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Talent Identification and Development

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1 Talent Identification and Development
A Consultancy Approach

2 Objective To outline an approach to Talent Identification and Development for the ARLB as if they were clients of the griffology consultancy organisation.

3 Relevant Experience HR Background – Training, Management Development – Personal Development First RFU Referee Development Officer – 3 Development Squads – Investors in People First IRB Referee Development Officer U19’s – U21’s – Sevens The Natal Experience NSW NZ experience

4 Talent Identification
Referee Coaching Reports Assessment Reports Club Reports DATABASE Structured Appointments Networks DEVELOPMENT PROCESS

5 Development Squad Objective
 To improve the performance of development squad members by education, training and coaching so that they provide a better service to the teams they are refereeing and thereby provide opportunities for their advancement.

6 Input – Output Process INPUT ANALYSIS OUTPUT

Each development squad member has different strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats Each development squad member will have different needs There will be group or generic needs Detailed individual Personal Referee Development Plans (PRDP) Detailed group development plans. Enables the development of tailored development interventions

8 TEAMWORK INPUT ANALYSIS OUTPUT Group development Peer Review
Peer support and assistance Lack of dependence on development staff More teamwork involved in the world of match officials Teamwork encourages the development of each other Poor performance by one is a reflection on all. In our interests to support each other Teamwork

Everybody has preferred Learning styles Honey and Mumford Activist Reflector Theorist Pragmatist Other theories – Aural – Visual - Kinaesthetic Learning Styles Stylised coaching and learning inputs Squad members appreciate the need to complete the learning cycle

10 Self Discovery and Problem Solving Models
INPUT ANALYSIS OUTPUT Self Discovery and Problem Solving Models Action plans that have been developed by the squad members that have their commitment UNCOVER CAUSE PROBLEM SOLUTION ACTIONS

11 Athlete Diary INPUT ANALYSIS OUTPUT Athlete Diary
There will be a great deal of information generated during the year There is a need to to set and monitor targets e.g. Fitness Performance improvement Detailed Targets Development Action Plans. PRDP Reinforcement of learning Self Assessment File Coaching File

12 Technical Models INPUT ANALYSIS OUTPUT Technical Models
Lists in Aide memoirs are helpful but not personal Need to make them real for the individual Lists are not active they are motionless, the game is dynamic Models that work for the development squad members practiced in live situations

13 Resource Facilitation
INPUT ANALYSIS OUTPUT Resource Facilitation The Development squad Manager or Facilitator cannot be an expert on all subjects The person has to become a resource investigator Expert Tailored Inputs e.g. Technical Modules Fitness Nutrition Massage Therapy

Can be designed to reflect referee work: Get there – get away – positioning – keeping out of the way – lasting 80 minutes all using drills designed around SAQ Maintenance and improvement in referee specific fitness Fitness levels reviewed regularly

15 Communication Skills and Behavioural Models
INPUT ANALYSIS OUTPUT Communication models that will work with Administrators, coaches, captains and players orally and with the body Communication Skills and Behavioural models Is there too much chat, is there too little Is the behaviour assertive v aggressive Effect of body language Do I know the effect my behaviour has on others

16 Mental Skills Development
INPUT ANALYSIS OUTPUT Mental Skills Development Every referee is different Arousal Arousal suppression Behaviours under pressure Visioning skills Mental Skills strategy for each squad member

Profiled appointments that develop the squad To develop the referee needs a range and a variety of experiences Speedy matches Tough aggressive matches Testing matches Practice matches Appointments

18 Coaching INPUT ANALYSIS OUTPUT Coaching Analysis of performance
Quantitative Qualitative Self Assessment – Bruce Cooks presentation at the pre season meeting Individual Performance Improvement

19 Assessment INPUT ANALYSIS OUTPUT Quantative assessment of performance
Benchmarking of performance and performance improvement Assessment

20 Squad Database INPUT ANALYSIS OUTPUT Squad Database
Significant amount of information is gathered On field performance from assessments and coaching reports Off field performance – fitness and Mental skills Detailed information on each Referee

21 Profiling INPUT ANALYSIS OUTPUT Information used for Appointments
Promotion Further Development Profiling Database information On field Off field Progress

22 Development Managers Performance Review Process
INPUT ANALYSIS OUTPUT 2 matches during the season From morning to night Observe preparation Observe performance Observe interactions: Administrators – Captains – players – assessor - spectators Development Managers Review Process A review of the referee’s performance in its entirety

23 Development Process Review
INPUT ANALYSIS OUTPUT Development Process Review A review by the squad members SWOT What worked What did not What could be improved An improved process for the next group

Process has to be enjoyable or the squad will disintegrate Balanced group who know when and how to have FUN

25 Technical Session 1 – 1.5 hours
Typical Programme Change and Shower – eat 30 minutes Technical Session 1 – 1.5 hours SAQ 1hour

26 INVESTMENT 12 development squad meetings 3 hours duration – 36 hours
Preparation for the meetings 1 hour – 12 hours Database and record maintenance – 30 hours in the season Resource investigation and organisation - 12 hours Review days - 72 hours Coaching - 60 hours

27 Objective To outline an approach to Talent Identification and Development for the ARLB as if they were clients of the griffology consultancy organisation.

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