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© Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Wirecloud (Application Mashup GE) Hands-on Webinar (November, 2012) Dr. Javier Soriano Dr. Rafael.

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Presentation on theme: "© Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Wirecloud (Application Mashup GE) Hands-on Webinar (November, 2012) Dr. Javier Soriano Dr. Rafael."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Wirecloud (Application Mashup GE) Hands-on Webinar (November, 2012) Dr. Javier Soriano ( Dr. Rafael Fernández ( Dr. Miguel Jiménez ( Mr. Álvaro Arranz ( )

2 DIAPOSITIVA 2 A small application or piece of dynamic content that can be easily placed into a web page Often encapsulate a Web API (directly or through an operator) Can be easily embedded into webpages (HTML snippets) "Mashable" widgets generate/consume events, so that they can be wired together to create a lightweight application mashup  This requires a widget platform What is a Widget? © Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

3 DIAPOSITIVA 3 Lightweight application combining data, services and UIs from multiple sources Developed by either IT or business staff, as well as by end users Created in hours or days, not months Uses a Web Oriented Architecture (WOA) Often relies on internal + external web services (Web APIs) Done at data, logic and/or presentation layers What is a Mashup? © Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

4 DIAPOSITIVA 4 Operators represents functionality managed at the presentation layer Empower the user to create data mashups (Access + Transform data sources) by piping + Web API wrapping Enhance widget functionality by wiring them each other What is an operator? © Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

5 DIAPOSITIVA 5 Different types of mashups Presentation-focused (App Mashups) Assemble + wire Example scenario: Highly personalized information/control dashboards (trouble tickets, stock quote, forge tools, etc.) Operators represents Piping + Web API wrapping Example scenario: Decouple a “chat” widget from the target service: sms, twitter private msg, email, etc. Data Mashups: Access + Transform data sources Example scenario: Take data of insurance polices and merge with feed from National Weather Service The term mashup encompasses both data and presentation mashups: © Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

6 DIAPOSITIVA 6 Line of business, “self-service” application development Dynamic, “at the glass” application assembly, without the underlying components (widgets, operators) needing to know about each other ahead of time (it fosters reusability) Rapid creation of situational / instant applications that solve day-to- day problems Rapid-prototyping of web applications Use cases: Self-service aggregation of information from heterogeneous sources (e.g. sensors) Enabling customer-centric applications Effortless syndication of content How knowledge workers / customers are using mashups © Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

7 DIAPOSITIVA 7 Driver: Web API explosion ( © Center for Open Middleware © Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

8 DIAPOSITIVA 8 When to Use Mashup Style of Development in Companies © IBM Software Group © Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

9 DIAPOSITIVA 9 When to Use Mashup Style of Development in Companies © Scaffidi Situational Applications Rapidly created to address an immediate need of an individual or community Typically short-lived (a just-in-time solution) Good enough Built by domain experts (knowledge workers) to solve their own problems Why companies want Mashup Foster innovation by unlocking and remixing information in ways not originally planned for Quickly uncover new business insights by easily assembling information from multiple sources Increase agility by supporting dynamic assembly and configuration of applications Speed development and reduce development costs through lightweight integration, reuse and sharing Targeting the Long Tail: > 90M end-users (incl. Business prof.) trying to solve day-to-day problems US Estimates for 2012 (double for WW) < 3M full-time application developers working on software intensive projects (IT department) © Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

10 DIAPOSITIVA 10 Demo Videos Use case 1: Developing a mashup from the widgets and making it available through a catalog Use case 2: Enhancing / customizing a mashup, starting from the previous one Use case 3: Developing a event- driven dashboard as an application mashup © Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

11 DIAPOSITIVA 11 Wirecloud Open Specs © Javier Soriano Wirecloud is a Reference Implementation of the Application Mashup Generic Enabler. FIWARE.OpenSpecification.Apps.ApplicationMashup Widget and Mashup Definition Languages (WDL & MDL) WDL XML Template Schema MDL XML Template Schema Widgets and Mashups are to be offered in the FI-WARE Store GE and managed by the FIWARE Marketplace GE: RDF(S) vocabularies built upon Linked Data principles as Linked USDL extensions WDL-RDF MDL-RDF

12 DIAPOSITIVA 12 Wirecloud Open Specs: WDL © Javier Soriano

13 DIAPOSITIVA 13 Wirecloud Open Specs: MDL © Javier Soriano

14 DIAPOSITIVA 14 Wirecloud Open Specs: Widget API & App Mashup API © Javier Soriano The Application Mashup GE offers two separate APIs that cannot be combined because of their different nature: FIWARE.OpenSpecification.Apps.WidgetAPI FIWARE.OpenSpecification.Apps.ApplicationMashupAPI Those APIs are "live" APIs. We are working on offering new functionalities, such as: Providing widgets with RW access to platform data Getting access to other FI-WARE GEs (i.e. pubsub broker)

15 DIAPOSITIVA 15 Resources © Javier Soriano Wirecloud website Wirecloud entry in the FIWARE catalogue Application Mashup Open Specs Resources for end users Wirecloud platform user guide Demo videos Wirecloud instance in the FI-WARE testbed Resources for administrators Wirecloud platform installation and administration guide Most updated version of the documentation Most recent version of the platform (mirror) Most recent version of the platformmirror Resources for programmers Wirecloud platform programmers guide Tutorial on how to develop a Widget from scratch Widgets and operators currently stored in the CoNWeT Lab's instance of Wirecloud. Most updated version of the documentation

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