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ATLANTIC AREA O.P. 4TH CALL FOR PROPOSAL SEARCH FOR PARTNERS Elegible Area: Spain (Galicia; Principado de Asturias; Cantabria; País Vasco; Comunidad Foral.

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Presentation on theme: "ATLANTIC AREA O.P. 4TH CALL FOR PROPOSAL SEARCH FOR PARTNERS Elegible Area: Spain (Galicia; Principado de Asturias; Cantabria; País Vasco; Comunidad Foral."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATLANTIC AREA O.P. 4TH CALL FOR PROPOSAL SEARCH FOR PARTNERS Elegible Area: Spain (Galicia; Principado de Asturias; Cantabria; País Vasco; Comunidad Foral de Navarra; Andalucía: the following regions: Cádiz; Huelva; Sevilla). France (Haute-Normandie; Basse-Normandie; Pays de la Loire; Bretagne; Poitou-Charentes; Aquitaine). Ireland (The entire country) Border, Midland and Western; Southern and Eastern. Portugal (The continental part of the territory) Norte; Algarve; Centro; Lisboa; Alentejo. United Kingdom: Cumbria; Cheshire; Greater Manchester; Lancashire; Merseyside; Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and North Somerset; Dorset and Somerset; Cornwall and Isles of Scilly; Devon; West Wales and The Valleys; East Wales; South Western Scotland; Highlands and Islands Northern Ireland. ERDF financing: up to 65% Promoter: Agencia de Gestión Agraria y Pesquera de Andalucía Region: Andalucia (Spain) Title: Methodology for the comprehensive management of sustainable artisanal fisheries production; each fish counts Priority: 2. Protect, secure and enhance the marine and coastal environment sustainability. Objective: 2.2. Sustainable management and protection of the resources of marine spaces.

2 Context Discards are an example of the weaknesses of the CFP as they have negative effects from any point of view and for all the stakeholders: European society, fishermen, consumers, relevant administrations, scientists and managers of common fisheries resources. The adaptations to be developed by the regional and local fishermen, transformers and distributors of fish by 2015 (when these practices will be completely banned) will be decisive for the recovery of fish stocks, for a general recovery, for job creation and for the sustainability of the sector. Justify of the proposal Therefore, it is necessary to assess discards qualitatively and quantitatively, as well as the practices that lead to them, the commercial network that exists - that are influential actors in the process - and the options that exist to achieve a progressive and non-traumatic artisan Atlantic space sector (specifically in Andalusia it represents 95.4% of the fleet which, in 2011, comprised 1595 boats).

3 Main and specific objectives Main Objective: the dynamic adaptation of coastal communities dependent on fishing to the new Community Fisheries Policy by helping fishermen in this transitional period Specific objectives: - to know the real value of discards in fisheries under study in order to reduce them - to redirect the destination of involuntary catches either for production of animal feed, flour or other products, to achieve a better adjustment of the quotas or even their exchange between boats or organisations, etc. - the effective management and supervision of fishing activities in order to achieve the sustainability of the fish stocks and of the sectors of fishing/processing/marketing of coastal communities by 2020. Expected results 1. To increase the weight of direct beneficiaries in decision-making on the activities they develop and their adaptation to the new CFP. 2. The reduction of discards. They will become beneficial products and quotas will be adjusted to the real catches. 3. Implementation of a joint work formula for stakeholders that can be employed in other areas. 4. A transnational network for the exchange of information, results, opinions of fishermen concerning the elimination of discards without loss of opportunities, has been created. 5. The development of a more sustainable fishing will improve the image of our fishermen and help sell the products they generate. 6. Coastal communities involved will be strengthened and fisheries legislation will become a tool for development.

4 Innovative aspects of the project Fishermen are part of the solution for this problem. They will suggest measures together with scientists and they will be those involved in the debate to determine them. The prohibition of discards is an opportunity and not a threat to the activity and the adaptation to the new situation is not traumatic. In addition, it not is based on financial aid exclusively but in their capacity to adapt and be involved. Therefore, they are responsible for the benefits produced through the development of its activities in a sustainable way. Expected partner search Type of Partner: administrations that manage this activity in a territory as well as research centres of the aquaculture and fisheries sector Geographical areas: partners located in any eligible region in Atlantic Area O.P. Other info Expected total budget: aprox. 750.000 euro Expected duration: 18 months

5 PLEASE, FILL IN YOUR INFORMATION (I) Partner name: Please use this font Region and Country: Please use this font Contact info: Please use this font. Name, email, phone number Partner role in its region (related to project topic): Please use this font. Respect available space

6 PLEASE, FILL IN YOUR INFORMATION (II) State of the art related to project topic in partner region: Please use this font. Respect available space

7 PLEASE, FILL IN YOUR INFORMATION (III) Other comments: Please use this font. Respect available space Contribution of partner to partnership relevance: Please use this font. Respect available space

8 Please, send this document via e-mail to: Francisco Zurita Manrubia Cc: Cc: +0034 670 944 208 Deadline: March, 4th, 2013

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