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SEISN 2001 1 Software as a Service - an example of interdisciplinary research Keith Bennett University of Durham

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1 SEISN 2001 1 Software as a Service - an example of interdisciplinary research Keith Bennett University of Durham

2 SEISN 2001 2 Pennine Research Group UMIST, Manchester University of Keele University of Durham

3 SEISN 2001 3 2001 2 nd case Study ICSM2001 1 st. Case study COMPSAC 2001 Architecture APSEC 2000 Requirements CACM 1999 IBHIS project ISEN Network SEBPC programme SEISN network FEAST Durham Maintenance Keele Design & components UMIST SW management BT DiCE 1996 Industry Etc.

4 SEISN 2001 4 Preamble

5 SEISN 2001 5 Changing Nature of Business 40% of Fortune 500 companies in 1979 are no longer corporate entities 30% of firms under 10 employees generate 70% of EU turnover Competitiveness through time to market is major driver

6 SEISN 2001 6 Distinctive Domains Systems Domain – Well defined boundaries and requirements Business Domain – Emergent Organisations “Organisations in a state of continual process change, never arriving, always in transition” D. Truex, R.Baskeville and H.Klein, “Growing Systems in Emergent Organizations”, Comm.ACM, Vol.42, No.8, August 1999

7 SEISN 2001 7 Coping with Evolution 60-80% of lifetime costs of software relate to change Evolution technologies –Program comprehension, re-engineering, reverse engineering and design recovery Design for maintainability – v. hard

8 SEISN 2001 8 Requirements

9 SEISN 2001 9 Key User Drivers Necessary and sufficient capability Personalisation for each user Adaptable/ self-adaptation to changes Distribution and granularity (small & simple) Transparency (to location, faults etc.) P.Brereton, D.Budgen, K.Bennett, M.Munro, P.Layzell, L.Macaulay, D.Griffiths and C.Stannett, “The Future of Software: Defining the Research Agenda”, Comm. ACM, Vol.42, No.12, December 1999

10 SEISN 2001 10 Ambition 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 0 x100 year x10 Vision: Software as a Service Software as Product x50 Speed Time to Mkt

11 SEISN 2001 11 The key idea

12 SEISN 2001 12 Components to Services In a service- based architecture: –Acquire –Use –Disengage Demand led Ultra late binding Core idea. SaaS

13 SEISN 2001 13 FAQs Is this not Netscape plug-ins or.NET? Why does this speed up evolution? What is new? What is significant? What about security etc? Doesn’t this give poor quality?

14 SEISN 2001 14 Ownership -> Service Software will remain basically rigid Organisations & marketplaces are adaptable Ownership is the problem. Users just want to USE software to get RESULTS. Combine service and marketplace

15 SEISN 2001 15 Software Software moves from a PRODUCT to a SERVICE. A SERVICE is something you find, use as and when needed – and then discard. The user decides what services are needed, and the technology negotiates, agrees and implements their binding, which involves many non-technical attributes (trust, cost, redress..)

16 SEISN 2001 16 Service An E-service represents a self contained internet based application, capable of completing tasks on its own, and able to discover and engage other E-services to complete higher level transactions. Engagement = functional and non functional properties.

17 SEISN 2001 17 Software as a Service NOW –Mass maintenance –Rental, Pay per use –Web based software update –Jini type service lookup, UDDI –Device level services –ebXML, Crossflow, TPAML, e-Speak etc This doesn’t solve terms & conditions

18 SEISN 2001 18 Vision of Service At the time of need we locate and then ‘bind’ (connect) to a service or services we need from the marketplace When we have finished use, we discard the service. Tomorrow we’ll have moved on. We’ll form new bindings. Hence EVOLUTION Bindings are both technical and non technical – and the latter are HARD

19 SEISN 2001 19 Summary We solve ultra rapid evolution, not by a magic bullet, but by using the well proven mechanisms of the market and adapting them to software for emergent organisations. Markets don’t just respond – they anticipate and plan.

