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Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 AVCI Platform in PU Dr. Abdel-Rahman Al-Qawasmi Philadelphia University Director of Computer Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 AVCI Platform in PU Dr. Abdel-Rahman Al-Qawasmi Philadelphia University Director of Computer Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 AVCI Platform in PU Dr. Abdel-Rahman Al-Qawasmi Philadelphia University Director of Computer Center

2 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 Introduction  Learning management is an evolution of the processes and systems that Universities and companies developed to register students in courses and keep track of student records. Moodle  AVCI platform uses a Learning Management System (LMS) called Moodle.  Different LMSs can be used  is the most famous free and open source LMS. OLAT Dokeos

3 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 AVCI Learning Management System  Moodle is a software program for electronic or "e-learning," a category of programs that are variously identified as "Course Management Systems" (CMS), "Learning Management Systems" (LMS), or "Virtual Learning Environments" (VLE).  Moodle also has a broad variety of additional modular features and a relatively quick learning curve, helping educators easily and effectively develop full online classes, either in advance or as the course is being taught.  Additionally, subscription-based media libraries, external web links, and other commercial software products can potentially be integrated into Moodle courses. Because Moodle provides utilities to easily backup, exchange, and restore course components.

4 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011

5 AVCI platform main features  Functionality  Functionality:Moodle's main screen is essentially a "classroom information portal" with customizable blocks such as calendar, login, and news  Technically  Technically: Moodle is server-based software, meaning that the program is installed on a server, which can be implemented in a variety of ways--from remote hosting by a commercial server farm to local installation on a personal computer. All the functions and content of Moodle are accessed through a standard web browser, and deployment is relatively easy

6 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 AVCI platform capabilities  uses open data standard so that it can communicate with existing university database applications.  utilizes standard HTML for content creation.  structured so students can view all of their current courses when they log on.  Questions can be created with platform’s authoring software.  has built-in threaded discussion list capabilities  supports question database for management of test questions  supports reporting features for test questions

7 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 AVCI administrative tools and features Features Features :  Providing host courses on the server and focused on locally developed courses Tools Tools :  Server  Client/web interface  Authorization tools  Logout feature  Resource and remote access tools  Student support tools  Instructor support tools  Administrator support tools  Guest account creation

8 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 AVCI LMS platform modules:  User Management Overview, enrollment and Roles  Course Management Overview, Assignment module, News module, messaging module, calendar module, lesson module, quiz module and resource module

9 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 User Management enrollment  Students are enrolled automatically from another existing University Schedule system;  Teachers and administrators can move students to another group if necessary.

10 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 User Management role  Roles for specific participants can be defined for each course and resource;  Instructors can assign user roles to other users enrolled to the course;  Instructors can create content and assign privileges.

11 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 Course Management: Overview  Flexible array of course activities – Quizzes, Resources, Assignments, Messaging, Events;  Most text entry areas can be edited using an embedded HTML editor ;  All grades for Assignments can be viewed on one page (and downloaded as a spreadsheet file);  User logging and tracking is available upon request;  Mail integration - copies of Messaging, if desired,are mailed in HTML or plain text to the users.

12 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 Course Management: Assignment  Assignments can be specified with a due date and a maximum grade;  Students can upload their assignments (any file format) to the server - they are date- stamped

13 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 Course Management: News  RSS Feed reader allows consuming feeds that are generated by administrators or Public Relations Office;  These feeds can be customized by allowing new channel adding.

14 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 Course Management: Messaging  Messages are sent to the group or a single user;  Course content can be attached to the message;  If configured, a copy is sent to the personal e- mail.

15 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 Course Management: Calendar  Users can add events and system will check for conflicts;  Users can share events;  Shared events are shown with a different color than users events;  Events reminder is a useful function that sends mail to the user.

16 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 Course Management: Lesson  Lessons are organized in a hierarchical level, where items represent folder or file.  Navigation through the lesson can be straight forward by using tree view where the content of the selected item is shown on a grid view with a paging feature enabled.  Page content is HTML compatible, with a full set of edit tools for the teacher  Password protected folders if desired

17 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 Course Management: Quiz  Questions can be added dynamically from an existing list of question types, such as: Multiple choice questions (radio buttons), multiple select (Checkbox),true/false, Drop Down list and Text/Essay.  Quizzes are automatically graded, and can be regraded if questions are text type or essay  Quizzes can have a limited time window outside of which they are not available  Quiz questions and quiz answers can be shuffled (randomized) to reduce cheating  Questions allow HTML and images

18 Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011 Course Management: Resources  Files such as PDFs and Microsoft Office formats are directly embedded to the page  Files can be uploaded (renamed, moved) and downloaded (zipped, unzipped) on the server  Folders can be created and managed on the server  Internal web pages (html formatted) can be created with HTML editor Internal text pages (no formatting) can be created and linked to  External web applications can be linked to with data passed to them

19 Adding Events to Calendar Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011

20 News and Announcements

21 Adding a new Course Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011

22 Adding a new Lesson to a Course Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011

23 List of Lessons in a Course Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011

24 Adding a new Quiz Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011

25 Adding a new Chat Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011

26 Assign Roles in Course Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011

27 Assign roles to different users Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011

28 Add a resource Portal and AQAS-Philadelphia University 21-22/6/2011

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