIN.COM

13 Click on Assignments

14 Click on View/Complete

15 Step 1 in Submitting the Paper Fill out all the parts You must have a title for your paper Browse for your file Choose Upload

16 Step 2 In Submitting the Paper Preview the Paper Make sure everything is ok Choose Submit

17 Step 3 in Submitting the Paper If you do it right, you will get the following message

18 Plagiarism and Academic Honesty

19 Definition pla-gia-rize Etymology: plagiary Date: 1716 transitive senses : to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source intransitive senses : to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source From: Webster's New World Dictionary, Second College Edition

20 The difference between good research and plagiarism is a reference!

21 The Academic Handbook St. Edward's University expects academic honesty from all students; consequently, all work submitted for grading in a course must be created as the result of your own thought and effort. Representing work as your own when it is not a result of your own thought and effort is a violation of the St. Edward's Academic Honesty policy. The normal penalty for a student who is dishonest in any work is to receive a mark of F for that course. Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty and may result in the same penalty. In cases of mitigating circumstances, the instructor has the option to assign a lesser penalty. A student who has been assigned the grade of F because of academic dishonesty does not have the option of withdrawing from the course.


23 Theft Taking someone else's work and submitting it as your own. This ranges from a few sentences, to an entire paper. it is plagiarism and is subject to the penalties under the academic honest policy

24 Collusion receiving unauthorized assistance on any type of work such as writing sections of your paper. Roommates, friends, mom and dad

25 What of Long Strings of Quotations Cutting and Pasting information from the internet is stealing. This includes big chunks of information. Papers must be original

26 Unintentional Plagiarism Is still plagiarism failure to cite creating an impression that someone else's work is your own

27 Examples you bought or otherwise acquired a research paper and handed it in part or all of it as you own you paraphrased someone's unique or particularly apt phrase without acknowledgement. You repeated someone's wording without acknowledgement while browsing the web, you copied text and pasted it into your paper without quotation marks or without citing source


29 When Paraphrasing is Plagiarism Only the wording of a few phrases was changed and the sentences were only re- arranged. This is called transcribing The writer does not acknowledge the source of the information and ideas.

30 When it is not The writer uses his or her own words. Proper acknowledgment for the ideas presented in the passage is given.


32 Citations are not needed Information is your own writing It is a familiar saying or proverb

33 Common Knowledge These are facts known by a large amount of people. These do not need citations. George Washington was the first President of the United States

34 What is Not Common Knowledge Anything that is not common knowledge needs a citation. This is especially true when the statement involves an interpretation Washington was probably a deist, though he would have strenuously denied accusations of not being a Christian, if any had been foolish enough to make them (Johnson, p.205)

35 Wikipedia This is not a trusted source because it is user edited rather than peer reviewed. It tries to present a neutral point of view, but is often lacking The Death of SinbadDeath of Sinbad Do not use this as a source in your paper.

36 Racial and Ethnic Inequality

37 Race and Ethnicity Not the Same Race is biological Ethnic groups are cultural

38 African Americans Largest non-white racial group in the U.S. First African Americans arrived in 1619 No other group experienced Slavery in America

39 Dred Scott vs Sanford Involved a slave suing for his freedom Court ruled that he had no standing to sue Set the groundwork for the Civil War

40 The Ending of Slavery 13 th Amendment 14 th Amendment 15 th Amendment

41 Racial Discrimination after Reconstruction Very Common throughout the U.S. De Facto in the North De Jure in the South (Black Codes/Jim Crow Laws)

42 Plessey v. Ferguson (1896) Court ruled in favor of de jure segregation Equal protection of the law did not apply to non-political equality or to the actions of states.

43 The Development of Civil Rights Policy Initial Goals The Role of Public Opinion

44 The Role of the 14 th Amendment Original Purpose State Segregation

45 Brown Case (1954) Class action suit involving 4 states Court struck down De Jure segregation Resistance to The Decision

46 The Current Racial Balance of Schools De Facto Segregation Rules the Day Federalism and Funding are the reasons.

47 Civil Rights act of 1964 Adds Teeth to the Brown Decision Ends Segregation through Law Cross-Cutting legislation regarding federal funding

48 Voting Rights act of 1965 Ends State attempts to deny suffrage to African-Americans African Americans vote at almost the same rates as Whites today.


50 Affirmative Action Results vs. Opportunities Hard Quotas are a violation Racial Preferences may be used

51 Despite these gains, African Americans Still Lag in

52 Income

53 Health Care

54 Education

55 Public Policy and Hispanic Americans Race vs. Ethnicity Problems within the Hispanic Community

56 Hispanics in America 13.4% of the Population- the largest racial/ethnic minority group One of the fastest growing groups

57 The Largest Hispanic Groups in America

58 Largest Groups Puerto Rico Mexico Cuba


60 Immigration- The Defining Issue for Hispanics Sources of Immigration

61 Current Immigration Policies The U.S. accepts more immigrants than all other nations of the world combined – 1,000,000 per Year We also have many people here illegally – Visa violations – False Documentation – Surreptitious crossings

62 Immigration Policy Legal Immigration – The end of quotas – Preferences for Family members and skilled persons – The ICRA Illegal Immigration – No constitutional right to enter the US – Once you do, you are protected by the Constitution

63 Immigration in the United States 38 million foreign born Americans Immigrants are 12% of the population Estimated 10-15 million illegal immigrants in the United States.

64 Immigrants in America Today

65 Country of Origin- Legal immigration

66 Country of Origin- Illegal immigration

67 Why People Come to the USA Economic Opportunity The American Dream This is a reason that immigration of all forms is down!

68 Who is in charge of Immigration Policy? The Federal Government sets the rules States Bear the costs This causes animosity (e.g. Arizona)

69 Policy Stalemate This does not break down on party or ideological lines. – Business – High Tech – Ethnic and racial Groups This makes reform difficult

70 What to do? Enforcing the Current Laws Securing the Border Comprehensive Immigration Reform

71 Political Impact of Reform Latino Voters are a political unknown They have the potential to be a decisive block of voters The Latino electorate currently favors the Democratic Party

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