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Opportunities of ICT sector The Ministry of Information Technologies & Communications Ms. Dona ŞCOLA, Deputy Minister.

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Presentation on theme: "Opportunities of ICT sector The Ministry of Information Technologies & Communications Ms. Dona ŞCOLA, Deputy Minister."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opportunities of ICT sector The Ministry of Information Technologies & Communications Ms. Dona ŞCOLA, Deputy Minister

2  ICT development assessment & benchmarking  ICT sector performance & key figures  Opportunities for electronic communication & IT  Increasing demand for ICT usage (e-Government) Outline

3 Ministry of ICT mission & core value  ICT is the key driver of economic growth, efficiency, productivity enhancement, and transparency  Our mission is to ensure sustainable growth of ICT sector through free market and export oriented policy development  We create business opportunities and encourage investments by promoting fair competition and enhancing international competitiveness

4 Key indexes for assessment  ICT Development Index captures the level of advancement of ICT worldwide, compares progress made between 2002 and 2007  Networked Readiness Index measures the propensity for countries to exploit opportunities offered by ICT  ICT Price basket monitors the cost of ICT services, tracks prices of ICT services, and measures ICT affordability

5 20022007 IDIRankIDIRank Sweden 6.0517.501 Estonia 3.93315.9726 Slovenia 4.47225.8828 Croatia 3.19424.6843 Bulgaria 2.74514.3745 Romania 2.48604.1646 Ucraine 2.50593.8051 World (average) 2.48603.4066 Moldova 2.13743.3168 ICT Development Index

6 2007-2008 (127 countries) 2008-2009 (134 countries) NRIrankNRIrank Denmark5.7815.851 Estonia5.19185.1220 Slovenia4.47304.5731 Croatia4.06494.0949 Romania3.86613.9758 Ukraine3.69703.8862 Bulgaria3.71683.806868 Moldova3.21963.3099 Networked Readiness Index

7 2008 ICT PB value Rank GNI (US$) PPP Singapore 0.4132470 Slovenia 1.22220960 Estonia 2.04313200 Croatia 2.14610460 Romania 3.0546150 Bulgaria 3.8644590 Ucraine 5.2762550 Moldova 11.2991260 World (average) Butan 15.21071770 ICT Price Basket

8  Law on personal data protection (2006)  Law on electronic document and digital signature (2006)  Law on state registers (2006)  Law on electronic commerce (2006)  Law on electronic communications (2007)  Law on cyber crime prevention (2008)  Law on scientific-technological parks and innovation incubators (2008)  ICT development strategy (draft)  Broadband program (draft)  Digital TV strategy (draft) European harmonized legal framework for ICT development

9  Framework Directive 2002/21/EC  Authorization Directive 2002/20/EC  Access Directive 2002/19/EC  Universal Service Directive 2002/22/EC  Competition for electronic communication Directive 2002/77/EC  Privacy on electronic communication Directive 2002/136/EC  Mutual recognition on telecom. equipment Directive 1999/5/EC  Information Society services Directive 2003/98/EC  Re-use of public sector information Directive 2002/19/EC  Framework for e-signature Directive 1999/19/EC  Regulatory framework for radio spectrum Decision 676/2002/EC  Spectrum use for mobile on aircraft Decision 2008/294/EC European Union Directives for ICT development

10  Major pillar of the Moldovan economy (9,5% of MD’s GDP)  25% average sales growth (2007)  One of the highest paying sector  5% of MD’s export  20.500 employees ICT sector performance Source: USAID CEED

11 Electronic communications industry (EC) Fixed line penetration 32% 19 companies Sales 1.9 bn. Lei ARPU 143 lei EC represent 5,76% of GDP Total sales 5,6 bn. lei, Investment 1,75 bn. Lei Mobile penetration 78% 4 wireless providers Sales 3 bn. Lei ARPU 97 lei Internet access BB penetration 5.27% 50 ISPs Sales 436 ml. lei

12  Broadband infrastructure deployment (targeted at 20% in fixed and mobile locations by 2013)  Digital switchover (completed by June 2015) Policy challenges  Digital Evolutional transformation of telecommunication infrastructure overcoming existing digital divide  Balancing incumbent prosperity with market development Motivation to implement advanced ICT-Business Models ( ex: Virtual Services Providers ) Investment opportunities in EC industry

13  IT has shown a ten-fold increase in growth in exports over the last 5 years from 2.6 mln. $ US to 26 mln. $ US  IT represents 0.76% of Moldova’s GDP  IT is 1% share of Moldovan exports  78% average sales growth (2007)  519 IT companies in Moldova  6,600 employees IT industry performance

14  Near shore and offshore operations for foreign IT companies  Outsourcing services for foreign companies  Back office and shared services for foreign companies Opportunities of Information Technologies industry

15  Creative mindset  Language proficiency skills  Western cultural similarities  Convenient time zone  Geographical proximity  Inexpensive and skilled labor  Good communication infrastructure IT industry potential to export more

16 Challenges  Increase local companies competitiveness – Quality Lab – Innovation Center – Tech Park  Unique country proposition – Formulation – Promotion

17 E-Government: Increasing demand for ICT usage  Transformational government is enabled by ICT  Better public ICT project management  Active involvement of private companies in eGov projects  Increased internal demand for ICT products and services, both in public and mass market consumption  Increased demand for communication infrastructure

18 Thank you Dona Şcola, Deputy minister tel: +373 22 251 155 fax: +373 22 229 128

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