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Estates Excellence Be part of the solution …. Estates Excellence AIMs Working in partnership to provide free information, advice, training and support.

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Presentation on theme: "Estates Excellence Be part of the solution …. Estates Excellence AIMs Working in partnership to provide free information, advice, training and support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Estates Excellence Be part of the solution …

2 Estates Excellence AIMs Working in partnership to provide free information, advice, training and support to SMEs within a specific location e.g. an industrial estate, to raise awareness and stimulate improvements to reduce accidents, ill health and other risks

3 Key Elements A face to face promotional visit to each business on the estate. A voluntary additional benchmarking visit to help identify gaps in health, safety, and fire prevention knowledge and practice Free bite-sized training Hazard Alley Occupational health tests

4 National Roll out Aberdeen Wrexham Q3-4 Deeside Q1 Manchester C ambridgeshire Ashford South Gloucestershire Exeter

5 Some or our Southern Partners

6 Some of our Central Partners

7 Some of our Scotland & NE Partners

8 Marketing

9 Year 1 roll out - evaluation Further 1964 SMEs engaged Stage 2 participation rates up to 50% Further 1374 people trained 78% of respondents had made changes as a direct result of their engagement with Estates Excellence, a further 20% propose to make changes (ONS) 44% of businesses have done further reading on the HSE website (ONS) 28% had undertaken further health and safety training (ONS) 22% had passed on new knowledge from the intervention to other businesses or partners (ONS)

10 What is working well? Targeting Stakeholder partners National Project Board Engagement for all business types Flexible project tailored to local needs Training Feedback

11 Feedback from businesses “ The way some of our employees look at Health & Safety has now changed for the better, they are more aware & it’s made my job a lot easier” “ I found the courses extremely helpful and interesting especially with the quality of the people who carried out the delivery of the contents of the courses” “ A great opportunity to have free training locally and to be able to ask the experts what to prioritise” “ The free training inspired me to learn more about health and safety. I booked myself on to a four day IOSH course at the local college” “ XXXXX from XXXXXX totally inspired me as to what they had done and sparked a real can do attitude into the whole proceedings” “ I would certainly recommend other businesses to get involved”

12 Estates Excellence - Challenges Maximising uptake Dispelling the myths Not enforcement led Not selling anything There is no catch

13 Estates Excellence Can you help? –Marketing –Dispelling the myths –Supporting local projects, where appropriate –Other?

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