20 SEISN 2001 20 Results to date

21 SEISN 2001 21 Results User analysis and requirement Informal SaaS Architecture Two case studies on publish/find NOT yet multi-disciplinary team

22 SEISN 2001 22 Conclusions

23 SEISN 2001 23 Research Issues 1 How do consumers know what services are available? How do consumers express their requirements? How are services composed and evaluated? How are services tested? What is the appropriate, high integrity, service delivery infrastructure? How must consumers’ data be held to enable portability between different service suppliers?

24 SEISN 2001 24 Research Issues 2 What standards can be used or must be defined to enable portability of service? What will be the impact of branded services and marketing activities high quality v low price? How can organisations benefit from rapidly changing services and how will they manage the interface with business processes? How will individuals perceive and manage rapidly changing systems? What is the limit to the speed of change? What payment and reward structures will be necessary to encourage SME service suppliers? What will be the new industry models and supply chain arrangements?

25 SEISN 2001 25 Multidisciplinary Research Multidisciplinarity = the use of knowledge, models and skills from outside the IT domain. However multidisciplinary research is only truly interdisciplinary when driven by a unified need to achieve a common goal, in this case to model software as a service, and then it provides the opportunity of bringing together, academics and industrialists from a range of disciplines with a common objective.

26 SEISN 2001 26 Conclusion Long term software engineering research and innovation is a multidisciplinary activity SEISN has been very successful in –better mutual understanding of SE and IS, and extrapolation to other fields e.g. law –Research process –Win/win collaborative research

27 SEISN 2001 27 Acknowledgements EPSRC, BT and Leverhulme Trust Colleagues and co-authors at Keele, UMIST, Durham –David Budgen, Pearl Brereton –Paul Layzell, Linda Macauley, Nicolas Gold –Malcolm Munro, Jie Xu

28 SEISN 2001 28 END

29 SEISN 2001 29 end

30 SEISN 2001 30 Acknowledgements Keele: David Budgen, Pearl Brereton UMIST: Paul Layzell, Nic Gold, Linda Macauley Durham: Malcolm Munro, Jie Xu Funding: EPSRC, BT, Leverhulme

31 SEISN 2001 31 Plan of talk Problem domain Problem definition PROBLEMSOLUTION Service architecture Service demonstrator Method CACM paper APSEC paper NOW

32 SEISN 2001 32 Project Philosophy Interdisciplinary teams across universities, industry UK and international visitors, industrial secondments Partnerships with industry, access to SMEs, user engagement, spin-outs, technology transfer, domains Interdisciplinary Inclusive Outward facing Research themes Architecture, data, formalisation, evaluation, supply chains Software As a Service

33 SEISN 2001 33 The UK Software Engineering Enterprise Core Funding Exemplar Service provider Technology transfer & consultancy EPSRC curiosity - driven research Industrial research Strategic Partnerships Education and Training Incubation Units Spin-off Companies Enhanced industrial technology and increased competitiveness Educated workforce and Increased public understanding New start-ups, innovative market development, strengthened UK industrial base Cohesive software engineering research agenda, re-engaged with users Partnership benefits to major suppliers and SMEs through the software service supply chain Wealth generation

34 SEISN 2001 34 Strategic issue Not a technical issue High profile company problems Headlines in FT, shareholder return disasters Board level problem A few recent headline examples Strategic: research needs to help those at top level in companies, many of which are ever more IT businesses.

35 SEISN 2001 35 Today: Software is a Product “If the seal is broken, the guarantee is void” Payroll Record hours Calculate pay Check legislation Recharge to cost centres Produce payslips Transfer money Print slips

36 SEISN 2001 36 Future: Software as a Service Vision = instant service Customer Inland Revenue BT (SME) SAGE IBM ICL

37 SEISN 2001 37 Software Licences and ownership Responsibilities prior to use System failure recovery and redress Organisational procedures and impact Personalisation and configuration Privacy, protection and security Performance criteria Payment terms and conditions The Business of Software

38 SEISN 2001 38 Serviceware Payment terms and conditions Personalisation and configuration Privacy, protection and security Performance criteria Binding System failure recovery and redress Responsibilities prior to use Trust and confidence Software

39 SEISN 2001 39 How do we realise this? Web based demonstrators already exist EPSRC network Interdisciplinary software engineering Research grants with industry as uncles and supporters Case studies with industry Direct sponsorship of research by industry Transition routes for industry

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